Thoughts on Nunos cheap shot at Slash?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
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We all make mistakes in our youth. Anyone who uses a lot of intoxicating substances makes a lot of mistakes. Nearly all of us change as we grow older.

I don't condone infidelity and certainly not sexual assault, which did happen too often, but come on, does anyone really believe most of those groupie girls didn't WANT to sleep with rock stars and didn't know full well what they were getting into? I wasn't an idiot when I was in HS and nor were the girls. It is stupid and sexist to think otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2023
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We all make mistakes in our youth. Anyone who uses a lot of intoxicating substances makes a lot of mistakes. Nearly all of us change as we grow older.

I don't condone infidelity and certainly not sexual assault, which did happen too often, but come on, does anyone really believe most of those groupie girls didn't WANT to sleep with rock stars and didn't know full well what they were getting into? I wasn't an idiot when I was in HS and nor were the girls. It is stupid and sexist to think otherwise.

For the win. :cheers:

I've seen so many girls in there teens sneeking into clubs and just instantly bee lining for the guys in the band more than I can remember. Women both young and old, now and then, are far from innocents much of the time. And very conniving and mischievous. I try to tell the guys involved if I can to watch themselves. Hell I say ID them if you can.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2014
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Does he?
Back in the day he cheated on his wives and was well known to like under-age girls, including getting a girl's parents to sign over custodianship so he could legally bang her.
Not exactly a "good family man". I should think that is the exact definition of "groomer". lol

He's a hypocrite just like everyone else on the planet.

He claims to have no problem with gay people yet always rips gays and trans people.
Just another one of those guys that claims to love freedom - translation- he really means he loves his freedoms but everyone else can go away.

Funny how conservative leaning people so easily forget about his grooming and draft dodging.

Let’s be honest here: The people spearheading the anti-Nuge crusade don’t give a rat’s ass about what he did fifty years ago. They’re trying to discredit him and smear him because of what he has been doing for the past thirty years, which is standing up in bombastic defiance against everything they are trying to push on everyone.

Notice they never address what he has to say-they can’t because Ted brings the receipts to every debate and can rattle off statistics and facts all day long. They don’t want to deal with that, so they resort to the character assassination approach instead.

If you can get past his delivery (which is indeed pretty intense), most normal people would find that they agree with him more than they disagree.

Also, not much gets mentioned about all of the things he does to support our troops and the youth of our nation.

Lastly, Ted will defend your right to disagree with him, and invite a debate. His opponents, on the other hand, want to silence him. Think about that for a bit…
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.
And that's the truth. Everyone has done something against what they may have stood for at one point or another. People are flawed to the core. It's all what we choose to do and why, and who the person looks to be. But the world is a twisted, messed up place with all forms of bullshit and people are forced to dig through it. It's the extremes of what they do that matter to me.
And what exactly that entails. I don't fault someone for cheating on their wife or getting drunk and doing something stupid as much as doing something traitous and betraying the country for example. One I may not like as much depending and look at them with less respect. The other I'd like to hang them by a short rope from a tall tree after using them as a piñata for a while.
Yep, everyone makes mistakes and everyone has a hypocritical side. Too bad some people that make mistakes try to hold other people to a higher standard...but again, I suppose that's human nature.
Do as I say not as I do. lol
Imo-if you live in a glass house don't throw stones.
We all make mistakes in our youth. Anyone who uses a lot of intoxicating substances makes a lot of mistakes. Nearly all of us change as we grow older.

I don't condone infidelity and certainly not sexual assault, which did happen too often, but come on, does anyone really believe most of those groupie girls didn't WANT to sleep with rock stars and didn't know full well what they were getting into? I wasn't an idiot when I was in HS and nor were the girls. It is stupid and sexist to think otherwise.
I don't doubt that but Ted was 30 (not exactly a kid) when he was "custodian" for Pele (and she was 16 when they started dating). We all can have an opinion about that- mine is: that's pretty gross! lol

And remember Ted did not do drugs- so he knew full well what he was doing.
It really is a classic case of "grooming".

Let’s be honest here: The people spearheading the anti-Nuge crusade don’t give a rat’s ass about what he did fifty years ago. They’re trying to discredit him and smear him because of what he has been doing for the past thirty years, which is standing up in bombastic defiance against everything they are trying to push on everyone.

Notice they never address what he has to say-they can’t because Ted brings the receipts to every debate and can rattle off statistics and facts all day long. They don’t want to deal with that, so they resort to the character assassination approach instead.

If you can get past his delivery (which is indeed pretty intense), most normal people would find that they agree with him more than they disagree.

Also, not much gets mentioned about all of the things he does to support our troops and the youth of our nation.

I like the Nuge don't get me wrong.
But I don't hold him up as any kind of paen to virtue nor defender of "freedom". Not just because of what he did 40 years ago but for the dumb stuff he still says. lol
You said he lives the life he preaches- I don't see where that's been the case.

Then again I don't hold rock stars in high regard typically and I loathe politicians. Ted's more interesting when he sticks to talking about music. But even then he's kind of full of crap- one of his "virtues" is his tireless self promotion. To my way of thinking he just talks way too much. Too much ego.

Anyhow a better grudge match would be Joan and Ted. lol


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2014
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I like the Nuge don't get me wrong.
But I don't hold him up as any kind of paen to virtue nor defender of "freedom". Not just because of what he did 40 years ago but for the dumb stuff he still says. lol
You said he lives the life he preaches- I don't see where that's been the case.

Then again I don't hold rock stars in high regard typically and I loathe politicians. Ted's more interesting when he sticks to talking about music. But even then he's kind of full of crap- one of his "virtues" is his tireless self promotion. To my way of thinking he just talks way too much. Too much ego.

