Sarah Palin and her Target map

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Apr 23, 2010
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What you arent hearing is the judge that was killed is pro 2nd amendment. He ruled against the Fed govt when they tried to force Sheriff Mack to enforce the Brady bill. This judge from what I can tell was a constitutional judge in his rulings. So you have 2 pro gun public servants killed. A lil 9 yr old girl. Whos father came out and said not to use the death of his daughter to rob people of their liberties. And a Senator who is now using this tragedy to push more gun control.
I've been following the topic you're talking about on a couple of forums since the story broke and A. Jones was covering the topic (of course) this morning. You can turn anything into a conspiracy and they already have. One of the first things I thought of after the story broke was, here we go with the Brady bill again, sure as shit I don't think it was even an hr after it happened they're talking flippn gun control. I just don't think he was acting or involved with our gov. there's a lot of info coming out now about the pos. He has a lot of post that make no sense what so ever that he's posted on various forums, he had an interest with mind control, occults, politics. nazi's, he hated all gov from what I get from his profile, he had met her before and I think he latched on to that for some reason and was obsessed with her in some manner. I just think he's a nut case with a twisted self motivated agenda. I could also be very wrong because I don't put any thing past our gov and hits happen all the time. Hell they found one of Reagan and Bush's military expert advisors Wheeler in the landfill right after Christmas, what ever he knew was to much. So......who the hell knows what goes on anymore it's all so corrupt and not getting better.


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I've been following the topic you're talking about on a couple of forums since the story broke and A. Jones was covering the topic (of course) this morning. You can turn anything into a conspiracy and they already have. One of the first things I thought of after the story broke was, here we go with the Brady bill again, sure as shit I don't think it was even an hr after it happened they're talking flippn gun control. I just don't think he was acting or involved with our gov. there's a lot of info coming out now about the pos. He has a lot of post that make no sense what so ever that he's posted on various forums, he had an interest with mind control, occults, politics. nazi's, he hated all gov from what I get from his profile, he had met her before and I think he latched on to that for some reason and was obsessed with her in some manner. I just think he's a nut case with a twisted self motivated agenda. I could also be very wrong because I don't put any thing past our gov and hits happen all the time. Hell they found one of Reagan and Bush's military expert advisors Wheeler in the landfill right after Christmas, what ever he knew was to much. So......who the hell knows what goes on anymore it's all so corrupt and not getting better.

Im not concerned with the nut job. Its nothing but scenery if this is a hit. The question "why" is all that matters if it is a hit. Im not looking for conspiracies but the are things that make me question this.


New Member
Apr 23, 2010
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The guy I wish they would take out is Phelp's, now there's a guy that deserves a bullet in the head. Westboro has reached an all time low saying they're going to show up and protest that little girls funeral, that's past pathetic. Maybe some 1%'s will show up with the Patriot Gaurd and give him some special attention, the Patriots have to ignore them as they should but the other boys don't. His days are numbered, their protest have been getting more aggressive and confrontational, this protest could be the straw on the camels back and the public may just take matters into their own hands, one can only hope.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2010
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Tacoma-ish, WA
The bloodiest war in our history was the one fought between the states. If we keep this up history may repeat itself. Right vs. Left, North vs. South, Blue vs. Red.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2010
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It's a disgrace to politicize this tragedy, but the the angry left is using it and trying to blame Palin and others for this.
They should be ashamed, but then they don't have any.
The shooter was a stalker following her from 2007, but the despicable bastards of the left are turning this into a hate rally.
But if this guy was a muslim, then they would be acting differently, damn hypocrites.


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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The guy I wish they would take out is Phelp's, now there's a guy that deserves a bullet in the head. Westboro has reached an all time low saying they're going to show up and protest that little girls funeral, that's past pathetic. Maybe some 1%'s will show up with the Patriot Gaurd and give him some special attention, the Patriots have to ignore them as they should but the other boys don't. His days are numbered, their protest have been getting more aggressive and confrontational, this protest could be the straw on the camels back and the public may just take matters into their own hands, one can only hope.



New Member
Apr 23, 2010
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"Im not concerned with the nut job. Its nothing but scenery if this is a hit. The question "why" is all that matters if it is a hit. Im not looking for conspiracies but the are things that make me question this."

You know in today's day and time I think you definitely have to question everything. Sadly we've become more of a guilty until proven innocent society, very little trust now days and the more lies and corruption that gets exposed which is happening more and more and at a rapid pace, the worse it gets. I'm really not looking forward to hearing all the gun control rhetoric were fixing to get nailed with.


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Nov 19, 2010
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violence plays into their hand. dont fall for it.

think about it for a minute, armed confrontation with the US military? give me a break. no chance of accomplishing anything on that route. except martial law.

the only defense we have is non-compliance. the system only works if you engage the system. in other words, the old saying, you cant wage a war if no one shows up to fight.
or something like that...peaceful non compliance.

we as people, need to be there together, for each other, not fighting each other.

i would also suggest not watching the constant 24 hr coverage of this if its just making you angry with one faction or the other. this is where we need to wake up and realize that they are pulling our strings.
turn off the fucking tv. your not going to get any kind of fair or impartial coverage, b/c there is no such thing as independent reporting on tv anymore. and the politicians are just doing what theyre born and bred to do. piss you off. dont fall into the trap


Active Member
May 19, 2010
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Somewhere between Heaven and Hell !!!
Look into the Council of Foreign Relations. You will understand the motives behind such acts. Did Tim Mcveigh and Terry Nichols act alone? How about this kid ?
Nothing in politics happens by chance. Nothing. This congresswoman, while she was a Democrat had voted against healthcare, demanded to close the borders and is pro right to bare arms ect. She does not fit in with the agenda of the liberal progresives. I find it rather conspicious that this happens to her as she is a dessenter among their ranks. I am an IBEW union electrician and should be a liberal democrate but am not. Both parties are out of line and no longer in touch with the American People. This will be the spark to censor the internet and stricter gun laws. It is quite obvious her security was lacking.
Another lone gunman theory and I am not a conspiracy based person. But, these events seem to occor when one political party or another can most benifit from them. This kid was/is a registered Democrat and he shot a Democrat. Go figure !!!


