JTM45 vs SV20?

  • Thread starter Gene Ballzz
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Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
Wasn't there a rumor floating around on this forum about a possible JTM20 Studio release?
it probably won't have so much bass, but, inherently, the topology has more bass, so, this might be an interesting tone creature...

They added images, not sure if that's what it'll look like, but, if so, I like...

Gene Ballzz

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
Well here's my list of dilemmas:
A> While the re-issues get mostly OK reviews, I'd rather go for one in the slightly more authentic range, but I simply can't justify that expense!
B> Well built clones are reputed to come closer to the originals than the current re-issues.
C> I already have all the components, chassis and iron to build one with a 6V6 power section. I've been know to do some pretty OK amp builds.The down side is that the brain trust of friends that are known great amp builders have convinced me that a 6V6 version will still leave me wanting!
D> I really want to at least use up and/or sell the stuff I have, so I'll likely do the 6V6 build, work out any and all bugs and sell it, if it doesn't float my boat. Of course, for just the price of a chassis, I could build a really nice, 6V6, 5E4 Tweed Super, put it in the gorgeous new Tweed cabinet that I have for it and sell that!
E> Then I'll simply get a kit from Ceriatone, MojoTone, Modulus or source from Valvestorm. Transformer sourcing is still an issue with the Valvestorm route!

I guess what it boils down to is me simply wanting the real deal!

Decisions, Decisions?


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Aug 22, 2006
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The Antipodes
Yep do a JTM45 also, mine's a Ceriatone clone with Marstran trannies and KT 66s, the tonal difference is there and very Beano album for sure.
You can overdrive the JTM the same as the SV however the Bass on my JTM I have at 1 with the SV tone controls a lot more useable comparing the two, JTMs Presence, Treble and Middle all on 10.
Can't remember what I did with the Bright cap on the JTM as it was 2006 when I got my amp guru to do the work on it but on the SV I changed the 4.7nf Bright cap resistor to 100pf as the High Treble channel is far too noisy and screechy, made it instantly more user friendly.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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Barrie, ON
Friendly Folks,

I've not really seen any comparison of the JTM45 and the SV20. While I'm absolutely in love with my SV20H, an all original JTM45 was the "one that got away" in my early days! At the time, I didn't even realize the differences between it and a 50 watt head. I had it in my hands (on loan) for a couple weeks and two or three gigs. What I remember most is that with my Les Paul Custom into that amp and through my '72 1960B, the rig almost seemed to play itself! And it was not deafeningly loud.

Given only a "officially stated" 10 watt difference and the fact that as most of you know, "I've got some great attenuators" at my disposal, so volume is less of an issue. What I'm curious about is the tonal and nuance differences, between the two amps? Would there be anything truly gained by stepping up to a JTM45, from an SV20? I'm getting the amp building itch, and looking at my options.

Thanks Folks,
The JTM 45 is a very different animal. This is the only Marshall amp which doesn't feel "squishy", if it makes sense, because it uses a tube rectifier which also greatly affects dynamics of the amp which is very different compared to the Plexi. It has bloom. A good JTM 45 does not break up early, it blooms instead. Bloom happens when the rectifier can't handle the signal instantaneously, so it delays it instead which greatly increases the sustain whereas the amp still sounds clean. The JTM45 is deliciously nuanced in general. I could go on about it for hours. I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes clean and edge-of-brake-up tones. This amp is the best for this kind of thing. Not really suitable for distortion junkies though. It gets too muddy when distorted. I have a very faithful clone which is a source of infinite joy for me.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2014
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Ive got a LTD ED Metropoulos JTM45 clone, and it stays clean way up on the dial. To about at least 5-6. When dimed and guitar dimed it has great natural overdrive, and mine takes pedals like a champ.
I mainly use an old 1989 Marshall The Guv'nor for more overdrive, and gain. The Guv'nor keeps the same basic tone of my amp, but allows me to add more of everything. To me, the Guv'nor, and a JTM45 are made for each other. They now make an authentic replica of the original Guv'nor. I also have all NOS glass.

Also from what I understand the Drake era Amps have about 8 more watts than the Radiospares version.
George at Metro Amps says my amp is 38w RMS. The Marshall Reissue which I understand is more of a Radiospares version, is rated at 30 watts.

I run my head through 4 Pulsonic G12Ms, and a Mather repro JTM45/100 TVB cabinet, with EC Collins Bluesbreaker/Pinstripe cloth. For me its the best sounding sub 50w amp ever made.
For a 50w amp, Id go or a Germino Club 40 with solid state rectifier.

But for me the king of amps is the JTM45/100, and you say you have an attenuator. Id go for a Germino Monterey and have the tone stack modded for what is known as the Hendrix Mod, which became the standard tone stack by 1968.
If you ever get The Guv'nor, use a power supply. Its got the worst battery access of any pedal Ive ever seen. It a nightmare to get the battery out.





Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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Barrie, ON
Ive got a LTD ED Metropoulos JTM45 clone, and it stays clean way up on the dial. To about at least 5-6. When dimed and guitar dimed it has great natural overdrive, and mine takes pedals like a champ.
I mainly use an old 1989 Marshall The Guv'nor for more overdrive, and gain. The Guv'nor keeps the same basic tone of my amp, but allows me to add more of everything. To me, the Guv'nor, and a JTM45 are made for each other. They now make an authentic replica of the original Guv'nor. I also have all NOS glass.

