Piece of SHIT chinese Gibson copies

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May 20, 2012
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Northern Ireland. UK
This is my point

I found this guitar that no one wanted because of the stupid, yes stupid opinions like those in most of these posts.

People actually threatened the guy trying to trade it off even though he listed it as a copy.


This guitar is fucking awesome, feels great, plays great, looks great...I love it and I have had hundreds of guitars to compare it to. Fuck who made it, 99 percent would not be able to tell it from the real deal. Its even got a 2 screw truss cover, and a correct headstock, logo and markings.

I traded a epi for it! Because the dood was being pounded by emails telling him he will be sued and arrested for owning and or selling it....thats fucking stoopid

This guitar is fantastic and I aint got shit into it....you all be haters and crybabies, Ill keep playing this guitar:lol:

Any chance of uploading some pictures?


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Jun 30, 2012
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Thousand Islands Region of New York State
I was wondering about the title of this thread ..... Chineese as in Epiphone? I have two of those and they are a couple of my favorite axes. Counterfit Gibsons? Yeah, I agree, don't want one. My other Chineese knockoffs are made in Korea. :lol: My Gibsons were made in the USA though. I've seen pics of the fakes but never actually seen one. I've also heard stories of people ordering such things and never recieving them as they were intercepted by the authorities. Good bye money!


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Aug 6, 2009
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My thing with this whole issue is that legally, you're not supposed to possess them. Dead rip fakes, that is.......people who build them to look like a $4K axe and intend to defraud for gain. Nobody likes to get taken that way. Shred, your sitch may be different since it plays good, but most of the fakes are indeed worthless. It's a despicable practice.

For the record, I have no issues with where things are made anymore.....this says little for quality, but take it FWIW. For as much as is bought from a certain country 'here', there are a massive amount of products shipped over 'there' and sold as well. There is no way to reverse this process on a massive scale. Those who can will try to buy only from their native land, and that is their right.


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Oct 13, 2008
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The frozen hell called Canada !
I guess the same argument can be made about the " Knock Off " Overdrive pedals being made in China these days , and are being sold for 35$-40$ !!

Its hard to compete with that if your Ibanez who sells the Tube Screamer or alike for 125$-375$ ...


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May 20, 2012
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Northern Ireland. UK
I guess the same argument can be made about the " Knock Off " Overdrive pedals being made in China these days , and are being sold for 35$-40$ !!

Its hard to compete with that if your Ibanez who sells the Tube Screamer or alike for 125$-375$ ...

Not really.
I would compare companies like joyo and Biyang copying pedals similar to tokai and Yamaha and the like copying guitar designs. They are still putting their names on them and perhaps some of the detail is a little different.

Copying a pedal straight out like some of these bullshit chineese guitar fakes would be like a chineese pedal manufacturer producing an exact replica of a Klon down to the centurion on the case and the words Klon written on it. There is a huge difference between a copy and a 'fake'. A copy provides a cheaper transparent alternative to the real thing, where a fake or replica sets out to deceive.


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Jan 17, 2010
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I wish there was more people like you.
I remember when I was 3 years old my dad bringing home a Betamax. It was the cost of 2 months wages. It was a big deal and a decision that we talked over as a family for weeks.

They still have it. And it still works.
But they only have about 10 tapes for it :thumb:

Things used to be made with pride and with a belief that if the job was done right they could last a lifetime, which is why we have vintage guitars and vintage amps that are still going strong and are generally thought of as being better than the new equivalent.
My guitar and amplifier are tools that I use to express myself on a personal and creative level. Im a never going to lower them to the standard of 'throwaway junk'. Even if i have to pay that bit extra for it.

i still have my parents' Betamax and all the tapes for it. The main reason I won't throw it away is because I have the original Star Wars and that fat stupid bastard George Lucas refuses to release them on DVD as they were released originally in the theaters.

tim warner

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Feb 5, 2009
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upstate ny
SCAT 7s,,,,Dude, I am a luthier , I repair and build guitars for a living. My 1970 Les Paul Deluxe is a Hodge podge of wood spliced together and it is my favorite, The Chlnese Firebird is solid Mahogany, not veneered. Pickups count for 80% of tone, I have friends that have worked for Gibson and tell me that Henry is a greedy self serving tyrant! THAT IS WHY THE REAL THING is so stupidly expensive, So you keep telling yourself you have something special being made in MURIKA and all, I'm gonna go play my Chibson Mooshoobird!