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Nov 19, 2010
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good point, there have been a few things coming down the pike to get us used to the idea of web censorship. i agree this is another egg in that basket.

jay rockefeller stated b4 congress that the biggest threat to national security is the internet. he said in some ways it made him wish it was never created. what an asshole!

its coming people. what are we going to do about it?


New Member
Apr 23, 2010
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You didn't hear? Westboro Church is going to protest at the little girls funeral.
These fuks. No one deserves this BS especially a 9 yr old killed tragically. I don't think it will go well for them we'll see. They need an ol' fashion ass kicking is what they need.
[ame=]YouTube - Westboro Baptist Church Members Are INSANE[/ame]


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2010
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I've been following the topic you're talking about on a couple of forums since the story broke and A. Jones was covering the topic (of course) this morning. You can turn anything into a conspiracy and they already have. One of the first things I thought of after the story broke was, here we go with the Brady bill again, sure as shit I don't think it was even an hr after it happened they're talking flippn gun control. I just don't think he was acting or involved with our gov. there's a lot of info coming out now about the pos. He has a lot of post that make no sense what so ever that he's posted on various forums, he had an interest with mind control, occults, politics. nazi's, he hated all gov from what I get from his profile, he had met her before and I think he latched on to that for some reason and was obsessed with her in some manner. I just think he's a nut case with a twisted self motivated agenda. I could also be very wrong because I don't put any thing past our gov and hits happen all the time. Hell they found one of Reagan and Bush's military expert advisors Wheeler in the landfill right after Christmas, what ever he knew was to much. So......who the hell knows what goes on anymore it's all so corrupt and not getting better.

your still missing me here. im not saying hes acting WITH the gov in any way. to oversimplify, im saying hes (for whatever reason) a vulnerable personality, that is likely being exploited by some agency that doesnt exist. dig? and i dont mean they knock on his door and introduce themselves. it could have been people who have come in and out of his life, seemingly purley organic and natural, but planting seeds, installing triggers etc.

cathy o'brien has a very good lecture on this subject. do a search on youtube, check it out, you might learn something. (im not trying to sound condescending here, sorry!)


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Nov 19, 2010
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Dec 7, 2009
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New Member
Apr 23, 2010
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i would also suggest not watching the constant 24 hr coverage of this if its just making you angry with one faction or the other. this is where we need to wake up and realize that they are pulling our strings.
turn off the fucking tv. your not going to get any kind of fair or impartial coverage, b/c there is no such thing as independent reporting on tv anymore. and the politicians are just doing what theyre born and bred to do. piss you off. dont fall into the trap
Good advice, I can't hardly watch the news on TV anymore it's so scripted and skewed. Fox, CNN, MSN is so full of lies and manipulated news it's a joke to watch it. Then when you learn who owns and controls these networks it all makes sense.
your still missing me here. im not saying hes acting with the gov in any way. to oversimplify, im saying hes (for whatever reason) a vulnerable personality, that is likely being exploited by some agency that doesnt exist. dig? and i dont mean they knock on his door and introduce themselves. it could have been people who have come in and out of his life, seemingly purley organic and natural, but planting seeds, installing triggers etc.

cathy o'brien has a very good lecture on this subject. check it out, you might learn something. (im not trying to sound condescending here, sorry!)
I was actually repling to LFH's post and not yours, but anyway no matter I here ya and understand what you were saying, christmas tree bomber, underwear bomber were all set up and staged, I won't even go into the 9/11 topic still a little on the fence with that. But yes blk ops that involve mind control is a very, very real deal. It is the weapon of the future and it's here now. What they are able to do now by controlling frequencies and radio waves like HAARP is some scary stuff, If you research the DARPA program it gets even scarier, well worth the time, if you havn't already. Google "DARPA Helmet of obedience" one of their toys.
So when you say agencies may be involved with this kid, to your best explanation what agencies are you talking about, US gov/military blk ops or Bilderberg group, Freemason, Illumanati, Council of Foreign Relations, Etc.? I guess the answer would lay on who's agenda was to benifit the most and it could be any of them I suppose. Im sure they all have their own black ops agencies of some form.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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Democrats and Republicans are tearing this country apart along with anyone stupid and naive enough to believe and follow either side.
+1. Well said, my man!!!

And yeah, I'd do Sarah Palin (I'd tea bag her first to shut her up), but I sure as fuck wouldn't be stupid to vote for her before or after laying some pipe in her. Sarah Palin=oinking for the boinking; hurtin' for the squirtin'; ho' fo sho.


In Memorandum
VIP Member
Sep 5, 2010
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This is beyond fucked up!!!!!!!! FUCKING FILTHY SCUMBAGS!!!!!

the polotician not withstanding.....this is just effin DISGUSTING. and the bastards prison photo shows him smiling is wrong with this world...:mad: