Perfecting the Lead 12

  • Thread starter Maggot Brain
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Maggot Brain

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Seattle, Washington
I've been busy past week or so and trying to get caught up on the forum but first I have to share my recent Lead 12 "upgrade".

I'm sure a lot of you know now that I have become a BIG fan of the little Lead 12 combo and I've been obsessing on squeezing every bit of tone and mojo out of it I can and I have finally accomplished just that.

I tried several speakers from the G10N40 (one of my favorites), G10 Creamback, G10 Greenback (another good option for vintage tones) and even a Eminence Legend 1058 (just one of my favorite 10" even tho it's American voiced) but the ultimate match for the Lead 12 combo is definitely the Weber Legacy 10! If you really want little Plexi+Greenback practice tones then this amp and speaker combo are a match made in heaven. The Weber Legacy 10 has a 30oz magnet, a 75hz cone with pre rola doping and 30 watt power handling, it's an amazing speaker. It has to be as close as a 10" speaker can get to sounding like a full 12" pre rola G12M, it sounds impressively big. It doesn't have quite the honk/nasal as the 12s but it does have it and it's lower mid range is dead on to the big G12M (to my ears)...

Great, this pairing sounds awesome but the added bass range of the 75hz cone sounded EXTRA boxey in the amp's cab... I just finished making a back for another cab I just picked up for my new amp (NAD thread coming soon, it's a special one!) and I had left over scraps of birch ply. I knew I needed to seal the back of the Lead 12 to get the most out of the Weber Legacy and so I got to work... About 10 minutes later I had a perfect piece to fit between the 2 stock pieces on the back of the Lead 12, drilled and screwed it on and ready to go...

WOW!!! This amp sounds AMAZING!
The Weber + the closed back has really nailed that classic vintage Marshall sound. The boxeiness is conpletley GONE, just warm and full bottom end with sweet, smooth rolled top end. It truly sounds like a small scale JTM45 or 45/100... The new amp I picked has brought me to tonal nirvana BUT it also made my love and appreciation for the Lead 12 grow even fonder as the Lead 12 truly holds it's own considering.

So in summary, if you own a Lead 12 combo I PROMISE this combination will impress. Get an 8ohm 30 watt Weber Legacy 10 (their 10" Greenback) and make a rear panel to close the back of the cab, it's super easy. I used 1/4" birch plywood, tape measure, pencil, hand saw, drill and wood working drill bit set.


My son's cat photo bomb and had to keep it, she loves my amps just as much as I do.

I'll get recordings soon!

Maggot Brain

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
I wanted to add!

The other speakers retained a treble frequency and a bass frequency that sounds inherently solid state to my ears, especially playing it thru 12" speakers but the Legacy 10 these frequencies are nearly completely absent, making the Legacy just an absolute perfect match imo. I am truly shocked these aren't more common in the Lead 12 combos. I actually had no idea the Legacys were Greenback voiced speakers, rarely did I see them suggested for 12" GB options and never seen a Legacy 10 suggested or recommended anywhere online. Ironically Weber was the first site I checked out when looking to upgrade the speaker in the Lead 12, I missed it because I only saw the "British voiced" section on their website and assumed those were all their British voiced options. The Legacy 12 and 10s have their own section so I had no idea they were Greenback voiced speaker, it wasn't until I saw Johan's Greenback replica comparison video he recently did. It was there I learnt the Legacy was Weber's GB which I was really impressed with so had to check them out on their site. I was pretty pumped when I discovered they offered it in a 10" 75hz cone option and knew I had to check it out...

The Celestion G10 Greenback is a great little speaker and definitely possess a Greenback character but once pushed they start to really take on their own sound, while definitely Greenbackish, it gets really thick and meaty in the lower mids and strays away from the classic sound of the 12s... The Legacy 10 sounds amazing at all volume levels and retains it's more traditional Greenback voicing at all volume levels if not a little more when pushed.

The Legacy 10 and the closed back modification truly transformed this amp! I can't recommend it enough if you are a fan of the Lead 12s.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Supporting Member
Jan 22, 2020
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Water Side of WA State
Yooooooo! I didn't know you put a G12H30 55hz in there! You gotta get me some sound clips as I was actually considering doing exactly that! I nearly pulled the trigger on a pre rola G12H30 55hz for the Lead 12 😄 🤣
I should just throw it and a Strat in the GoKart and get my butt down there for a Jam !!!


Well-Known Yinzer
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 7, 2020
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Get it, it will be the best $150 you'll spend on gear.
$150 initial investment.
+ new speaker (has stock G10D-25)
+ head shell build (you know I'd have to...)
+ speaker cabs build because, well, now it's a head
+ another speaker or two to match impedance
+ half a dozen pedals
next thing you know, I'm a grand into it and got another amp with nowhere to put it.
I got the 5002 Lead20 chassis for $100, and look what happened.
still tempted...
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Well-Known Yinzer
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 7, 2020
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I know this is a year old, but I have to ask; any chance the impedance mis-match would
hurt the little OT in these guys? I know usually up is ok but down is bad.
Going up to 16 ohm will reduce the output to about 8 or 9 watts and is not a problem.
4 ohm impedance would let too much power flow through the output transistors and is not a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Supporting Member
Jan 22, 2020
Reaction score
Water Side of WA State
I know this is a year old, but I have to ask; any chance the impedance mis-match would
hurt the little OT in these guys? I know usually up is ok but down is bad.
@fitz covered this very well ……
In my case, I’ve got mine set up to either dump into only 16ohm or 8ohm ( 8 ohm being the minimum the 5005 is designed for )
This is a pic of my output jacks …
”A” is a shunt that disconnects the internal if you plug into it