Piece of SHIT chinese Gibson copies

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2010
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That is different... They aren't trying to be a Gibson Copy.. They are their own brand.. Like Burny... I have no problem with them... At least the Japan models..

Well, yes and no. I got a late 70's MIJ Aria LP copy that was made to look JUST like a LP custom.
I love it though. (as much as my real LP's).
Point being is this one was try'n to be a Gibson copy.


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Apr 23, 2010
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On the back 9
OP needs to specify between counterfeits and "copies".
Tokai, Burny LP's and those by others are certainly copies but not counterfeits.

My Vintage V-100 is awesome and I prefer it to my actual Gibsons on a few levels.

Yeah...those Vintage copies are kick ass good. I've got 3 of 'em. The SG is definitely as good as any Gibson SG I've played...neck is sublime.



Well-Known Member
May 6, 2012
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CoCoa Bch Fl
Well, yes and no. I got a late 70's MIJ Aria LP copy that was made to look JUST like a LP custom.
I love it though. (as much as my real LP's).
Point being is this one was try'n to be a Gibson copy.

I've been playing mostly Fenders since the 60s and Japan made some of the best guitars that company ever made in my opinion.. I can't say the same for anything from China but if you pay for a POS what do you expect ? :cool:


Active Member
Mar 8, 2011
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EVERYBODY does business with China
Name a MAJOR guitar company that does not (I'm actually curious) maybe I'll learn something
Off the top of my head I'll suggest Rickenbacker, though you may not consider them a major guitar company.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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And it's hard to avoid MiC.

Hell, some of the parts in amps made by big companies, even Marshall, most likely are MiC. And a lot of the stuff we use everyday are, too.

It's just something that's extremely difficult to avoid this days. Just a fact that needs to accepted.


New Member
May 20, 2012
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Northern Ireland. UK
And it's hard to avoid MiC.

Hell, some of the parts in amps made by big companies, even Marshall, most likely are MiC. And a lot of the stuff we use everyday are, too.

It's just something that's extremely difficult to avoid this days. Just a fact that needs to accepted.

I agree their evilness is everywhere. Much in the same way dangerous 'bugs' and bacteria float about the air we breathe... However, I avoid it where I can by INTENTIONALLY washing my hands when I can, and avoiding eating my lunch in dumps 'just because it's cheaper'. This belief translates very well to Chinese products...


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2012
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CoCoa Bch Fl
I hope I don't run out of my old tube stock before I croak.. I don't buy their tubes and defiantly not their speakers.. I don't care what name they put on them that so many are f-ing brainwashed into thinking they're the best.. You have to take into consideration this is coming from a grumpy old man..

I bought a 63 Vibroverb about a year ago that had Celest 10s and took them out the first day... What f-ing crap!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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I agree their evilness is everywhere. Much in the same way dangerous 'bugs' and bacteria float about the air we breathe... However, I avoid it where I can by INTENTIONALLY washing my hands when I can, and avoiding eating my lunch in dumps 'just because it's cheaper'. This belief translates very well to Chinese products...




Well-Known Member
May 6, 2012
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CoCoa Bch Fl
Let's not get too nasty about it... after all... y'all know you like your ipads/iphones... and those are also made in china... :rofl:

Everything is throw away now.. like I said I'm a grumpy old man that can remember when TVs , stereos etc had repair men who came to your house and there were jobs.. This crap has a short life and for the most part can't be fixed.. Most people get a new cell phone every two yrs or so.. I just threw a 42" 4 yr old flat screen TV away and bought another.. with TVs and cell phones we don't have a choice, but with guitars,amps.speakers we sure do..


New Member
May 20, 2012
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Northern Ireland. UK
Everything is throw away now.. like I said I'm a grumpy old man that can remember when TVs , stereos etc had repair men who came to your house and there were jobs.. This crap has a short life and for the most part can't be fixed.. Most people get a new cell phone every two yrs or so.. I just threw a 42" 4 yr old flat screen TV away and bought another.. with TVs and cell phones we don't have a choice, but with guitars,amps.speakers we sure do..

I wish there was more people like you.
I remember when I was 3 years old my dad bringing home a Betamax. It was the cost of 2 months wages. It was a big deal and a decision that we talked over as a family for weeks.

They still have it. And it still works.
But they only have about 10 tapes for it :thumb:

Things used to be made with pride and with a belief that if the job was done right they could last a lifetime, which is why we have vintage guitars and vintage amps that are still going strong and are generally thought of as being better than the new equivalent.
My guitar and amplifier are tools that I use to express myself on a personal and creative level. Im a never going to lower them to the standard of 'throwaway junk'. Even if i have to pay that bit extra for it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Vancouver, Canada
Ya, my Dad was one of those guys who repaired TV's and I go with him to people's houses, pick up their TV and take it to his shop, repair it then return it to their living room.
Something unheard of now.
Of course he also charged them a lot which is why it became more feasible for people to just buy a new TV made overseas. But it was a career he suddenly no longer had repairing things that were made by others here in N.A. at a career they no longer have either.


