Lots of guitars or not?

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2015
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Guitars are one thing you are socially allowed to have more off.
More than one wife or girlfriend will always result in trouble, especilly if you get them both or all of them in the same room.
I once was in a band with a drummer who was "going steady" with seven different girls at the same time. One night four of them showed up at a gig. Funny thing - if one girl had been going steady with four different guys and they all showed up at the same time, the guys would want to fight each other to prove who was most worthy. But once these four girls figured out what was going on, they were all like long-lost best buddies, and they all wanted to kill the drummer. Another of the innumerable differences between men and women I guess.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2020
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I can hear my guitars fighting in my head " omg, he can play you today, I'm sick of him hammering away at me with no sense of rythym or purpose" " no way, it's your turn, I had that last night"
Actually if I had 2 wives / girlfriends they'd probably have the same argument....

Dry Toast

Nov 20, 2020
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Down a rabbit hole here I know, but reading the following, I have to reply:

...46 percent of trees have been felled... And for what reason? So that me, a weekend/bedroom warrior can have dozens of guitars that I can't even take advantage of?

This implies the manufacturers of wooden musical instruments contribute to the problem, when the truth of the matter couldn’t be further from the truth. From the mahogany plantation Gibson is heavily invested in to the positively impactful reclamation efforts at Fender, musical instrument manufacturers, if they ever were part of the problem, are now almost all net positive.

If the morality doesn’t convince you, the bottom line should: they know wood is their lifeline, and they know we don’t want goofy alternatives.

As with most of man’s sins, there are several flavors, but the two biggest are the elite’s appetite for endangered materials for high-end furniture and simple land clearing for farming purposes.

The most recent burning of the Amazon (a considerable portion of your referenced percentage) wasn’t for lumber at all, it was simply to clear the land. Wild rainforests aren’t adding to anyone’s bottom line. *eyerolls*

Simon McGennan

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Sep 9, 2017
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I'm not sure what to say , I own 60+ guitars ,maybe 65 really not sure .wouldn't know what to keep or sell as i have some form of attachment to most of them, I have 3 exactly the same brand ,finish ,product run matching Les Paul Copies (law suit era) bought over 25 years and an acoustic special to my heart (owned 40 years) I am being buried with, and all that said there really are only a few i would part with without a fight actually rarely play these days as arthritis kicks in but they are my babies so are my family of amps but thats another story :)


In Memorandum
Feb 28, 2013
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I own more guitars than a normal person should own.

My Grestch White Falcon is getting most of my time.

Really my Gibson ES 335 is getting played a lot too.

Thin line and hollow bodies are not the norm.



New Member
Jan 19, 2016
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I used to own around 20 guitars, mainly Gibson custom LP's, a '58 korina Flying V reissue, 900 series Taylors when they were made with Brazilian rosewood and a few Marshalls. My psycho "ex" wife rammed the headstock of my Gibson '58 V into the front of my mint '68 Marshall Plexi, destroying my Plexi, then slamming the body of the V on the ground which destroyed my prized Flying V. She then proceeded to take my Taylor 912 limited edition and destroyed it. She also took a ruby red 5A top LP custom and my '61 reissue SG and destroyed those. All this while I was at work and this was all over someone told her I spent 69 cents...yes, 69 cents on a bean burrito at Taco Bell without me telling her. I now own a Gibson SG standard, Epi LP given to me so my 5 yr old daughter can learn to play and a DSL 40c. I am in the market for a Marshall JMP 2104 to get back some of that magic.


Well-Known Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 6, 2018
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I used to own around 20 guitars, mainly Gibson custom LP's, a '58 korina Flying V reissue, 900 series Taylors when they were made with Brazilian rosewood and a few Marshalls. My psycho "ex" wife rammed the headstock of my Gibson '58 V into the front of my mint '68 Marshall Plexi, destroying my Plexi, then slamming the body of the V on the ground which destroyed my prized Flying V. She then proceeded to take my Taylor 912 limited edition and destroyed it. She also took a ruby red 5A top LP custom and my '61 reissue SG and destroyed those. All this while I was at work and this was all over someone told her I spent 69 cents...yes, 69 cents on a bean burrito at Taco Bell without me telling her. I now own a Gibson SG standard, Epi LP given to me so my 5 yr old daughter can learn to play and a DSL 40c. I am in the market for a Marshall JMP 2104 to get back some of that magic.

WTF !!!!!..................


