The Official Marshall Code 100 Thread

Springfield Scooter

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Apr 13, 2017
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I'm not holding out, just have not had the time to get to it yet. Trust me, it is not fun and games that are keeping me away from it.

Just got my Code 100H and cabinet today. Can't wait to try it out. It has been a very long year waiting for this amp!

You guys are stronger than I !
Your going to love it!


Active Member
Jan 14, 2016
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Still no one posting any recordings, or youtube reviews.

Yep, seriously lame. Springfield says he played his for 8 hours, not a single sound clip :rolleyes: Plenty of people on different forums claim to have them for almost two weeks now, no demos. These things must sound like crap. If they sounded killer, someone who claims they have one would have posted a clip by now.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Queensbury ,NY
Any pics of the back of one yet. I was curious if they added anything extra. I am hoping to try the 25 one day but the 100 looks cool. The price is fair for these at least. I just fear what resale value could be. I don't think they will hold much. Repairs won't be worth it. :ohno:


Senior Moderator
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Feb 5, 2009
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Yep, seriously lame. Springfield says he played his for 8 hours, not a single sound clip :rolleyes: Plenty of people on different forums claim to have them for almost two weeks now, no demos. These things must sound like crap. If they sounded killer, someone who claims they have one would have posted a clip by now.

Lol, do you seriously buy amps based on youtube demos? I hope that was a bit of a joke. Nevertheless, nobody is obligated to post videos / clips of themselves, so no need to call anyone out like that. I'm sure clips of the amp will appear in time.


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Feb 5, 2009
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So, do the 100's have cab simulations? How does that work w/the head? If so, I'd imagine you are turning them off before plugging into a 4x12 (or any other cabinet)? I'm curious as to how it'd sound through my HW's. I really don't need one, but it's just so damn tempting … ok, maybe I need one.

Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
yes, same as the combo...

depends on the speaker cab. While generally, you would do that, running the cab simulator through a guitar cab, can give you more tonal options. You might need to tweak the tones, but, you might get something unique. Like running a V30 cab sim through a greenback speaker.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013
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las vegas
Yep, seriously lame. Springfield says he played his for 8 hours, not a single sound clip :rolleyes: Plenty of people on different forums claim to have them for almost two weeks now, no demos. These things must sound like crap. If they sounded killer, someone who claims they have one would have posted a clip by now.

I agree! F these guys who don't take the time to properly record a new amp and the post a sound clip to a hosting source. WTF? Its almost like they have lives! How could they not enjoy all the comments on "That sounds like shit" "you recorded it wrong" " you should have played it better"


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2008
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Calgary, Canada

#1. No one is attacking the OP.
#2. No one is asking for a polished production
#3. The arguments for not posting any sound clips makes no sense at all as the CODE can be recorded direct over USB, a lot quicker than taking pics and making posts on social media. More-so, if you can take a pic with your phone and post it, you can also record sound or take a video and post it in the exact same time taken. The Marshall group on Facebook has these daily......

The artist video's Marshall put up sound really really bad... (so you base your opinion on youtube videos?)... as a matter of fact, There are literally MILLIONS of videos on youtube, Soundcloud, etc, that sound absolutely AMAZING and are 100% accurate to the source they were recorded, LIVE... not post-produced, so why would all of a sudden this be an argument for not sharing of the CODE?

Listen, at the end of the day, I don't really care if it's good, bad, or whatever. I had my experience with the 50, I was one of the 1st in western Canada to have one. I am interested in hearing if it's improved since my experience from the end user, not the advertiser.

Unfortunately, text is just that and people say what they want to say about a product, as it's their opinion, and I don't expect anyone to do anything, but if it really sounds so great, I would think there would be a lot more sound/video clips out there (BTW I'm referring to the wide world of social media, not singling out the OP so you can leave me out of that please).


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
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I bought one this afternoon at my local Guitar Center. They literally only had one and were just putting their price tag on it to put on the shelf for demo.

If you already have a Marshall amp, cabinet(s) and effects setup that you like and enjoy, save your money unless you have $350 just lying around. It can sound pretty good but it's not as enjoyable and easy to use as my existing setup. I have to say it was mostly curiosity that made me buy it.

First of all it is NO WHERE NEAR a 100W tube amp in terms of volume, not even close. I had it hooked up to two 4x12 cabs and had it wide open. It does get loud but not run you out of the room loud like my DSL 100H and I didn't expect it to.

Like I said, I was mostly curious about how it would work, how the amps, cabs, effects, etc. would sound, what using the app would be like, how Bluetooth would work (worked flawlessly on iPhone 6 Plus), etc.

You really have to use the app to dial this thing in. You can use the front panel but it's much easier to navigate with the app.

To test this thing out I would always start by selecting the amp I wanted to use, turning off all the effects, turning all the amp settings to zero and turning off the cab sim.

One thing I noticed right away is that the cab sims DRASTICALLY change the sound of whatever you have created.

