Obama ‘cannot guarantee’ benefits checks

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Apr 7, 2010
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The American experiment of freedom and liberty and man governing himself is only a brief blip in human history. The practices of more government, government control, less liberty, less individual rights and less personal freedom have been going on for thousands of years. We now have a handful of Republican leaders trying to preserve the American experiment and a bunch of progressives hell bent on regression. They want to take us back to the days when government was in complete control of all facits of life. We also have what Vladimir Lenin coined as "useful idiots" pushing the liberal agenda in the media and schools. The economic crash and the "controlled collapse" of the U.S. Dollar is all by design. China and Russia no longer use the dollar in their business dealings. We have counties all over the world screaming out that we need to create a new economic system and get off the U.S. Dollar which continues to become less stable and valuable. Since our government recently started the practice of quantitative easing (QE2) or printing money with nothing to back it, we have continued to bring the value of the U.S. Dollar down causing economic instability across the globe. No one wanted to buy our bonds anymore because of the dim prospect of the U.S. getting their financial house in order so the U.S. just printed more money. Countries holding U.S. debt were now getting payed back in U.S. Dollars that were now worth maybe 70 cents on the dollar. It is kind of like mixing in some Monopoly money when we pay for things.

It may be another 5 years before the Dollar collapses and the world goes off the current system based on the U.S. Dollar. But when this does happen our stores have about 3 days worth of food on the shelves. The run on the banks for what is left of the now wothless currency will rival anything man has seen before. Goods and services we now take for granted will be extremely expensive and hard to come by. Basic supplies and necessities will need to come from the governmet for those who have not stored such things. There will be a new sheriff in town and a new way of doing things. You WILL go along to get along unless you have prepared to take care yourself and your family. All the American pride, denial, sense of entitlement, pop icon worship, tattos, piercings, rock & roll attitude, stoner reasoning and liberal philosophy in the world will not be able to help those who are not prepared. I do not live my life in fear or even spend a lot of time discussing things like this. I just try to be prepared so I can take care of my family and help neighbors if and when that time comes. I hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The U.S. has not even passed a budget in 2 years. Obama is the only president who has ever done anything like this before. The current "crisis" concerning how much we can raise the U.S. credit limit so we continue to borrow more money does not help with the world's confidence in the U.S. Dollar. I am just saying.

What does this have to do with a vacation in the mountains?

John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
What does this have to do with a vacation in the mountains?
Jack, my point was that Nuke may actually have valid and legitimate reasons for his obvious frustration with the system. I was trying to point out some big picture reality and not focus on the tunnel vision Republican vs Democrat debate. The left would love to see people like Nuke shut up and go away.


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Jack, my point was that Nuke may actually have valid and legitimate reasons for his obvious frustration with the system. I was trying to point out some big picture reality and not focus on the tunnel vision Republican vs Democrat debate. The left would love to see people like Nuke shut up and go away.

Fair enough. I was just a little concerned about Nuke's willingness to shoot people he didn't like.

John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
Fair enough. I was just a little concerned about Nuke's willingness to shoot people he didn't like.
I understand your point also Jack. I think Nuke is just frustrated and mad about what is going on with the country, but I do NOT believe he would actually harm someone. I think he would sure give a politician an ear full of choice words given the opportunity though.:)


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Fair enough. I was just a little concerned about Nuke's willingness to shoot people he didn't like.

What he advocates is not the murder of those he does not like, but the punishment (capital) of those in power who have worked to destroy the fabric of this nation by stripping the restrictions set upon government for the purpose of promoting federal tyrrany.

One is arbitrary and chaotic if proposed as a viable option for those discontented with politics. The other is an attempt at imposing a politically-neutral standard of accountability that observes the spirit of the founding fathers who recognized the potential of physical force as an option to remove corruption.


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Fair enough. I was just a little concerned about Nuke's willingness to shoot people he didn't like.

Actually I have a pretty high tolerance level for stupidity Jack, EXCEPT when it comes to deliberate lies and deceit on those whom I view as helpless, uninformed, and misled. Make no mistake, the government has a utter contempt for the American people and know that many are easily lied too. They call those people useful idiots. The media is their messenger and government dependency is their drug.

I hope you and I can agree that threating the most vulnerable in our nation with their Social Security check or veterans check is punk ass chicken shit at best. Our President just did this Jack for his own best interest, not ours, thus this topic.

My point in the rant with regards to capital punishment is for those that would thwart or disregard the constitution, it is a good idea IMO if we are to keep our nation soverent. I do not believe it would ever come to the point of marching one to the gallows but there needs to be a clear deterrent, I would however pull the lever for such treason and greed.

This is what the founding fathers set the role of the Supreme Courts function as. However years of liberalism and activism on that court has allowed government to do its will and not the will of the people.

I would never shoot someone simply because I don't like them. But I would shoot to protect my family, and this nations enemies to our constitution without hesitation. In the end I do not share a one world vision, I believe in protecting our constitution,borders, language, and American way of life which is freedom and liberty for ALL.

