The MarshallForum Guide to Marshall Amps

  • Thread starter Guv'nor
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Mar 10, 2012
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I've been playing a 1968 SG for years.I need a new amp and want to know what Marshall amp you would recommend for playing in a small club but I can get that big ass Marshall stack sound out of without blowing the back door off the place.
I own a 94 SG special with ebony sounds awesome with my 1987x.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2009
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South Orange County, Ca.
Alot of info on here! Thanks! I see big used Marshall heads all the time at GC. I'm going to start paying attention to model, price, shape it appears to be in etc. I have Fenders, Epiphone, Sunn and Voxs but, still looking and trying to find a Marshall. I like the Class5 head. I wonder if that would work with a 10" 16 ohm speaker?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2012
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Does anyone have any good intel regarding the Marshall JMD1? The price just dropped about $300.
May 29, 2012
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I own a 1974, 100 watt, Marshall 1959 Super Lead MK ll. I got it several years ago. It came with 6550 tubes but I converted it to EL34. I prefer the softer touch of the EL34’s.
Many years ago, I bought “new”, two ’72, 100 watt and 50 watt super lead heads to tour with. The bright channel tone on these amps are very bright stock. The volume control can be so sensitive, it was difficult to use. Almost jumped from off to wide open with just a touch to the knob.
I played my ‘72 amps with a homemade attenuator for years (5 nights a week) thru a 1967 four twelve slant cab, with no issues. In 1972 there were no commercially made attenuators, we used large rheostats and made our own. However, I ran the volume on 3 for the amount of crunch I like. Never had an issue.
I discovered by removing one side of the capacitor on the bright channels volume pot, (inside the amp), it really warms up the tone. Takes the bitter treble out completely. The volume control becomes usable and the bass really comes alive.
This is a great mod without really changing anything. Tone is much, much better... more Plexi like. Just disconnect one side to break the circuit. Try it!


New Member
Jul 3, 2012
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hi friends,

The Vintage Marshall Guide. This is my first article here at I hope this can be useful to all of you who are interested in buying old Marshall amps.thanks
Jul 25, 2012
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Columbus, Ohio
Wow, pretty nice thread. I own a 1983 JCM 800 2204 Lead Master Model Mk.II. I've been cosmetically "rebuilding" it and have a question for you gearheads out there that might see this. First, are the handle caps on this model supposed to be gold or black? I've seen plenty of online pictures of this model and they're ALL different, black and gold. Which color is it? Second, mine is missing it's pressence knob. The remaining knobs are all screw in sliver faced with a gold band before the blackish, brownish plastic. For the life of me I can't find a matching replacement knob? Third, the front bottom right corner cap is busted clean off but the rivets remain. How does one remove these rivets so's to install a new corner cap? Any help here would be most hot. Thanx.


New Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Sorry, I just can't help myself, maybe I'm just too old (or too smart?)

Rocket scientists - this is NOT a thread to fix your amp, or tell you where to get a great Marshall amp for NO MONEY ($500???), or why your amp doesn't sound like "xxx", etc., etc.

This thread was intended to give a quick rundown of the more important historic Marshalls - for those who feel that it is not complete, don't come here whining about how yours was left out, or how bad a thread it is because it does not list every single unit, etc - anyone who has ever served in the armed services KNOWS that you do NOT complain about a problem unless you have put some time into, and can offer, a darned good suggestion for how to fix it - like a post that contains similarly detailed info as the OP was - otherwise it is just darned disrespectful of the original intent and effort put forth, which, lest we forget, was made by a guy trying to HELP us - he's not the enemy, so don't treat him like that!

Where the heck did some of you learn to read - or did you at all??

It's very simple - you are either part of the solution, or you are part of the PROBLEM (and the latter is a complete waste of DNA).

That aside - a lot of good responses giving props for the efforts made, as well as some additional nice info to add, thanks for those efforts! :)

Those who needs repairs, go to the proper forum section - READ BEFORE POSTING is a good rule of thumb.

Those unhappy because the list isn't absolutely complete - then SUBMIT your COMPLETE list with all appropriate details, so it can, if need be and deemed worthy, be considered.

Last - be nice, so I can go back to being nice, too. That's right, I'm the guy who SAYS what most of us think but are too polite (or can't be bothered by stupidity and/or rudeness) to say/respond to.

Food for thought: Those with the ability have the *responsibility*.

And now....back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Seriously - love being here with ALL you Marshall guys (and gals, as the case may be). !! :)


New Member
Sep 28, 2012
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Hey guys ... im new here, in fact to any form sign of my age probably, so sorry if im in the wrong place
i started a thread about i vintage plexi i was gifted could any clever ppl here have a look at it cheers.


New Member
Nov 16, 2012
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A terrific and organic set of lists. I'm learning every time I drop in. Thanks to all who contribute info & good vibes.


Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Jul 9, 2010
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Dixie Hollow
Sorry, I just can't help myself, maybe I'm just too old (or too smart?)

Rocket scientists - this is NOT a thread to fix your amp, or tell you where to get a great Marshall amp for NO MONEY ($500???), or why your amp doesn't sound like "xxx", etc., etc.

This thread was intended to give a quick rundown of the more important historic Marshalls - for those who feel that it is not complete, don't come here whining about how yours was left out, or how bad a thread it is because it does not list every single unit, etc - anyone who has ever served in the armed services KNOWS that you do NOT complain about a problem unless you have put some time into, and can offer, a darned good suggestion for how to fix it - like a post that contains similarly detailed info as the OP was - otherwise it is just darned disrespectful of the original intent and effort put forth, which, lest we forget, was made by a guy trying to HELP us - he's not the enemy, so don't treat him like that!

Where the heck did some of you learn to read - or did you at all??

It's very simple - you are either part of the solution, or you are part of the PROBLEM (and the latter is a complete waste of DNA).

That aside - a lot of good responses giving props for the efforts made, as well as some additional nice info to add, thanks for those efforts! :)

Those who needs repairs, go to the proper forum section - READ BEFORE POSTING is a good rule of thumb.

Those unhappy because the list isn't absolutely complete - then SUBMIT your COMPLETE list with all appropriate details, so it can, if need be and deemed worthy, be considered.

Last - be nice, so I can go back to being nice, too. That's right, I'm the guy who SAYS what most of us think but are too polite (or can't be bothered by stupidity and/or rudeness) to say/respond to.

Food for thought: Those with the ability have the *responsibility*.

And now....back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Seriously - love being here with ALL you Marshall guys (and gals, as the case may be). !! :)

helluva 1 & done poster there.:shock:
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2009
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South Orange County, Ca.
This thread is excellent! With every form of respect due, can you kindly update it to include the newer models which have come out such as the imports, solid state stuff, hybrids and the delightful 50th aniversary single watters? I know it is alot of work but, just a friendly suggestion. Thank you!


New Member
Feb 9, 2013
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Help I have a marshall JCM 2000 DSL 401 what I need to know is I want to run an extra speaker cab and at the same time use the the amps 1x12 as well , so will the extra 8ohm jack next to the main take an extra cab of will it throw off the ohms ?