the pet peeves thread - today's peeve: when people don't listen

  • Thread starter GibsonMarshallGuy47
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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United States
out of all my pet peeves that have to do with conversational dialogue, this has to be my biggest one...

whenever I have to communicate something important or urgent to someone verbally (or via text or e-mail), I always make sure to speak slowly, loudly, and clearly. if its a message I typed, I always make sure to be very simple, clear, and to the point - sometimes, judging by the person's response, I can clearly tell that they got what I said or asked completely wrong, proving that they were not listening to me. this drives me out of my mind. what makes it even worse is when the person who is not listening to me accuses ME of doing the same, when in reality, THEY are the guilty person who needs to get their frazzled brain together... these scenarios get me SO worked up and angry that I have to take a moment to breathe, and calm myself down.

anyone experience that, or have a similar pet peeve?
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Senior Moderator
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Feb 5, 2009
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What are you trying to say? This is all very confusing. I could be wrong, but I've always been under the impression that while fresh fruits / vegetables taste better, the frozen / canned options actually retain more of their nutrients.


Harmonic Hermit
Gold Supporting Member
May 2, 2017
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out of all my pet peeves that have to do with conversational dialogue, this has to be my biggest...

whenever I have to communicate something important or urgent to someone verbally (or via text or e-mail), I always make sure to speak slowly, loudly, and clearly. if its a message I typed, I always make sure to be very simple, clear, and to the point - sometimes, judging by the person's response, I can clearly tell that they got what I said or asked completely wrong, proving that they were not listening to me. this drives me out of my mind. what makes it even worse is when the person who is not listening to me accuses ME of doing the same, when in reality, THEY are the guilty person who needs to get their frazzled brain together... these scenarios get me SO worked up and angry that I have to take a moment to breathe, and calm myself down.

anyone experience that, or have a similar pet peeve?
You have kids, right? I have a 6 year old. I might as well be mute.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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United States
You have kids, right? I have a 6 year old. I might as well be mute.
yep... got two sons - a 17 year old, and a 21 year old... and a wife. so yeah, I know all about this pet peeve. I also used to work at an insurance agency many years ago, and one of the other agents that I worked with was someone that CONSTANTLY got something I was asking them or telling them wrong. I would continuously be saying: "no, that's not what I said..." OR "no, that's not what I asked you. what I said was _______ ." ... it was truly maddening. I literally just had a similar conversation with a co-worker this morning that got me so furious, I had to take a minute to collect my thoughts and calm myself, before I could continue with my day.


Motivational Speaker
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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What are you trying to say? This is all very confusing. I could be wrong, but I've always been under the impression that while fresh fruits / vegetables taste better, the frozen / canned options actually retain more of their nutrients.
Canned fruits - most commonly include high fructose corn syrup.
Canned vegetables - processed food, usually high in added sodium.

Frozen grocer vegetables - bagged + pesticides + coated with spoil-resistant chemicals.
Fresh from the grocer aisle - pesticides + coated with chemicals to improve shelf life.

Fruits and vegetables, farm to table, locally grown, raw or frozen - optimum healthful, natural food, though still deteriorated compared to 50, 100, 200 years ago (pre-industrialized agriculture).


Motivational Speaker
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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out of all my pet peeves that have to do with conversational dialogue, this has to be my biggest one...

whenever I have to communicate something important or urgent to someone verbally (or via text or e-mail), I always make sure to speak slowly, loudly, and clearly. if its a message I typed, I always make sure to be very simple, clear, and to the point - sometimes, judging by the person's response, I can clearly tell that they got what I said or asked completely wrong, proving that they were not listening to me. this drives me out of my mind. what makes it even worse is when the person who is not listening to me accuses ME of doing the same, when in reality, THEY are the guilty person who needs to get their frazzled brain together... these scenarios get me SO worked up and angry that I have to take a moment to breathe, and calm myself down.

anyone experience that, or have a similar pet peeve?
1. Get used to it, people no longer listen since the Internet and cell phones. You're kind of late on this.