Anyhow a better grudge match would be Joan and Ted. lol

He’s just a guy with traditional values and a tall platform from which to reach out from, which he does. As far as “Dumb stuff he says,” I’m guessing that translates as “things I disagree with, so therefore they must be dumb.”


May 28, 2009
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Someone earlier in this thread said something to the effect: "great musicians crappy albums" Kind of true with Extreme, some great outlier songs, but many of their songs are not compelling and certainly not commercially successful. Little bit like Dream Theater (love Petrucci) but the average person has never heard of them, and most everyone has heard Sweet Child.


Active Member
Jun 10, 2018
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Let’s Do this!

Nuno said that most “rock” guitarist lack
Versatility to play with a pop star (true) and said that Slash would struggle playing with Rihanna.

Richard Fortus said he played with Rihanna before Nuno before he went to
GNR, and said Slash could play the songs in his sleep.

Nuno backtracked and fired insults at Fortus.

All I’ll say is (1) I lean towards the bluesy hard rock and prefer good music than virtuosic guitar playing. I do genuinely enjoy both players and think they bring great stuff to the table.

Nuno is a great guitarist and probably a little more technically proficient than Slash but Slash is what legends are made of and has an “it”
Factor that far supersedes anything Nuno has done. My 2 year old son was humming the guitar to Sweet Child of Mine. There’s something to be said about that.

Nuno is in a conversation with Vai, Petrucci, and some of the other virtuosos.

Slash is in conversations with Eddie, Jimi, Page, Clapton, Keef.

Eddie’s is the God and set ablaze to a guitar trend but Slash kinda brought it back to the blues in the late 80s and saved gibson.

Like many publicized quotes, this has all been taken out of context. Why in the world would someone of Nuno's caliber actually say anything negative about a fellow legend (Slash)? Come on folks, put 2 and 2 together here... Nuno was not suggesting that Slash doesn't have the capability to tour with Rihanna; he was suggesting that even a very well seasoned guitarist is going to have to push himself to cover the musical ground that Rihanna's catalog covers. If anything, it was a compliment because he used Slash as an example of a top player.

It would be nice if all these haters would stop being a bunch of drama queens and just enjoy the insight these guys share. I can tell you first hand that I know a bit of what Nuno's talking about. I played in a touring cover band for years... in fact, our model was based off the whole hot pop star with rocker guitarist theme (Rihanna/Nuno, Pink/Justin Derrico, Madonna/Monte Pittman), and yes, I spent a long time working my rhythm chops for funk and pop, learning the feel of R&B, and constantly bringing in new gear to nail all the variety of tones people expect to hear.

Nuno is still tops in my book. hangin with Nuno 2.jpg



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2015
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Don't know much about Slash or his playing, but this is junior high. My guess is somebody got butt hurt and won't let it go


May 9, 2010
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Some people are a rehash of the 70's , go to the source if you want the truth. I'm not a big Nuno fan but that didn't bother me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Pretty sure Slash couldn't play the solo in Rise.
Coolest thing I’ve heard from Extreme or Nuno ever. From what I hear they are great guys but my Extreme experience growing up was Hole Hearted and More than Words. Not my cup. At all. But Rise is a good tune and a great solo.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
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I live by the river.
These who's better conversations usually go nowhere.

I like whomever I like, and no one is gong to convince me otherwise. Telling me someone can play faster than Slash, isn't going to change my preference and taste.

I became fascinated by the power of putting feeling into seemingly simple riffs and notes, a long time ago. To me its what made players like Keith Richards great. Over the years I've seen many wannabees scoff at this, thinking their twiddly twiddly shite is the pinnacle of playing.

Can't get into Nuno's stuff personally, a lot of very fast, technical playing but I can't hear a tune I like in there.

I love annoying the technical nerds with the following; Andy Summers can go to musical depths these fast players will never get to, with just one chord. After all his years in bands and studying classical guitar, his pinnacle was in simple chords and riffs. Many players will never understand why.
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Hired Goon

Apr 13, 2021
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I just asked a group of 10 coworkers who "Nuno Bettencourt" was and got nothing but blank stares.
Exactly. Aside from More Than Words the general public doesn't have a clue who Extreme is let alone Nuno. Dudes been a ghost for 30 years. As if playing a Rihanna gig is virtuoso defining.

He comes up with a flashy solo for the new album and thinks he's the heir to Eddie's throne. Talks shit about a guitar icon and gets called out, and then he goes and doubles down on it by dissing Fortus. Little thumbtack that needs to be stuck in the ground.


New Member
Sep 24, 2022
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I f-ing hate these sorts of things. I don't understand why it's even relevant whether or not Slash can play with Rihanna. Slash does his thing, that he's into and LOTS of people love it. The only reason it would be a problem is if Slash wanted to become a session player and wanted to be able to play anything. Clearly that's not what he's about so... what? What exactly is Nuno hoping to achieve here? Just tooting his own horn? Ok, 👏 impressive.


Apr 18, 2022
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this is an incredibly stupid discussion. Music isn't about craftsmanship, it's about the fact that craftsmanship or even inability fits the form of artistic expression. When the art form is punk rock, being able to play Paganini on guitar is not required at all. I've heard a lot of musicians who weren't outstanding technically, but whose music is still more lively and beautiful than that of many master class graduates.



Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
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Come on, is this nursery school stuff? There was no argument, the problem is that Fortus can't read properly. Bettencourt doesn't have to apologize, he never said that Slash is not technically capable, he said that not every guitarist can deal with pop commercial stuff. So the one who needs to apologize is Fortus, for not reading properly. So all in all this is quite disgusting, Bettecourt didn't do anything wrong, and he even felt the need to apologize for it?? This is how dangerous can be social media, the hype around it makes you apologize for doing or saying nothing wrong.