Mechanical Tuners needs replacing, which to purchase?

  • Thread starter Dwayne Eash
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Marshall Boogie

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2020
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Watertown, NY USA
What is wrong with suggesting we the people deserve so much better than a century of loosing at politics and the monopolization of the energy cartels against hemp for fuel, clean, renewable, and nearly pollution free. But I say, we should support new limitless energy like Nikola Tesla tried to give to us. But we have everyday people, strongly opposed to their own blessing. @@

What are you trying to say here. You seem very eloquent (well, at least verbose), but seem to keep making the same mistake. Are you somehow, for some reason letting loose on something, or is 'losing' the word you are seeking. I can appreciate your love of the weed, but it is no cure all (I get you are talking about hemp growing for energy but you seem to be talking about and driven by your actual love of the buzz). I have in fact seen someone who has come down with cannabinoid emesis syndrome (sudden onset of severe vomiting due to sensitivity to said weed) which can in fact kill you. As to the assertion that we the people can come up with an alternative energy source that cannot be controlled by "the man" is an ideal that we should aspire to, my days of thinking that this is even remotely possible are gone. They went by the wayside with my youth. Having lived through the 70's and seeing several inventions bought by those in power (the 100 mpg carburetor was one) I have come to realize that the inherent greed possessed by us all is our undoing (greed and at times self preservation)(you throw millions at any inventor and show him the alternative....being driven out of business by those with enough money to truly hurt and enough political power to truly stymie any act on our part). Decisions made under these circumstances are relatively predictable, and do not favor the good of all, rather the needs (wants) of the wealthy and empowered. Quoting the ideals you are espousing of "we" are larger than "they" looks great on paper, but it only takes one sell out to undo the good you are espousing......and that one....he is always lurking.....seeing what advantage he can take of any situation. We live in a country that venerates greed and the needs of the one over the needs of us all, I have often wished this were not true, but facts are what they are. If you ever make any headway with your ideals, I for one will support you, while I stand utterly gobsmacked that your worldview one the day. (just my view from 53).

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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What are you trying to say here. You seem very eloquent (well, at least verbose), but seem to keep making the same mistake. Are you somehow, for some reason letting loose on something, or is 'losing' the word you are seeking. I can appreciate your love of the weed, but it is no cure all (I get you are talking about hemp growing for energy but you seem to be talking about and driven by your actual love of the buzz). I have in fact seen someone who has come down with cannabinoid emesis syndrome (sudden onset of severe vomiting due to sensitivity to said weed) which can in fact kill you. As to the assertion that we the people can come up with an alternative energy source that cannot be controlled by "the man" is an ideal that we should aspire to, my days of thinking that this is even remotely possible are gone. They went by the wayside with my youth. Having lived through the 70's and seeing several inventions bought by those in power (the 100 mpg carburetor was one) I have come to realize that the inherent greed possessed by us all is our undoing (greed and at times self preservation)(you throw millions at any inventor and show him the alternative....being driven out of business by those with enough money to truly hurt and enough political power to truly stymie any act on our part). Decisions made under these circumstances are relatively predictable, and do not favor the good of all, rather the needs (wants) of the wealthy and empowered. Quoting the ideals you are espousing of "we" are larger than "they" looks great on paper, but it only takes one sell out to undo the good you are espousing......and that one....he is always lurking.....seeing what advantage he can take of any situation. We live in a country that venerates greed and the needs of the one over the needs of us all, I have often wished this were not true, but facts are what they are. If you ever make any headway with your ideals, I for one will support you, while I stand utterly gobsmacked that your worldview one the day. (just my view from 53).

I believe I have made enough headway, but that is hard to say since my designs remain unbuilt and untested. Cannabis IS a panacea, as cannabinoids are a form of essential nutrient. Cannabis does not make you throw up, it is best in class anti nausea, so forgive me for doubting that cannabis could kill you, cannabinoids are what keep you healthy.

free energy.jpg

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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You might be allergic to pesticides or herbicides, IDK. Do you have any other allergic reactions or health issues/diseases?

