Recommend Me A Marshall Amp

  • Thread starter cokekolev
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Jul 19, 2010
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I've recently sold my big Marshall gear (JCM900 4100, JCM2000 DSL100, 1960 4x12). I only have an MS2 and MG15CD left to tinker with. The JCM900 was ok for what it was, but it had to be way too loud to sound good. Same with the DSL, although it sounded great and was too heavy and big. The 4x12 was useless, as it's too heavy to carry around. I'm also having some problems with my back.
I'm currently playing in a heavy metal cover band with a loud drummer, a bassist and another guitarist. My main rig is an Orange Dual Terror head with a 1x12 closed-back cabinet with a Celestion G12M70 (love that speaker). I'm planning to ge a 2x12 in the future though. I use the Orange Micro Dark as backup, but sometimes I just prefer it to the Dual Terror as it's so small and portable and sounds almost as good.
But now I just can't handle the thought I don't have a 'real' Marshall anymore, as I love the Marshall sound. So I'm looking for something compact and lightweight. I want to use it for rehearsals and gigs, even without PA.

I've been considering the following options:


Positive: A DSL in a compact format, has built-in attenuation
Negative: Still too heavy at 23kg, crappy speaker (Celestion 70-80), actually too expensive for what it is (an Asian-made combo)


Positive: Very versatile
Negative: All that midi mumbo-jumbo, waaaaaaay to heavy


-Positive: lightweight and compact
-Negative: no FX loop, no reverb, only 15W

Any other recommendations?


Active Member
Jun 10, 2010
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I like my DSL40C. I initially bought it for home use and was disappointed by the size of it. It wouldn't fit in my living room tidily. I was about to return it until I tried it at rehearsals. It's one of my favourite combos, crappy speaker or not.

Marshall did a 15watt head version of the DSL. DSL15h I would guess. The one I tried got some decent tones, but the gain channels sounded a bit boxy to me.

If you'd forgive me, I'd suggest a rethink. If the Oranges are doing it for you, invest in a new 2x12 cabinet. The Engl Pro 212 cabinet is, I'm convinced, one of the best on the market for the money. Your Orange will treat it just fine, if you decide to invest in another Marshall head later on, it'll work just fine too.

I use mine with my new JVM410h on top. I'm at the stage where I'm thinking I don't need my 412s anymore. It sounds good, blasts right and is tighter than any 4x12 I've ever personally owned. I include the Mesa cabs I've had in that too! Great metal tones too without shedloads of volume.

Not quite a Marshall answer, but it's the one I have for you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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DSL5C, its got all the basics and can be plugged into a cab if needed to be louder or just mic it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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I do think the DSL40C is the best bet. You can pop in a better speaker as I did and it sounds pretty good and it has more than enough gain on Lead 1 or 2 channels, I think it would be great for heavy metal plus its pretty dam loud.

You may even want to look at the lower power reissue 1X12 Jubilee combo as a choice??


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Again, a good reason why Marshall should have the DSL40 in a head. Get the combo, convert it - done!

Solid State

Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
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If you're not in the financial state to get a Mini Jube combo, then get a DSL15H and a Plexi-in-a-box pedal to run on the clean channel.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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I've recently sold my big Marshall gear (JCM900 4100, JCM2000 DSL100, 1960 4x12). I only have an MS2 and MG15CD left to tinker with. The JCM900 was ok for what it was, but it had to be way too loud to sound good. Same with the DSL, although it sounded great and was too heavy and big. The 4x12 was useless, as it's too heavy to carry around. I'm also having some problems with my back.
I'm currently playing in a heavy metal cover band with a loud drummer, a bassist and another guitarist. My main rig is an Orange Dual Terror head with a 1x12 closed-back cabinet with a Celestion G12M70 (love that speaker). I'm planning to ge a 2x12 in the future though. I use the Orange Micro Dark as backup, but sometimes I just prefer it to the Dual Terror as it's so small and portable and sounds almost as good.
But now I just can't handle the thought I don't have a 'real' Marshall anymore, as I love the Marshall sound. So I'm looking for something compact and lightweight. I want to use it for rehearsals and gigs, even without PA.

I've been considering the following options:


Positive: A DSL in a compact format, has built-in attenuation
Negative: Still too heavy at 23kg, crappy speaker (Celestion 70-80), actually too expensive for what it is (an Asian-made combo)


Positive: Very versatile
Negative: All that midi mumbo-jumbo, waaaaaaay to heavy


-Positive: lightweight and compact
-Negative: no FX loop, no reverb, only 15W

Any other recommendations?
Since weight seems to be a big issue, I suggest you get one of the Fractal Axe-FX or Kemper profilers and just live with the fact that you're getting older, having back problems, and can't carry around heavy sh*t anymore (that or hire help or quit playing. Besides, either of those two units do a great job and include effects all in one.