New Member
May 20, 2012
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Northern Ireland. UK
SCAT 7s,,,,Dude, I am a luthier , I repair and build guitars for a living. My 1970 Les Paul Deluxe is a Hodge podge of wood spliced together and it is my favorite, The Chlnese Firebird is solid Mahogany, not veneered. Pickups count for 80% of tone, I have friends that have worked for Gibson and tell me that Henry is a greedy self serving tyrant! THAT IS WHY THE REAL THING is so stupidly expensive, So you keep telling yourself you have something special being made in MURIKA and all, I'm gonna go play my Chibson Mooshoobird!

I don't agree that pickups count for 80% of tone at all. Active pickups perhaps, but if you have a cold, dull guitar that plays like turd you aint gonna make it sound 80% percent better by sticking a set of pickups in there.

I agree that a lot of Gibsons from the last few years have quality issues, and the price is high, but I would never buy a new guitar anyway. Nor would I buy one unless i played it first. If you pick 5 identical guitars I always say 2 or 3 are gonna be average 1 or 2 hounds and 1 gem. That goes for Fenders too.
The only guitars where i have seen immaculate quality control are from Mr Suhr and Mr. Anderson. I know there are others like Tyler and Collings and the like but i've yet to try them.
I would love to hear there reaction to your statement about pickups man...


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Nov 19, 2010
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SCAT 7s,,,,Dude, I am a luthier , I repair and build guitars for a living. My 1970 Les Paul Deluxe is a Hodge podge of wood spliced together and it is my favorite, The Chlnese Firebird is solid Mahogany, not veneered. Pickups count for 80% of tone, I have friends that have worked for Gibson and tell me that Henry is a greedy self serving tyrant! THAT IS WHY THE REAL THING is so stupidly expensive, So you keep telling yourself you have something special being made in MURIKA and all, I'm gonna go play my Chibson Mooshoobird!

fair enough.

no, i know that they are not veneered, but they are probably 3 to 5 pcs of less desireable mahogany, as opposed to 2 pcs of older growth, higher priced wood.

anyway, like i said, ymmv. im not a luthier, and if your happy im happy for you.

i havent had great experiences with chinese, korean guitars etc.
also, just as an example that i can prove, the epiphone les paul uses an alder cap, not a maple. (as well as a "more than" two pc mahogany body typically).
the differences tonally are pretty clear imo. but if your playing with a lot of gain, then i would imagine these subtle differences may not be as apparent.

im presuming your 70's LP is a "pancake" body? ive heard lots of good things about them. matter of fact my buddy has a 75 LP deluxe, which may or may not be part of the pancake era, but it sounds amazing whatever it is.

you ever own a guitar that had "ghost notes"?
i find that the lower end guitars i had, exhibited the worst symptoms of ghost tones that did not resonate in harmony with the tuned guitar. my fav guitars tend to be the ones that play well, and resonate well without creating an obvious dissonance when played acoustically. that dissonance, although barely if at all perceptable plugged in, can contribute greatly to muddy/jumbled tone, imo.


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Apr 20, 2012
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Atlanta ga
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Les Moore

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2011
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Stockholm Sweden
Everything is throw away now.. like I said I'm a grumpy old man that can remember when TVs , stereos etc had repair men who came to your house and there were jobs.. This crap has a short life and for the most part can't be fixed.. Most people get a new cell phone every two yrs or so.. I just threw a 42" 4 yr old flat screen TV away and bought another.. with TVs and cell phones we don't have a choice, but with guitars,amps.speakers we sure do..

I saw a documentary recently where they showed that many electronic products are actually progammed to fail after warranty!! Something I have been joking about for years. Turns out even Apple had this shit in some of their products. Also, there was this guy that had made a software that eliminated this. Can´t remember any details but I had no reason to doubt the content. Can see if I can find a link.