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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My projects ran out of steam, so I started focusing on other things. Thanks for paying attention. I'm kinda broke, barely have internet turned on, might be having the electric turned off, not sure yet if that's next month or this month. I found an amp tech to fix the amp, but now I can't afford to have it fixed!

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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There's talk about a monthly stimulus, but not in 2020, so there has been talk there could be another stimulus check, and it could be 2 grand this time. I hope it comes soon as electric is set to be shut off by middle of next month. But I plan on filing for financial aid, to help take care of that.

Last 7 years, half of the time, I'm without electric for half a month or so. Sorta squashes ideas of growing your own, talk about frustrating when you were paying 2/3 of your income for "legal" meds. Let's hope the electric shut off is not this month, they did not specify the date for shutoff, just that my electric service, if not paid up, will be shut off.

But then again, like every year, my bill is delinquent, and they make the rules. I guess I might be shut off soon, like in a week. I will call to find out. I still have water too, and they usually shut that off before they shut off the electric. But this is unusual pandemic times.

Marshall Boogie

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2020
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Watertown, NY USA in the setting of chronic cannabinoid use.
When I say a family member had it, it is not code for I had it this enough proof you know jack shit about that which you fucking moron.....Dwayne Eash!!!!! Keep selling your weed is God line you pathetic moron.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2013
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Did your family member's issue go away after abstaining from use?

The reason I ask this, is that I am not entirely sure I believe it exists as they tell us. Allow me to explain myself:

CHS presents EXACTLY like CVS (cyclic vomiting syndrome) which I have been diagnosed as having (and is believed to be related to migraine, also which I used to have particularly bad in my youth. Classic migraine, which involves temporary blindness before the headache, and culminating in extreme nausea and vomiting. Scary shit for a kid.) When I grew up more, the migraine started coming less and less, and eventually I "grew out" of having them. Unfortunately they were replaced by CVS. The migraine started to come way less frequently around the time I started using marijuana. Coincidence? Perhaps, perhaps not. Publications about CHS started appearing around the time that there was serious talk about legalization...CVS has been known for a much longer time. Incidentally, many people who had CVS happened to be also regular marijuana users, but not all, and the difference being that if a person stops using marijuana, CHS supposedly goes away. Now I've been a regular daily user for 20+ for a while, I wondered if my habits were the cause of my problem. So I quit...a couple times, actually... And it didn't solve anything, I still came down with bouts of CVS, cementing in my mind, that my particular issue is in fact, not related to my cannabis use in any way, and likely is a form of abdominal migraine instead.

What I am saying is that I believe that CVS and CHS are quite possibly, in fact, one and the same. I think there is one camp that believes it to be migraine-related (migraine is still a bit of a medical mystery btw) and another camp that wants to blame it on cannabinoids. The only real way for an individual to be sure of his/her own condition is to abstain from cannabis use and wait to see if it returns or not.

In my case, abstinence was no help at all, not even a little....even though I had certain doctors try to make me believe otherwise. I was lucky enough to find one doctor who had a daughter with it, and she actually understood what I was telling her.

I have not yet met a single person who has had CHS that was resolved by abstinence...which makes sense because both of these conditions are quite rare, actually.

Which is why I ask, did your family member resolve the issue with abstinence? Did/has your family member have a medical history of migraine? I very much would like to know, as I have been dealing with something similar enough to be medically considered exactly the same for 20 years or more, but I haven't found anything that will relieve it, including abstinence.

