Obama ‘cannot guarantee’ benefits checks

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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up-state New York
Dems and Reps behave like the Hatfields and the McCoys! I say, bring the bi-partisan system down!

I'm game. Lets do it. We need Preferential Voting/Instant Run-off and publicly financed campaigns with strict spending limits. Lets see how far this two party duopoly gets then.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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"this is exactly why we need a flat tax of say 5% across the board for everyone. No loop holes.

We have a winner.. yes a flat tax, wouldn't be against a national sales tax either IF it removed all other taxes. BUT 5% won't cut it unless you cut some serious spending. But if we did you would see the economy boom. Can you imagine the extra money in your pocket. It think 15 percent would be more realistic UNTIL we get the debt paid off. Then we can work on restoring the Social Security Trust Fund which both parties have robbed blind.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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How about honest Americans that are not frickin dishonest lawyers for a start. How about people that will serve for only four years and have the best interest of the constitution and American people in mind. People who put America first and not a foreign country or lobbyist.

Honestly I think we need a amendment to the constitution making it a capital offensive for any politician to bring up any legislation that goes beyond the powers set forth in the constitution. Punishable by life in prison or public hanging. I am not kidding, I look at it as treason. This would remove all PAC money and lobbyiest money that screws us citizens and pits American againt American.

Also guards should be permitted to shoot lobbyists on site. I will personally seek employment for that.


Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Nov 19, 2010
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some interesting ideas...you guys get it worked out, i'll check on your progress tomorrow haha


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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How about honest Americans that are not frickin dishonest lawyers for a start. How about people that will serve for only four years and have the best interest of the constitution and American people in mind. People who put America first and not a foreign country or lobbyist.

Honestly I think we need a amendment to the constitution making it a capital offensive for any politician to bring up any legislation that goes beyond the powers set forth in the constitution. Punishable by life in prison or public hanging. I am not kidding, I look at it as treason. This would remove all PAC money and lobbyiest money that screws us citizens and pits American againt American.

Also guards should be permitted to shoot lobbyists on site. I will personally seek employment for that.

You need a vacation in the mountains.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
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Obama will be assassinated November 2011 prior to re-election, just like JFK.
Nostradamus has forseen it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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upstate ny
How about honest Americans that are not frickin dishonest lawyers for a start. How about people that will serve for only four years and have the best interest of the constitution and American people in mind. People who put America first and not a foreign country or lobbyist.

Honestly I think we need a amendment to the constitution making it a capital offensive for any politician to bring up any legislation that goes beyond the powers set forth in the constitution. Punishable by life in prison or public hanging. I am not kidding, I look at it as treason. This would remove all PAC money and lobbyiest money that screws us citizens and pits American againt American.

Also guards should be permitted to shoot lobbyists on site. I will personally seek employment for that.

nah blunts are way more relaxing
i wish i were back in a position where i could afford to enjoy such things... these days work's a way bigger priority
... bet you'd never expect to hear a nihilistic punk rocker say such a thing


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Oct 21, 2009
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Clover, SC
One of the perks of being a crippled up vet is that my income is non-taxable. So I don't pay taxes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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I woudn't blame Obama for the huge Debt. Isn't it Bush that got the US into record debt to get into the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? What about the housing market crash, bailouts, 800M a year to Pakistan.

ANY '08 candidate was going to inherit a shit sandwich. That was an occupational hazard that came with the job.


- GM bailout
- Cap in trade policy
- Mandatory healthcare
- Drilling moratorium in the gulf
- Libya

(Not to mention his bullshit promise to shut down Gitmo -where info to kill bin laden was obtained, and winding up affairs in Iraq).

This Communist Kenyan parasite is the perfect bookend for the 'blame Bush" crowd, and exactly what this country (and its majority voters) deserve right now.

John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
You need a vacation in the mountains.
The American experiment of freedom and liberty and man governing himself is only a brief blip in human history. The practices of more government, government control, less liberty, less individual rights and less personal freedom have been going on for thousands of years. We now have a handful of Republican leaders trying to preserve the American experiment and a bunch of progressives hell bent on regression. They want to take us back to the days when government was in complete control of all facits of life. We also have what Vladimir Lenin coined as "useful idiots" pushing the liberal agenda in the media and schools. The economic crash and the "controlled collapse" of the U.S. Dollar is all by design. China and Russia no longer use the dollar in their business dealings. We have counties all over the world screaming out that we need to create a new economic system and get off the U.S. Dollar which continues to become less stable and valuable. Since our government recently started the practice of quantitative easing (QE2) or printing money with nothing to back it, we have continued to bring the value of the U.S. Dollar down causing economic instability across the globe. No one wanted to buy our bonds anymore because of the dim prospect of the U.S. getting their financial house in order so the U.S. just printed more money. Countries holding U.S. debt were now getting payed back in U.S. Dollars that were now worth maybe 70 cents on the dollar. It is kind of like mixing in some Monopoly money when we pay for things.