Nothing good comes from any man where from his mouth there is lies and deceit; these are the traits inspired by Satan himself. A honest man who is consistent in the truth and thinks of the welfare of his fellow man first is a direct trait and teaching of Jesus Christ.... which do you see from our government Jack?

The same people who tell me to shut the fuck up here are the same ones in the future who will vote to kill those for freedom of speech.
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John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
Actually I have a pretty high tolerance level for stupidity Jack, EXCEPT when it comes to deliberate lies and deceit on those whom I view as helpless, uninformed, and misled. Make no mistake, the government has a utter contempt for the American people and know that many are easily lied too. They call those people useful idiots. The media is their messenger and government dependency is their drug.

I hope you and I can agree that threating the most vulnerable in our nation with their Social Security check or veterans check is punk ass chicken shit at best. Our President just did this Jack, thus this topic.

My point in the rant with regards to capital punishment is for those that would thwart or disregard the constitution, is a good idea IMO if we are to keep our nation soverent. I do not believe it would ever come to the point of marching one to the gallows but there needs to be a clear deterrent, I would however pull the lever for such treason and greed.

This is what the founding fathers set the role of the Supreme Courts function as. However years of liberalism and activism on that court has allowed government to do its will and not the will of the people.

I would never shoot someone simply because I don't like them. But I would shoot to protect my family, and this nations enemies to our constitution without hesitation. In the end I do not share a one world vision, I believe in protecting our constitution,borders, language, and American way of life which is freedom and liberty for ALL.

Nothing good comes from any man where from his mouth there is lies and deceit; these are the traits inspired by Satan himself. A honest man who is consistent in the truth and thinks of the welfare of his fellow man first is a direct trait and teaching of Jesus Christ.... which will you trust.
I choose Jesus.:)

LPMarshall hack

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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San Diego, CA
The short answer is that the Left believes America is the source and cause of all that is wrong with the world. They can find nothing but fault when they look at this country. They have a dream of a communist style government run utopia. There is also a lot of money to be made tearing down America. There are plenty of different people who want to see America fall for various reasons. They will band together to tear it down and then fight each other for power afterwards. I would suggest that you read Mark Levin's book Liberty and Tyranny. You can also click on the link below to check out his website which has past episodes of his radio show. You can listen free of charge. You can also listen to Mark Levin from 6:00 to 9:00 on KFMB which is 760 AM on the radio dial in San Diego. I live in SD too.

Mark Levin

I listen to Levin sometimes on the way home (if I'm driving at that time). What happened to Savage in San Diego?


In Memorandum
VIP Member
Sep 5, 2010
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left,right.....both are off imo. At least as far as what they are currently.


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Actually I have a pretty high tolerance level for stupidity Jack, EXCEPT when it comes to deliberate lies and deceit on those whom I view as helpless, uninformed, and misled. Make no mistake, the government has a utter contempt for the American people and know that many are easily lied too. They call those people useful idiots. The media is their messenger and government dependency is their drug.

I hope you and I can agree that threating the most vulnerable in our nation with their Social Security check or veterans check is punk ass chicken shit at best. Our President just did this Jack for his own best interest, not ours, thus this topic.

My point in the rant with regards to capital punishment is for those that would thwart or disregard the constitution, it is a good idea IMO if we are to keep our nation soverent. I do not believe it would ever come to the point of marching one to the gallows but there needs to be a clear deterrent, I would however pull the lever for such treason and greed.

This is what the founding fathers set the role of the Supreme Courts function as. However years of liberalism and activism on that court has allowed government to do its will and not the will of the people.

I would never shoot someone simply because I don't like them. But I would shoot to protect my family, and this nations enemies to our constitution without hesitation. In the end I do not share a one world vision, I believe in protecting our constitution,borders, language, and American way of life which is freedom and liberty for ALL.

Nothing good comes from any man where from his mouth there is lies and deceit; these are the traits inspired by Satan himself. A honest man who is consistent in the truth and thinks of the welfare of his fellow man first is a direct trait and teaching of Jesus Christ.... which do you see from our government Jack?

The same people who tell me to shut the fuck up here are the same ones in the future who will vote to kill those for freedom of speech.

You go on about how killing people in the name of the constitution is acceptable, and then you bring up Jesus. I really hate to throw this in there, but "what would Jesus do?" If the Bible teaches one thing, it teaches that these worldly, exclusively human problems should be beyond our concern. ESPECIALLY money, which is something you're apparently very worried about. Just seems to me your beliefs are in conflict with your words.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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They're both a bunch of maniacs. Though I'll admit their dedication is admirable.

Yes, but dedication to what... Malfeasance? Greed? Corruption? Exploitation? I am sure at the base level every politician had some ideal in mind of making a difference, but many if not most wholly abandoned that in the face of temptations and consequence of doing the right thing.