Also from what I understand the Drake era Amps have about 8 more watts than the Radiospares version.
George at Metro Amps says my amp is 38w RMS. The Marshall Reissue which I understand is more of a Radiospares version, is rated at 30 watts.

I run my head through 4 Pulsonic G12Ms, and a Mather repro JTM45/100 TVB cabinet, with EC Collins Bluesbreaker/Pinstripe cloth. For me its the best sounding sub 50w amp ever made.
For a 50w amp, Id go or a Germino Club 40 with solid state rectifier.

But for me the king of amps is the JTM45/100, and you say you have an attenuator. Id go for a Germino Monterey and have the tone stack modded for what is known as the Hendrix Mod, which became the standard tone stack by 1968.
If you ever get The Guv'nor, use a power supply. Its got the worst battery access of any pedal Ive ever seen. It a nightmare to get the battery out.

Well, yours is even a more faithful clone then mine. Nice.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2014
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Well, yours is even a more faithful clone then mine. Nice.

Mines a faithful reproduction of George Metropoulos late 65-66 JTM45, except he used PEC pots for the Tone controls vs CTS.
Mine was made by George himself in 2013, and was a LTD ED model. It as a $3500 head when new. It came from him with NOS GEC KT66s, and I swapped them out for some coated glass 1956 Marconi Osram KT66s, and put 2 Mullard 10M Gold Lins in V1-V2, and a 1957 Mullard Mc1 Long Plate in Phase Inverter, and a 1961 Fat Base Mullard GZ34 rectifier. It originally came with TAD preamp, and Rectifier tubes. Ive still got the GECs for backups.

George also had Heyboer wind the transformers to his specs. They are Drake Transformer reproductions. Closest thing Ill ever get to an original JTM45







Gene Ballzz

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
Very frustrating just trying to find a JTM45 that I can get my grubby little paws on to try! While I have no problem coughing up for to & fro shipping for a new one (basically renting it for a month), I'm not sure that will give me the real picture, with the current re-issue's 5881 power tubes! It kinda sucks to have to buy, or even more likely build an amp, just to see if it is the one!
Simply Rantin'


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2009
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detroit rock city
Try the Hendrix 20!!
Very frustrating just trying to find a JTM45 that I can get my grubby little paws on to try! While I have no problem coughing up for to & fro shipping for a new one (basically renting it for a month), I'm not sure that will give me the real picture, with the current re-issue's 5881 power tubes! It kinda sucks to have to buy, or even more likely build an amp, just to see if it is the one!
Simply Rantin'


Well-Known Yinzer
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Apr 7, 2020
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Very frustrating just trying to find a JTM45 that I can get my grubby little paws on to try! While I have no problem coughing up for to & fro shipping for a new one (basically renting it for a month), I'm not sure that will give me the real picture, with the current re-issue's 5881 power tubes! It kinda sucks to have to buy, or even more likely build an amp, just to see if it is the one!
Simply Rantin'
Have you considered the Ceriatone?

Gene Ballzz

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
Have you considered the Ceriatone?

I have, but if I get a CeriaTone, I'd likely buy a kit, so that I save a little money and can build it my way, adding a good loop instead of Nik's, etc. Not to mention, the kits seem to ship almost overnight, as opposed to months of waiting. And then, if getting a kit, the Modulus seems like way more bang for the buck! Still the problem is getting to play through at least some version of JTM45, before permanently committing.
Thanks To You Too,


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Apr 23, 2010
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On the back 9
My JTM45 (1962 combo) is a more laid back amp than my SV20H. It has that lovely sleazy tone that comes from the tube rectifier sag. It makes you play differently, if that makes any sense. I still sound like me when I play (whether that's a good or a bad thing 😆) but my attack is different. I'm less likely to go for faster passages and heavy power chords, slower, more sustaining, chilled out solos and open arpeggios are the order of the day. If you like a good chugga, look elsewhere.

Gene Ballzz

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
@Gene Ballzz, build the JTM45, you know you want it! My eyes are also on the Modulus kit, whenever i can buy it...

Yeah, unless we can find a suitable singer, I may need to say goodbye to live performances, as my voice can currently only handle two medium sets (18-20 songs) and my left shoulder is getting really bad! I so want to experiment with and expand my tonal explorations, but may need to just be satisfied with my SV20H! Being a lifelong performer is tough to say goodbye to, but "c'est la vie" and its been a great run! Making most of my life's living as a performer (interspersed with some sound engineer touring) has pretty much defined who I am and I'm sad to see it go! Hey, at least in the last several years I've expanded from being a strictly humbucker Les Paul style kinda guy, to the glorious world of single coil Strats, with wiggle sticks! The SV20 and single coil Strat is truly a match made in heaven! I'd just love to find out if a really great JTM45 can take it that extra notch over the top! The Les Pauls still have their place/use, here & there, but a great Strat is an amazing tool. Having the right amp is critical though!

Heck, with my shoulder issue, I can barely even do any work on my Hot Rods! At least I can still drive my stick shift '68 Mustang!

Simply Thankin'
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2015
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Blue Springs Mo
Very frustrating just trying to find a JTM45 that I can get my grubby little paws on to try!

I too was in this camp for a long long time. When I finally found a used, beat up one to try. I bought it straight away. Wasn't long before I bought a second, new one for a spare.
Eventually I sold the beat up one.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2022
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And yet again I wander idly into a thread on my lunch break and end up wanting, sorry, needing a JTM45. Again!

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