In Memorandum
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Sep 5, 2010
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I saw a documentary recently where they showed that many electronic products are actually progammed to fail after warranty!! Something I have been joking about for years. Turns out even Apple had this shit in some of their products. Also, there was this guy that had made a software that eliminated this. Can´t remember any details but I had no reason to doubt the content. Can see if I can find a link.
all based on the Ford model (who had asperger's syndrome too by the way but most people in art,music and science that have progressed our capabilites do or suspected of having asperger's)

if you ever get curious i have a thread for questions and answers about the subject including a couple lists of famous people that have it. sorry for the derail, i'm on a mission to educate the world of this (my) "affliction";):D

tim warner

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Feb 5, 2009
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upstate ny
I don't agree that pickups count for 80% of tone at all. Active pickups perhaps, but if you have a cold, dull guitar that plays like turd you aint gonna make it sound 80% percent better by sticking a set of pickups in there.

Well, it's true, 80%. It was even a final exam question in luthery school. That's why Companies like B.C. Rich were experimenting with plexiglass bodies. Have you ever heard of a Kalamazoo KG2? It was a budget guitar that Gibson made ,it was made to compete with the Fender Mustang in the beginners market. It had Melody Maker Pickups ,a Meastro Tremolo with a set intonation Gibson bridge,a maple Telecasterish neck. But the best part of all was the body ,it was made out of masonite and was molded in either a Mustangish body shape or later on ,an SG shape.The bodies were actually subcontracted out to a toilet seat company! lol. I have one of the SG style ones and threw a hot rails in the bridge position and a dimarzio area 67 in the neck position and it is one of the sweetest sounding guitars I own. All it needed was to get rid of those crappy microphonic Melody Maker pickups.


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May 20, 2012
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Northern Ireland. UK
I don't agree that pickups count for 80% of tone at all. Active pickups perhaps, but if you have a cold, dull guitar that plays like turd you aint gonna make it sound 80% percent better by sticking a set of pickups in there.

Well, it's true, 80%. It was even a final exam question in luthery school. That's why Companies like B.C. Rich were experimenting with plexiglass bodies. Have you ever heard of a Kalamazoo KG2? It was a budget guitar that Gibson made ,it was made to compete with the Fender Mustang in the beginners market. It had Melody Maker Pickups ,a Meastro Tremolo with a set intonation Gibson bridge,a maple Telecasterish neck. But the best part of all was the body ,it was made out of masonite and was molded in either a Mustangish body shape or later on ,an SG shape.The bodies were actually subcontracted out to a toilet seat company! lol. I have one of the SG style ones and threw a hot rails in the bridge position and a dimarzio area 67 in the neck position and it is one of the sweetest sounding guitars I own. All it needed was to get rid of those crappy microphonic Melody Maker pickups.

Man, you wll never in a million years convince me that the body has a limited effect on tone.
I know many companies tried the whole plexiglass thing and experimented with different bodies and materials. I am not a luthier but I have a very good ear for tones and I can hear subtle differences from guitar to guitar with the same pickups.
A friend of mine asked me to drop a decent humbucker into his piece of shit Flying V copy. I even replaced the pots and caps.

Guess what?

It still sounded like a piece of shit Flying V copy...

I swear man I think it was made of balsa wood stuffed with newspaper.

I can tell all i need to know about how a guitar sounds and more importantly how it will resonate by playing it unplugged for several minutes.
I have bought guitars in the past without even plugging them in. All the best guitars I have ever played sounded incredible unplugged.

I also know a great Luthier who builds awesome guitars but can't play for shit and is tone deaf. But he still does a great fret job.


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Apr 27, 2010
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I don't know about Chinese guitars but coming from the UK I have to say their Tea is the shiznit!:applause:


Les Moore

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2011
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Stockholm Sweden
I´m not a luthier either but is´nt one of the reasons some guitars are cheaper than others the body? Again, apart from pups and electronics and hardware. I always thought the hardness, density and dryness of the material was crucial for the tone and sustain of the guitar. To choose and find the right material and then having it dry up properly takes time and time is money. Am I wrong?