Don't get me wrong bro, not trying to imply that you are lying or anything like that - but I have been trying for years to get a grip on my own condition and talking about it with others who have real experience with what I am dealing with - regardless of the name it goes by - is helpful. It's also difficult to do, given that as much as it's used as an argument by the anti-marijuana group, it's an exceedingly rare condition that most people have no actual real first hand knowledge about...sounds like you do actually have some experience there. I don't always trust someone just because they might be a doctor. They do plenty of twisted shit. Fibromyalgia for example: garbage diagnosis. It's what they say when they simply can't figure out what is wrong with a person. Just ask my wife lol. She's been to several "specialists" and not one has actually ever been any help lol

I'm not going to claim that weed is a cure-all and that everyone should use it, because it's not, and it ain't for everyone. But I am very well-studied on the subject and could school almost any budtender anywhere about everything other words, I do know damn well in and out what I'm talking about lol
Going to the weed shops is fun for me. The kids behind the counter just think they know so much lol... little do they know that I was growing top shelf shit before they were out of diapers lol

Finally, OP is obviously a troubled soul...I don't see any reason to call him an asshole or a fucking moron...we all have our problems...

Sorry for the long post, and I realize it's way OT....but Dwayne started it! Lol

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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We are cannabinoid critters, healthy because of cannabinoid regulation from our ECS or Endogenous Cannabinoid System. You might be chronically low since you feel it causes your relative to vomit, when nothing helps you avoid vomiting better than cannabis.

Cannabinoids are in mother's breast milk for the well being of the baby, yet you think cannabinoids are a problem.

I hope you are not chronically deficient in Cannabinoids because that's a medical syndrome you might be suffering from. It doesn't make you look better to put others down, unless your right, and your not right, so chill out on the childish personal attacks, this is topical so please try to get your head out of your arse.

Reefer mania is so old and outdated. Wake up, most of the world has. These days, ignorance is a choice. ;)

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Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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By definition cannabinoids are a panacea. According to the world's most advanced cannabis Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, the function of the ECS, is global homeostatic regulation. That includes keeping the body's systems running properly. Global meaning the entire scope of the entire body. So yes, cannabinoids are a panacea for one's health. You have to deny cannabinoid science like a reefer maniac to be against what keeps us healthy and well.

From a simple google search.

What is the function of the endocannabinoid system?
We now know the endocannabinoid system is involved in a wide variety of processes, including pain, memory, mood, appetite, stress, sleep, metabolism, immune function, and reproductive function. Endocannabinoids are arguably one of the most widespread and versatile signaling molecules known to man.

Sorry I confused which of you are more reefer mania, sorry, with the disease that makes you lie about cannabis. hehe It's probably the best against nausea, so that you keep portraying it as a problem, when it's what keeps us healthy, is kinda strange, it's like your just set in your old and false? ways.

What sets man apart from the animals, we adapt well to an environmental challenge, we change our environment to suit our needs more than any other. Don't be afraid of new improved information. We are cannabinoid critters, and I don't sling weed, I am simply exposing the truth, so stop the petty personal attacks.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Brooklyn, Joey!
The ECS is a system of cannibinoid RECEPTORS. Receptors are cell surface molecules that bind other certain molecules. There are also nicotinic receptors, named so because they have an affinty (or vice versa) for nicotine molecules, or opioid receptors. There are receptors for everything that we eat drink smoke snort or shove. They fact that they exist doesn't make the substances that bind to them panaceas. If anything was a panacea, someone would own the patent on it and have more money than Jeff Bezos, Michael Dell, and Bill Gates combined. I would say that opium/ opioids used therapeutically are way higher on the list of so-called panaceas, and I and other members here can certainly tell you that opium and its derivatives ain't a fucking panacea.

In fact, your red blood cell receptor sites for O2 has an EVEN HIGHER AFFINTY for CO... Which is why people die in their sleep when the pilot light on their heater goes out- the carbon monoxide molecules simply crowd out the molecules of oxygen in your blood. Higher affinity does not equal health.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2013
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The ECS is a system of cannibinoid RECEPTORS. Receptors are cell surface molecules that bind other certain molecules. There are also nicotinic receptors, named so because they have an affinty (or vice versa) for nicotine molecules, or opioid receptors. There are receptors for everything that we eat drink smoke snort or shove. They fact that they exist doesn't make the substances that bind to them panaceas. If anything was a panacea, someone would own the patent on it and have more money than Jeff Bezos, Michael Dell, and Bill Gates combined. I would say that opium/ opioids used therapeutically are way higher on the list of so-called panaceas, and I and other members here can certainly tell you that opium and its derivatives ain't a fucking panacea.