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Apr 23, 2010
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On the back 9
At the end of the day guys it is the greed of the west that has put us in the position we are in. We have the big carrot of the Chinese market that "we" are aching to exploit and make billions from. The only way to get past the Chinese (still communist) government is to trade with China and build factories there to open the market up. I know because I work for a massive multi national that is supplying China with product....lots of it too. If we don't open these markets up then the shrinking western markets will not be enough to prosper leading to implosion and depression on a massive scale. There is a much bigger picture out there (than guitars) that people could do with being aware of. There are big economic changes afoot the like of which we heave't seen before. Banks cannot be trusted any more (could they ever). Where it will all end up is anybody's guess. Let's just say it will be a challenging world for our kids. :(

tim warner

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Feb 5, 2009
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upstate ny
I paid 350.00 for a firebird copy,through a set of dimarzio mini humbuckers in it and it now has replaced my 1988 SG custom showcase edition as my (gigging) guitar . Plays every bit as good as the real thing and sounds amazing! I own a few Gibson guitars and would rather have a bar patron knock the Firebird over or spill beer on it rather than the real ones. That's why I originally bought it . A question.... In today's world of computerized everything, what difference does it make what nationality walks in the building and turns the CNC switch on? I would rather have this Firebird than ANY of the new Gibson (budget aimed) faded tribute guitars that they make! And they are less than half the price ,even after I bought pickups for it.of course all the purest, snobs will be tearing me apart in 5,4,3,2,


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I paid 350.00 for a firebird copy,through a set of dimarzio mini humbuckers in it and it now has replaced my 1988 SG custom showcase edition as my (gigging) guitar . Plays every bit as good as the real thing and sounds amazing! I own a few Gibson guitars and would rather have a bar patron knock the Firebird over or spill beer on it rather than the real ones. That's why I originally bought it . A question.... In today's world of computerized everything, what difference does it make what nationality walks in the building and turns the CNC switch on? I would rather have this Firebird than ANY of the new Gibson (budget aimed) faded tribute guitars that they make! And they are less than half the price ,even after I bought pickups for it.of course all the purest, snobs will be tearing me apart in 5,4,3,2,

This is my point

I found this guitar that no one wanted because of the stupid, yes stupid opinions like those in most of these posts.

People actually threatened the guy trying to trade it off even though he listed it as a copy.


This guitar is fucking awesome, feels great, plays great, looks great...I love it and I have had hundreds of guitars to compare it to. Fuck who made it, 99 percent would not be able to tell it from the real deal. Its even got a 2 screw truss cover, and a correct headstock, logo and markings.

I traded a epi for it! Because the dood was being pounded by emails telling him he will be sued and arrested for owning and or selling it....thats fucking stoopid

This guitar is fantastic and I aint got shit into it....you all be haters and crybabies, Ill keep playing this guitar:lol:


Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I paid 350.00 for a firebird copy,through a set of dimarzio mini humbuckers in it and it now has replaced my 1988 SG custom showcase edition as my (gigging) guitar . Plays every bit as good as the real thing and sounds amazing! I own a few Gibson guitars and would rather have a bar patron knock the Firebird over or spill beer on it rather than the real ones. That's why I originally bought it . A question.... In today's world of computerized everything, what difference does it make what nationality walks in the building and turns the CNC switch on? I would rather have this Firebird than ANY of the new Gibson (budget aimed) faded tribute guitars that they make! And they are less than half the price ,even after I bought pickups for it.of course all the purest, snobs will be tearing me apart in 5,4,3,2,

1, and go:

the labor cost is one thing, the materials are another. dont get me wrong, ive got nothing against copies. but many many mfrs building gibson copies use 'alternative' species of mahogany (read: cheap, less desireable). or other woods altogether, always cost friendly.

construction is another factor. guitars back in the heyday of american and european (and even some higher end japanese) guitars, used one or two pc body construction, today, three or even four pc bodies are the standard. this means the trees are younger, smaller, less dense, hence more pcs of smaller stock to build the same body.

tone is an accumulation of tiny factors that all add up to the whole.

besides the labor costs associated with gibson guitars, which will obviously be much higher b/c we dont use child labor (like china does!) and the substandard wages that are paid to employees of chinese factories (b/c unions are illegal!), you can be somewhat assured that a gibson guitar will be mfd with higher quality woods and ancilliary parts.

and your not supporting the exploitation of the chinese labor force.

again, dont get me wrong, ive bought chinese guitars before. my experience has been that they have all had issues, either functional, or tonally as compared to their american/european/japanese counterparts. :)


but, i personally will not buy chinese guitars anymore. and i will avoid chinese products altogether, when possible.