2. Pertaining to the second half of your post, that's called either "projection" or "gaslighting", depending on the exact circumstances.

Realize that you're in the right, and that you are not going crazy. Your struggle will be to just settle down and accept it, whilst resisting the urge to become one of them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
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out of all my pet peeves that have to do with conversational dialogue, this has to be my biggest one...

whenever I have to communicate something important or urgent to someone verbally (or via text or e-mail), I always make sure to speak slowly, loudly, and clearly. if its a message I typed, I always make sure to be very simple, clear, and to the point - sometimes, judging by the person's response, I can clearly tell that they got what I said or asked completely wrong, proving that they were not listening to me. this drives me out of my mind. what makes it even worse is when the person who is not listening to me accuses ME of doing the same, when in reality, THEY are the guilty person who needs to get their frazzled brain together... these scenarios get me SO worked up and angry that I have to take a moment to breathe, and calm myself down.

anyone experience that, or have a similar pet peeve?
What? Just kidding
Maybe peeps are thinking you might be acting condescending when you speak loud and slow . Delivery is everything


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2021
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out of all my pet peeves that have to do with conversational dialogue, this has to be my biggest one...

whenever I have to communicate something important or urgent to someone verbally (or via text or e-mail), I always make sure to speak slowly, loudly, and clearly. if its a message I typed, I always make sure to be very simple, clear, and to the point - sometimes, judging by the person's response, I can clearly tell that they got what I said or asked completely wrong, proving that they were not listening to me. this drives me out of my mind. what makes it even worse is when the person who is not listening to me accuses ME of doing the same, when in reality, THEY are the guilty person who needs to get their frazzled brain together... these scenarios get me SO worked up and angry that I have to take a moment to breathe, and calm myself down.

anyone experience that, or have a similar pet peeve?
I don't understand...🤷‍♂️


Senior Moderator
Staff Member
Feb 5, 2009
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Canned fruits - most commonly include high fructose corn syrup.
Canned vegetables - processed food, usually high in added sodium.

Frozen grocer vegetables - bagged + pesticides + coated with spoil-resistant chemicals.
Fresh from the grocer aisle - pesticides + coated with chemicals to improve shelf life.

Fruits and vegetables, farm to table, locally grown, raw or frozen - optimum healthful, natural food, though still deteriorated compared to 50, 100, 200 years ago (pre-industrialized agriculture).

You have a problem with corn syrup? What, do you have a problem with BBQ and pancake breakfasts as well? Sounds pretty un-American, dude.


VIP Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Great Southern Land
You have a problem with corn syrup? What, do you have a problem with BBQ and pancake breakfasts as well? Sounds pretty un-American, dude.
Nothing wrong with HFCS

Fatty livers for you, and you, and you, diabetes for you and you




Motivational Speaker
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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You have a problem with corn syrup? What, do you have a problem with BBQ and pancake breakfasts as well? Sounds pretty un-American, dude.
Unamerican? :hmm:...

Unamerican. :hmm:...

Well, I don't know how BBQ and pancakes got into this whole thing, but let me be clear (because everyone says that now): I am in no way, whatsoever, racist against BBQ & pancakes!

High fructose cornhole syrup though? Definitely racist.



Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2022
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It is because they don't care. Simple as that. Not a priority.

If a young person then they are testing everything to learn possible outcomes. You already know what they are from life experience. They don't.

You wait until they need something from you, remind them of the incident, and give them what they want. Keep reminding them each time they need something and comment on how things are improving. Once they correlate reward with their behavior, the incentive is to pay attention and care.

Some people mature out of that and take on more responsibility where they realize the benefits of being more altruistic but not to the point that people are robbing you blind or using you like a slave.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 25, 2009
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New Zealand
I all seriousness, @GibsonMarshallGuy47 , it annoys the hell out of me when people don't listen too. My time & your time is important. Why waste it?

AFAIC, you get two chances then I'm done.

The struggle is real.
I'm more familiar with finding myself at the receiving end of unclear communications.
It would be rude to reply back saying 'that could literally mean four different things you illiterate loon'.
But I want to.