New JVM410C Day

  • Thread starter Leperclown
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Sep 14, 2021
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If your old setup was too heavy how are you going to manage the weight of the combo?

Hi Sir Don,

The old setup was too heavy: Head + Case (60lbs) & 1960 vintage cab (82 lbs from memory). The real problem was the cab was not only heavy, but difficult (because of its size) to manhandle in and out of the back of my car. I was also gigging a lot more in those days. I went with a lighter more manageable Egnater Tweaker 88 and two 2x12 cabs (still have the Eganter - excellent amp), then on to modellers (at least 12!).

This journey taught me one thing: that great tone weighs a lot - there is no escape from this.. I always missed the JVM's tones, but not the weight.

The JVM410C seems the best compromise. While it weighs 76 pounds, its compact size makes it easy to lift up and down in/out of the back of a station wagon. I have a little trolley (or a bandmate) for moving the amp from the car to a gig or practice. And, most importantly, the JVM sounds amazing.

I am 64 and if the combo gets too much, I'll put a couple of Neo Creambacks in which should pull the weight back to a 'manageable' 64 pounds.

If it is a choice between convenience with compromised tones or a bit of lifting with 'grail' tones, I will always take the latter.


Sep 14, 2021
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Congratulations and pictures or the NAD didn’t happen.

This is my current setup: JVM410C + Foot Pedal + GT1000 4CM (effects & midi control); Atomic Amplifre 3 (Backup); 2x12 cab (2 Celestion Redbacks); Kemper Power Rack (connected to cab & studio monitors).

The JVM + GT1000 is a great combination!

JVM410C #2.jpg
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Sep 14, 2021
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IMG_3071 (002).jpg

Hi all,

Five new Tungsol 12AX7 tubes fitted and Mullard EL34's fitted and biased. Settled on 36 mva per tube. I originally did 35mva, but adjusted it up a bit - Sounds better, but I possibly just imagine this ....

Oh, BTW, The cab combo speakers were disconnected for biasing, but I had hooked up an external cab to maintain a speaker load.

I just ordered a 4x 'tube base probe' bias test kit (Amptata V8 Valve Tester Bias Current Checker) that will allow me to check bias without removing the amp from the cab. Also thinking about an external bias pots & test points mod. I had this done on a prior JVM410 Head and it saved a lot of mucking around (and probably my life!).

A couple of (hopefully) helpful hints:

#1 Flipping the amp upside down onto the cab (supported by a couple of sturdy timbers) made things stable and accessible, (be sure the tubes are kept clear of the speakers). The transformers were resting on the timbers. Another piece of timber was added to one side to account for the different transformer height.

#2, The 'pincer' multimeter probes work very well on the JVM 'trident' type test points. If inserted between the test point prongs, the pincer probes hold themselves in by their own spring force (can also be gently rested on the two small capacitors in front [KEEP FINGERS CLEAR!!!!] or supported by the probe cables). Made taking readings safer and easier - Highly recommended.

Thinking about total weight. Do I need a couple of Celestion Neo Creambacks ($275 Aussie each) which will save 12.5 Lbs (I think) or do I just harden up?

Does anyone have any insights into tonal difference: stock speakers v Creamback Neos?