Mar 14, 2020
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I used to own around 20 guitars, mainly Gibson custom LP's, a '58 korina Flying V reissue, 900 series Taylors when they were made with Brazilian rosewood and a few Marshalls. My psycho "ex" wife rammed the headstock of my Gibson '58 V into the front of my mint '68 Marshall Plexi, destroying my Plexi, then slamming the body of the V on the ground which destroyed my prized Flying V. She then proceeded to take my Taylor 912 limited edition and destroyed it. She also took a ruby red 5A top LP custom and my '61 reissue SG and destroyed those. All this while I was at work and this was all over someone told her I spent 69 cents...yes, 69 cents on a bean burrito at Taco Bell without me telling her. I now own a Gibson SG standard, Epi LP given to me so my 5 yr old daughter can learn to play and a DSL 40c. I am in the market for a Marshall JMP 2104 to get back some of that magic.

Sorry to hear this, bro. Precisely why women should not be allowed to vote.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I know most guys like to have lots of guitars and thats cool.......very cool in certain collections.
But I know for me Ive never been able to afford to have allot of higher end guitars around. And for me I just have no interest in having a bunch of "affordable" instruments kicking around. Ive had a few nice axes Ive had to sell and regret and a couple I regret selling to fund other guitars that turned out to be a mistake also.
But generally Ive allways stuck to having 2 or 3 electrics I really bond with and an acoustic. Ones that have the sex appeal that makes me want to pick them up and the tone. If I have one I dont LOVE it usually gets the chopping block sooner or later. Right now I have 6 my SG, my Strat, a Takamine Jumbo acoustic(currently under decision to chop)an Epi Junior(prolly cut loose eventually) and 2 sentimental guitars(a partscaster and acoustic) I cant sell...even though I dont play them much. Hell I just sold my old MIJ strat after debating a pickup change.
Back when I had 12 guitars kicking around it was like I had 2 I played everyday and 10 I had to keep cleaning dust off of.
If/when I can afford more good guitars I'd prolly add a Les Paul an Explorer and a Nice Tele to the stash as well as a Taylor Acoustic. But for me I dont really have a lust to own 100 guitars. I dont dream on vintage 50s/60s guitars anymore. So I think an ideal end all collection for me would be An SG, a Stratocaster ,LP , Explorer(cause Allen Collins had one), a Tele and a Taylor.
Anyone else a minimalist?
I dont have a bunch and I couldnt afford a bunch of expensive guitars any way, so I usually agonize over decisions for years before I actually make a purchase meanwhile saving the money up.


New Member
Feb 23, 2021
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Only 2, but a dream of mine is to have a nice collection of electrics.

Filipe Soares

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
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I used to own around 20 guitars, mainly Gibson custom LP's, a '58 korina Flying V reissue, 900 series Taylors when they were made with Brazilian rosewood and a few Marshalls. My psycho "ex" wife rammed the headstock of my Gibson '58 V into the front of my mint '68 Marshall Plexi, destroying my Plexi, then slamming the body of the V on the ground which destroyed my prized Flying V. She then proceeded to take my Taylor 912 limited edition and destroyed it. She also took a ruby red 5A top LP custom and my '61 reissue SG and destroyed those. All this while I was at work and this was all over someone told her I spent 69 cents...yes, 69 cents on a bean burrito at Taco Bell without me telling her. I now own a Gibson SG standard, Epi LP given to me so my 5 yr old daughter can learn to play and a DSL 40c. I am in the market for a Marshall JMP 2104 to get back some of that magic.

The problem is not she's a woman, the main problem is she is crazy as fuck. even if you lose 50% of everything in the divorce, it was still a cheap divorce!!!