It may be another 5 years before the Dollar collapses and the world goes off the current system based on the U.S. Dollar. But when this does happen our stores have about 3 days worth of food on the shelves. The run on the banks for what is left of the now wothless currency will rival anything man has seen before. Goods and services we now take for granted will be extremely expensive and hard to come by. Basic supplies and necessities will need to come from the governmet for those who have not stored such things. There will be a new sheriff in town and a new way of doing things. You WILL go along to get along unless you have prepared to take care yourself and your family. All the American pride, denial, sense of entitlement, pop icon worship, tattos, piercings, rock & roll attitude, stoner reasoning and liberal philosophy in the world will not be able to help those who are not prepared. I do not live my life in fear or even spend a lot of time discussing things like this. I just try to be prepared so I can take care of my family and help neighbors if and when that time comes. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The U.S. has not even passed a budget in 2 years. Obama is the only president who has ever done anything like this before. The current "crisis" concerning how much we can raise the U.S. credit limit so we continue to borrow more money does not help with the world's confidence in the U.S. Dollar. I am just saying.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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:) Gentlemen, Fortunately for You, being possessed of a high degree of mental Acuity, I have devised an amicable solution to Washington DC and all it's corrupt politics.

I give you, for your perusal:


:):) TWIN


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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ANY '08 candidate was going to inherit a shit sandwich. That was an occupational hazard that came with the job.


- GM bailout
- Cap in trade policy
- Mandatory healthcare
- Drilling moratorium in the gulf
- Libya

(Not to mention his bullshit promise to shut down Gitmo -where info to kill bin laden was obtained, and winding up affairs in Iraq).

This Communist Kenyan parasite is the perfect bookend for the 'blame Bush" crowd, and exactly what this country (and its majority voters) deserve right now.

My I add the following;
- Unemployment +9%
- 800 billion in stimulus that did nothing
- Obamacare which nobody wants or can afford
- Two liberal judges to the supreme court who have no respect for the consitution
- Wide open borders so gangs come here to buy weapons
- The most incompetent attorney general ever
- 5 trillion in new deficit spending
- $4.00 gas
- signed the patriot act
- increase in race division
- No budget for 2 years

Well you get the picture, I could do this all day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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My I add the following;
- Unemployment +9%
- 800 billion in stimulus that did nothing
- Obamacare which nobody wants or can afford
- Two liberal judges to the supreme court who have no respect for the consitution
- Wide open borders so gangs come here to buy weapons
- The most incompetent attorney general ever
- 5 trillion in new deficit spending
- $4.00 gas
- signed the patriot act
- increase in race division
- No budget for 2 years

Well you get the picture, I could do this all day.

Nuke, DON'T hold back. Tell us how you REALLY feel.

(I kinda favor my previous post)

:lol::lol: TWIN

John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
My I add the following;
- Unemployment +9%
- 800 billion in stimulus that did nothing
- Obamacare which nobody wants or can afford
- Two liberal judges to the supreme court who have no respect for the consitution
- Wide open borders so gangs come here to buy weapons
- The most incompetent attorney general ever
- 5 trillion in new deficit spending
- $4.00 gas
- signed the patriot act
- increase in race division
- No budget for 2 years

Well you get the picture, I could do this all day.
What you say is true Nuke. It is sad that FOX News Channel is about the only place where a person might hear something like this on television. FOX is tilted to the right in about a 60% to 40% split and CNN is about 90% to the left. MSNBC does not even try to pretend that they are not 100% in the bag for the left and the Obama Administartion. General Electric has billions in government contracts and they did not pay a dime in taxes last year. GE also owns NBC and MSNBC.

Does General Electric Really Own 80% Of NBC & MSNBC? - Yahoo! Answers


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Be that as it may FOX or any other network news channel is unwatchable to me, I do glance at them from time to time but it just validates what I think about them. The slant and the talking points insult me. It no long is news but rather opinion, and a bought and paid for opinion I might add.

Have you noticed over the past couple of weeks just how bad Bill O'Reielly has been. Someone told him to move left and he did. He bullies his guests and when they start to speak the truth he makes fun of them and cuts them off. I have zero respect for the guy anymore, total tool. My favorite to listen to is still Mark Levin and Micheal Savage. Levin is brilliant.

So far I appluade the leadership for not going along with raising the debt ceiling or raising taxes, this is going to get ugly but it needs to happen. Time start watching the spending and start paying the bills. Perhaps then we can put all the money back that was stolen from soicial security.

John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
Be that as it may FOX or any other network news channel is unwatchable to me, I do glance at them from time to time but it just validates what I think about them. The slant and the talking points insult me. It no long is news but rather opinion, and a bought and paid for opinion I might add.

Have you noticed over the past couple of weeks just how bad Bill O'Reielly has been. Someone told him to move left and he did. He bullies his guests and when they start to speak the truth he makes fun of them and cuts them off. I have zero respect for the guy anymore, total tool. My favorite to listen to is still Mark Levin and Micheal Savage. Levin is brilliant.

So far I appluade the leadership for not going along with raising the debt ceiling or raising taxes, this is going to get ugly but it needs to happen. Time start watching the spending and start paying the bills. Perhaps then we can put all the money back that was stolen from soicial security.
I agree, FOX does continue to go left, but they are about the only place where you still get to hear opposing points of veiw from the right and left on television. I love Levin too. I still like Savage also, but I wish he would get over his jealousy of Glenn Beck.

John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
Why does the left hate the country?
The short answer is that the Left believes America is the source and cause of all that is wrong with the world. They can find nothing but fault when they look at this country. They have a dream of a communist style government run utopia. There is also a lot of money to be made tearing down America. There are plenty of different people who want to see America fall for various reasons. They will band together to tear it down and then fight each other for power afterwards. I would suggest that you read Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny. You can also click on the link below to check out his website which has past episodes of his radio show. You can listen free of charge. You can also listen to Mark Levin from 6:00 to 9:00 on KFMB which is 760 AM on the radio dial in San Diego. I live in SD too.

Mark Levin