In fact, your red blood cell receptor sites for O2 has an EVEN HIGHER AFFINTY for CO... Which is why people die in their sleep when the pilot light on their heater goes out- the carbon monoxide molecules simply crowd out the molecules of oxygen in your blood. Higher affinity does not equal health.

Nothing is a cure-all. Nothing.

Except maybe death. Which defeats the purpose...

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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The ECS is a system of cannibinoid RECEPTORS. Receptors are cell surface molecules that bind other certain molecules. There are also nicotinic receptors, named so because they have an affinty (or vice versa) for nicotine molecules, or opioid receptors. There are receptors for everything that we eat drink smoke snort or shove. They fact that they exist doesn't make the substances that bind to them panaceas. If anything was a panacea, someone would own the patent on it and have more money than Jeff Bezos, Michael Dell, and Bill Gates combined. I would say that opium/ opioids used therapeutically are way higher on the list of so-called panaceas, and I and other members here can certainly tell you that opium and its derivatives ain't a fucking panacea.

In fact, your red blood cell receptor sites for O2 has an EVEN HIGHER AFFINTY for CO... Which is why people die in their sleep when the pilot light on their heater goes out- the carbon monoxide molecules simply crowd out the molecules of oxygen in your blood. Higher affinity does not equal health.
I never said the fact it has receptors alone was why it's a panacea, it's because cannabinoids are in charge of global (entire body and systems) homeostatic regulation. We make cannabis like compounds, to keep us healthy according to the way our body naturally works. So kiss my grits, it's a known panacea and for centuries.

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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It was in most medicines for most things we get sick for, for nearly 90 years in this nation, without any adverse side effects like big pharma has in toxic truckloads of adverse side effects. You have to deny modern science, and the American national history, to say it's not a panacea of natural healing.

Let's hope your not chronically deficient on cannabinoids, as that syndrome brings on early diseases and generally worse health. Can you say the same for all the crap you compared cannabis to? As they do NOT help the body stay healthy, but cannabis does. Hmmm?

We are cannabinoid critters. Stop denying the modern scientific ECS fact, and part of the ancient historical factual record. In these days of instant information, ignorance is a choice. ;)
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Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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Nothing is a cure-all. Nothing.

Except maybe death. Which defeats the purpose...
Don't miss represent, it's like your rooting for the dark side. I never said it cures everything and every time. Are essential nutrients a healing panacea? No, unless they are mostly absent from our diet, then they become as a panacea, when in fact, they should just be a natural part of our diet.

We are cannabinoid critters, and without enough cannabinoids, man goes crazy, his health deteriorates and so does his spirit and emotional strength. Do you want to know how essential cannabinoids are to humanity???

They did a study to block all usage of the CB1 receptors, not CB2 and possibly/likely others. These CB1 receptors are largely concentrated in the brain, so they theorized this would ideally just stop the munchies, when in fact, cannabinoids are generally in charge of keeping us healthy and well, not just give us the munchies or stop nausea.

This was done in Europe with otherwise normal people who just wanted to loose some weight. They found the people became so poor of health and mental status, that they began to commit suicide.

@@ I'm serious. Rimonabant

shut off CB1.jpg

So they had to take the drug off the market, that blocked cannabis like compounds from working in the body. It was so bad, people became suicidal.

Cannabinoids help in most healthy things done in our body. We are cannabinoid critters, even with cannabinoids in breast milk for the infant/baby!

No need to twist the story so you can better attack it. ;)
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