*** Canceled ***
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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I think I've owned as many as 20 at one time. I'd go with 5 or less: one that's your "bestie", one to back it up in case something ever happens to it, and maybe a Strat, a Tele and some kind of hollowbody - IF - you'd have a legit use for the last 3. Even with 5, it's a pain to keep 'em tuned up, in spec and keep fresh strings on 'em. When I had a lot of guitar I wouldn't even touch most of them because I'd be thinking, "oh man, I'll have to tweak the truss, change the strings, tune it up - it gets to be a pain to just plug in and jam. Even now I have 7 I think, and I only play maybe two.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2020
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I used to own around 20 guitars, mainly Gibson custom LP's, a '58 korina Flying V reissue, 900 series Taylors when they were made with Brazilian rosewood and a few Marshalls. My psycho "ex" wife rammed the headstock of my Gibson '58 V into the front of my mint '68 Marshall Plexi, destroying my Plexi, then slamming the body of the V on the ground which destroyed my prized Flying V. She then proceeded to take my Taylor 912 limited edition and destroyed it. She also took a ruby red 5A top LP custom and my '61 reissue SG and destroyed those. All this while I was at work and this was all over someone told her I spent 69 cents...yes, 69 cents on a bean burrito at Taco Bell without me telling her. I now own a Gibson SG standard, Epi LP given to me so my 5 yr old daughter can learn to play and a DSL 40c. I am in the market for a Marshall JMP 2104 to get back some of that magic.
WOW I woulda killed her......:mad2:.......


New Member
Aug 5, 2020
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And here goes the rabbit hole a little further:

I only meant to give sth to think about. Never said instrument manufacturers are the sole problem here. And yes, there are bigger contributors. But you won't stop the impact of consumerism with plantations. Not on this scale at least. These trees take decades to grow. Nobody will sit around and wait for them. Plus to make plantations you need land. That land you have to take away from sth else. It's not like they just grow anywhere... There's no such thing as net positive. Going green. Sustainability. Most of the time it's just mere marketing. Apple claims to be as green as possible yet they design (using the worlds best designers at hand) items that can't be repaired. Or change their battery. And even if it's sincere it's just simply not enough. Otherwise we wouldn't stand where we are standing now. I'm sure luthiers know they make their living from wood. But the more they use, the better they live (and you can't blame them for wanting to live better). But we are not talking about luthiers here. These companies are run by people who I'm pretty sure, never ever touched a guitar. And they only care about 3 things: money, money and money... The goofy alternatives are already here and been for a long time: artificial vanilla, palm oil instead of real butter, nato vs Honduran mahogany or the cardboard Stratocaster from Fender. On the other hand we have consumers who want the same LP in 10 different colours. Or cars. Or shoes. Or whatever. Land is cleared by the elite and the poor alike. 10 elite guitars need about the same amount of material as 10 cheap guitars. And I could go on. But to sum it up: The problem is not when someone has 10+ guitars. But when millions want 10 plus guitars. Today we are 8 billion. That might double in the very near future. The problem is CONSUMERISM!


New Member
Aug 5, 2020
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I doubt there's any tremolo on Nightrain. It's just his left hand. According to interviews I had found it's 1 guitar only on that album. But since I wasn't there, I can't argue about it. And it doesn't matter. UYI had lots of different guitars. Way more than Appetite. Did it make them any better? I don't think so. (Just for the record: I love them as much as AFD. They are not better but not worst either. They are just different.)

Yes, if you are a musician who lives from gigging, you'll need more than 1 guitar. Yes, you can't do dive bombs without a tremolo. Yes, you'll need backups. But will you need the same LP in 20 different bursts? I doubt it. Will you need 20 different amps and cabs and speakers and pickups, etc? I doubt it. Yes, to sound Jimmy you'll need his rig. Yes, to sound Zakk you'll need a completely different rig. And so on. But killing our world - is it worth it? I doubt it.

Once again, if you are on that guitar god level, yes, you'll need lots of different guitars to get that 10% extra. But until then, a couple of guitars, talent and dedication will take you a lot further than playing a Les Paul on Monday (the gold top next Monday, the tobacco burst next month), a BC Rich on Tuesday, and etc... And a little creativity goes a long way. Anyway! I have no intention to change anyone. But sth to think about: right now we are "fighting" who has the most killer flame top and the biggest collection. One day soon, we'll fight for clean drinking water...

Toolwise: A guitar has 6 strings. A Telecaster or a Stratocaster or an LP are the same tool. You use them to play the guitar. You can't use them to play the piano. Yes, they are slightly different, but in general 6 strings with different flavours. They are the same tool to do the same job. And 2 LPs in 2 different colours? A red hammer will be just as good as the same in blue. And yes, there are "specialty tools" like a Floyd Rose or a 7-string, etc. but I guess I made my point...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
One LP, two Strats and a Jazz Bass. Had another Strat, which got stolen.

I'd like one more strat, one more LP and a Tele. And an Ibanez Jem. And another Jazz Bass. Few more amps.

But its good to just settle with a few guitars, and concentrate on playing. I don't actually need anymore gear. I just check used listings everyday anyway ;)

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