Using a 2016 American Standard Strat on the neck PU I A/B tested the CODE DSL clean amp against my DSL 100H clean and with everything set at 5 (resonance and presence included) and no cab sim or effects the CODE was MUCH brighter, in a bad way. I could dial out the brightness and get it really close to sounding like the real DSL amp clean tone but using the app to do this just feels weird to me and I'm a very tech friendly/savvy person. I don't know how to explain it, changing the settings using the app just feels a little disconnected to me but it works.

The crunch and distortion on the different supplied amps took me a TON of time to dial in, and I kept getting really frustrated at how they sounded. Too much high end fizz in a lot of the amps by default and always having to go back in and change ALL the settings to dial it in.

If you don't save what you have been working on you will have to start all over again if you change to a different preset, like DSL Clean to DSL OD on the CODE (think about switching from the clean channel to the crunch channel on the real DSL amp you press a button on the amp and bam, channel change) if you didn't save your settings before you change presets everything you spent time tweaking is gone. This is by design and I knew it would do this, but each time I would do it I would get pissed off. Live and learn. If you turn off the amp and turn it back on it starts back up using the last preset you had active.

I really don't like that the Resonance and Presence controls are not on the front panel and not in the group of the other settings on the main page of the app. You have to go into the Amp settings to change these. Maybe I'm too used to having easy access to these on my DSL but it takes a lot of tweaking to get the sound right on this amp and having to go back and fourth into the Amp setting for Resonance and Presence is pretty frustrating.

If I were to have all these amps at my disposal I know I would have to tweak them to get them sounding right but I also know it would be MUCH easier, less time consuming and much less frustrating. Such is the nature of the all-in-one digital modeling amps. I have a Fender Mustang IV and it was not this frustrating to tweak or get sounding the way I wanted using the panel controls. I'm sure I just need to get more familiar with the way the CODE is laid out and works.

I'm going spend some more time with it tomorrow, check out the effects and see if it grows on me.

One thing i can say is that this thing really makes me appreciate what I already have.


Active Member
Jan 14, 2016
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#1. No one is attacking the OP.
#2. No one is asking for a polished production
#3. The arguments for not posting any sound clips makes no sense at all as the CODE can be recorded direct over USB, a lot quicker than taking pics and making posts on social media. More-so, if you can take a pic with your phone and post it, you can also record sound or take a video and post it in the exact same time taken. The Marshall group on Facebook has these daily......

The artist video's Marshall put up sound really really bad... (so you base your opinion on youtube videos?)... as a matter of fact, There are literally MILLIONS of videos on youtube, Soundcloud, etc, that sound absolutely AMAZING and are 100% accurate to the source they were recorded, LIVE... not post-produced, so why would all of a sudden this be an argument for not sharing of the CODE?

Listen, at the end of the day, I don't really care if it's good, bad, or whatever. I had my experience with the 50, I was one of the 1st in western Canada to have one. I am interested in hearing if it's improved since my experience from the end user, not the advertiser.

Unfortunately, text is just that and people say what they want to say about a product, as it's their opinion, and I don't expect anyone to do anything, but if it really sounds so great, I would think there would be a lot more sound/video clips out there (BTW I'm referring to the wide world of social media, not singling out the OP so you can leave me out of that please).

Exactly. Peoples description of how it sounds does nothing for anyone. Just like the "this thread is useless without pics", threads like this on the sound of an amp are useless without sound clips....


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2015
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Yep, seriously lame. Springfield says he played his for 8 hours, not a single sound clip :rolleyes: Plenty of people on different forums claim to have them for almost two weeks now, no demos. These things must sound like crap. If they sounded killer, someone who claims they have one would have posted a clip by now.
Your attitude is what is lame, and it is getting old fast. Nobody owes you anything. Go buy one if you really want to know. Then you can put your money where your mouth is and post clips.


Active Member
Jan 14, 2016
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Your attitude is what is lame, and it is getting old fast. Nobody owes you anything. Go buy one if you really want to know. Then you can put your money where your mouth is and post clips.

U mad lol. This thread is useless without sound clips :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
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Well... I don't have a mic or a way to record my cabs unless you want to hear an iPhone recording. IMO posting a sound clip is really going to depend on what cab you play this thing through. Do the 25 and 50 sound different when recorded directly via USB?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2015
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Brit in California
Hopefully the standalone editor for windows one of the forum members made for the 25, 50 works with the 100 too. I also don't like the gateway but love the windows editor. The reason the windows editor is so good is there are no nested windows for each category of effect etc. Everything is laid out intuitively on a main screen. No need to learn where everything is.

If it wasn't for that editor I probably wouldn't have kept the CODE 50. It's that useful.

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Look people, to record with USB will not sound the same as in your room with a proper cab. Nope. Likely to sound not much different from a 50 this way. I prefer NOT to hear phone recordings cause they suck. They do.
I own a few amps, 3 of which I bought in the last year. I have yet to record any of them. I have a Zoom H4n etc. Just havent bothered.
Have ypu guys itching for a clip recorded your own of your amps to post? Just wondered.
If you think it's lame and must sound like crap then don't get one. Give people a break and a chance to do it. Still a learning curve with them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
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FYI if you plug into the headphone jack it automatically disables the audio output to the cabinet out. The manual says not to power the amp on without a cab connected. I wonder if that is still true if headphones are connected. Still playing with this thing...