Democrats have an obligation to ensure the poor and the minorities REMAIN downtrodden to guarantee constituancy, whereas the conservatives are are overtly managed by the influence of business (the democrats are discretely managed by them).


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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You go on about how killing people in the name of the constitution is acceptable, and then you bring up Jesus. I really hate to throw this in there, but "what would Jesus do?" If the Bible teaches one thing, it teaches that these worldly, exclusively human problems should be beyond our concern. ESPECIALLY money, which is something you're apparently very worried about. Just seems to me your beliefs are in conflict with your words.

I understand Jack, I am still a sinner just like you. I am no better then you, nor is any Christian. The difference is Christians have accepted the gift of Jesus Christ in their life and have asked for and through the blood shed on the cross been given forgiveness, thats all.

Many men of God have killed men in the protection of this country and their family. I am no different. Yes a Christian's is allowed to own a gun in Gods eyes and use the damm thing. Not in anger or hate but for protection of his enemies. Perhaps Stoot can elaborate this better then I.

Many expect Christians to "turn the other cheek" and put up with their bullshit. I will to a point but this Christian bites back, God will deal with me personally about that.

As far as the money Jack it isn't so much that as it is the blatent robbery of the treasuary and the lies and unethical pratices of this nations leaders. This nations wealth is in its people like you and I, however when our own govenmnet robs us through unjustified spending and taxes we become slaves to our jobs, govenment, and to our debt. We become less charitable and less free don't we.


In Memorandum
VIP Member
Sep 5, 2010
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I understand Jack, I am still a sinner just like you. I am no better then you, nor is any Christian. The difference is Christians have accepted the gift of Jesus Christ in their life and have asked for and through the blood shed on the cross been given forgiveness, thats all.

Many men of God have killed men in the protection of this country and their family. I am no different. Yes a Christian's is allowed to own a gun in Gods eyes and use the damm thing. Not in anger or hate but for protection of his enemies. Perhaps Stoot can elaborate this better then I.

Many expect Christians to "turn the other cheek" and put up with their bullshit. I will to a point but this Christian bites back, God will deal with me personally about that.
This doesn't bother me.

A lot of non christians have issue with Christians and vice versa but, MY issue's with dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Just a point i felt compelled to bring up even though this isn't the religious thread.

My issues with christians are those two things which aren't due to one BEING christian (nor being atheist though some dissagree).

Regardless of religion, i believe one can be honest and just. Just as one can be decieptful and hypocritical while claiming the word of Christ.


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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I understand Jack, I am still a sinner just like you. I am no better then you, nor is any Christian. The difference is Christians have accepted the gift of Jesus Christ in their life and have asked for and through the blood shed on the cross been given forgiveness, thats all.

Many men of God have killed men in the protection of this country and their family. I am no different. Yes a Christian's is allowed to own a gun in Gods eyes and use the damm thing. Not in anger or hate but for protection of his enemies. Perhaps Stoot can elaborate this better then I.

Many expect Christians to "turn the other cheek" and put up with their bullshit. I will to a point but this Christian bites back, God will deal with me personally about that.

I've more to say, but I won't let this thread get religious.

John 14:6

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2011
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San Diego, CA.
You go on about how killing people in the name of the constitution is acceptable, and then you bring up Jesus. I really hate to throw this in there, but "what would Jesus do?" If the Bible teaches one thing, it teaches that these worldly, exclusively human problems should be beyond our concern. ESPECIALLY money, which is something you're apparently very worried about. Just seems to me your beliefs are in conflict with your words.
Romans chapter 13 does give the government the right to bear the sword. This is speaking of capitol punishment. The government can execute people for things such as treason. We used to do that in this country. We now seem to find nothing to be a "treasonous" offense. Jesus Christ spoke of judgement and Hell more than ANY other topics. Two thirds of the words of spoken by Jesus in the New Testament are warning of Hell and the coming judgement. The Bible speaks more about money than any other topic. There is nothing wrong with money and it can certainly be a blessing, but we are supposed to put our trust in Jesus and not money.

Romans 13
New King James Version (NKJV)

Romans 13

Submit to Government

1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
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There is no "Left", no "Right", no "Liberal" and no "Conservative".
They are all SMOKESCREENS designed to fool the sheepish masses into believing that have a choice and that their choice actually makes a difference.
There is only "The Corporation" of synarchic powermongers and they've been in power for a long, long time.
They are the kind of people who scheme and plan decades, even centuries in advance.
The coming global collapse is being carefully managed and engineered by these masters of usury and political machination.
Broaden your mind beyond the pathetically transparent bi-partisan system foisted upon us which is a total scam.
The system is broken and corrupt - financially, politically and socially.
It is an entirely anthropogenic mechanism created to decieve and control us all.
99.99% of the sheeple cannot see it for what it is, even though it is right under our noses - hidden in plain sight.
Buyer beware.