Piece of SHIT chinese Gibson copies

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New Member
May 20, 2012
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Northern Ireland. UK
I´m not a luthier either but is´nt one of the reasons some guitars are cheaper than others the body? Again, apart from pups and electronics and hardware. I always thought the hardness, density and dryness of the material was crucial for the tone and sustain of the guitar. To choose and find the right material and then having it dry up properly takes time and time is money. Am I wrong?

No sir. You are not wrong.

tim warner

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Feb 5, 2009
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upstate ny
Super Beaver , using that logic you would have to say a 40 year old Hondo 2 sounds better than a new PRS because the wood is older. I bet if you had experimented with different pickups (because it's a combination of things that compliment each other) you could have found one that brought your friends V to life. I put a set of SLASH signature alnico pro Seymore Duncans in my SG custom and it sounded like dog shit also.But what do I know, I only make a living building and repairing guitars.

Les Moore

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Mar 8, 2011
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Stockholm Sweden
Maybe those 80% is an average, meaning that you can have a combination of pups and body that is total crap and another conbo that is heaven. Or a good body where a change of pups is noticeable, and another worse body where it doesn´t matter what you put in, it still sounds like shit. Just a theory.


New Member
May 20, 2012
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Northern Ireland. UK
Super Beaver , using that logic you would have to say a 40 year old Hondo 2 sounds better than a new PRS because the wood is older. I bet if you had experimented with different pickups (because it's a combination of things that compliment each other) you could have found one that brought your friends V to life. I put a set of SLASH signature alnico pro Seymore Duncans in my SG custom and it sounded like dog shit also.But what do I know, I only make a living building and repairing guitars.

Not really, they used shit wood in those days as well, and covered them in thick Polyurethane. Ever play a late 70's Strat? They weren't all bad but the worst I ever played weighed in at 10lbs:wow:

For a Strat.

It's not just fake Chineese guitars either. I was in my local guitar shop today and witnessed a bunch of new USA Gibson with the worst build ever. So there is shit everywhere.

I honestly can't accept your point about woods having little effect in the guitar's tone. We'll leave it at that. I couldn't be fucked arguing about it anyway, you'll never convince me.

I live by one rule...if it sounds like shit unplugged it's just gonna sound like louder shit plugged.

End of story? Peace. :hippie::hippie::hippie:


Active Member
Dec 4, 2008
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Spent about five weeks in Shanghai back in 2008 for work and found a road in downtown Shanghai that was all music shops the entire length and it was pretty long. I spent a lot of down time up and down that road going into every single guitar shop (and there were a lot). Almost all had fake Chinese Gibsons, Fenders, Ibanez hanging in the windows and walls. Over the five weeks I must have played close to 200 different guitars in the hope of finding that one gem that i could bring back and wave it under the cork sniffing brigades' collective noses!
You know what I came back with........Fuck All!!!!!
Every single one I played was a piece of shit. Some we couldn't even tune. Even the shop assistants had trouble. We'd tune them and when we thought we were done and I'd play a chord for the first time it would go out of tune...no joke and no exaggeration.
Others had such bad craftmanship that after i caught my hand a couple of times on parts of the fret edges i learnt to check the neck carefully first before playing.
Not one fucking guitar was useable out of the ones i tried! And there's no point commenting on the materials and sound both umplugged and plugged in...it's been commented on before and a new set of pup's I don't believe would have made them useable. At least I wasn't willing to take that chance.
After getting back home I gave in and bought a used LP standard Gibbo and have a Tokai LS80 as my second. Never looked back.