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Tubescreamer for SV20H

  • Thread starter BlueX
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020
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My first post here. I am a true bedroom warrior, and the SV20H/SV212 stack is my first separate head/cab amplifier (and what a great set it is!).

I have an issue with my Maxon OD-9 tubescreamer and wonder if I can get some help on this great forum. The OD-9 does not sound well with the SV20H. The sound is murky, and not very focused or well defined, regardless of the settings for drive, tone, and level. Somehow it sounds like there is too much going on, all over the place. I also have a Boss Blues Driver (BD-2) and a JRAD Archer (silver), and they both give a much more focused and well-defined sound, rich in details, together with the SV20H (the price level of Archer is of course different, although I bought it as B-stock at a reasonable price).

Anyone that recognizes this problem with Maxon OD-9?
- Did I chose the wrong TS? As I understand, the OD-9 is an up-dated version of the more original OD-808. Are the Ibanez-branded pedals better with plexi type amps?
- Did I just get a bad ”individual”?
- Am I making an unfair comparison? BD-2 and Archer are later products (and the Archer more expensive). Could that the reason for more focus, definition, and clarity?
- Or is it so that TS’s does not go together that well with plexi type amps (or the SV20H)?

Some background info, on myself and the gear:
- I mostly play blues and blues-based rock from the sixties and seventies, but sometimes also newer music, on an HH Les Paul and an HSS Strat.
- I am not trying to copy a specific sound, just to get sound that I like.
- One favorite is to stack the Archer as a mild boost into the BD-2, with quite some gain.
- When I can play loud, I actually prefer the guitar directly into the SV20H, and push the amp with the guitar volume control (particularly for humbuckers).
- I usually jump the channels on the SV20H, and play around with the settings.
- The rest of the signal chain is a Peterson StroboStomp HD (tuner) first, a Boss Reverb (RV-6) in the FX loop (with short 30 cm/1’ cables), and a Weber MiniMASS 50W (attenuator) between head and cab (also with shortest possible cables).
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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My first post here. I am a true bedroom warrior, and the SV20H/SV212 stack is my first separate head/cab amplifier (and what a great set it is!).

I have an issue with my Maxon OD-9 tubescreamer and wonder if I can get some help on this great forum. The OD-9 does not sound well with the SV20H. The sound is murky, and not very focused or well defined, regardless of the settings for drive, tone, and level. Somehow it sounds like there is too much going on, all over the place. I also have a Boss Blues Driver (BD-2) and a JRAD Archer (silver), and they both give a much more focused and well-defined sound, rich in details, together with the SV20H (the price level of Archer is of course different, although I bought it as B-stock at a reasonable price).

Anyone that recognizes this problem with Maxon OD-9?

- Did I chose the wrong TS? As I understand, the OD-9 is an up-dated version of the more original OD-808. Are the Ibanez-branded pedals better with plexi type amps?

- Did I just get a bad ”individual”?

- Am I making an unfair comparison? BD-2 and Archer are later products (and the Archer more expensive). Could that the reason for more focus, definition, and clarity?

- Or is it so that TS’s does not go together that well with plexi type amps (or the SV20H)?

Some background info, on myself and the gear:

- I mostly play blues and blues-based rock from the sixties and seventies, but sometimes also newer music, on an HH Les Paul and an HSS Strat.

- I am not trying to copy a specific sound, just to get sound that I like.

- One favorite is to stack the Archer as a mild boost into the BD-2, with quite some gain.

- When I can play loud, I actually prefer the guitar directly into the SV20H, and push the amp with the guitar volume control (particularly for humbuckers).

- I usually jump the channels on the SV20H, and play around with the settings.

- The rest of the signal chain is a Peterson StroboStomp HD (tuner) first, a Boss Reverb (RV-6) in the FX loop (with short 30 cm/1’ cables), and a Weber MiniMASS 50W (attenuator) between head and cab (also with shortest possible cables).
I have a TS9 and it sounds fine. Maybe you dont like the setting youre using? I suggest get your gain from the amp, if you want to push it into a heavier tone than your amp can provide use the pedal as a clean boost - volume dimed and drive off. Give that a try and let us know how you make out, and welcome to the forum. :yesway:
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2012
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I use TS exclusively as clean boost. Or, as clean as it'll get. Get the amp sounding nice and crunchy. Then click it on the TS, going into the input jack (not the loop), with drive all the way down, tone and level at noon. Start turning the level up until desired "push" is added. Turn the tone to taste, I like mine around 1-2 o'clock. Experiment with the drive after that, sometimes I like it turned up slightly other times I like it all the way down.

And, well, if you don't like that then maybe you don't like tube screamers. Also, I like to run mine on 15 volts, if you have that ability to try it out.


Classic Rock or die! -- Patrick Henry
Gold Supporting Member
May 15, 2020
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I have 4 gain pedals hooked up to my SV20H. Frankly, the Ibanez TS9 TS is the one that sounds the worst when the gain is turned up. I, like others, use it mostly for just a touch of extra cleanish gain. My favorite gain pedals for thicker tone with the SV20H, and, of course, pickups, speakers and dynamics play a role, are the Shaffer Replica Classic (expensive) and the Boss SD-1 (cheap).

Though, if you like the general TS tone, a clean boost in the FX loop can help out. I have a Spark Boost in the loop, and it can shape the TS tone to be more "Sparky."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2020
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I never liked my tube screamer until I stopped using the drive at all and just dimed the level, backing it off a bit as necessary to get the tone just so. Otherwise, I get all of my dirt from the amp itself.


Well-Known Member
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 16, 2013
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Midwest, USA
I'm in that boat as well. I love the ts as a boost up front with the drive down and level up. Not a fan of the actual drive/ distortion of the ts..imo works best as just a boost.

Biff Maloy

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2019
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My first post here. I am a true bedroom warrior, and the SV20H/SV212 stack is my first separate head/cab amplifier (and what a great set it is!).

I have an issue with my Maxon OD-9 tubescreamer and wonder if I can get some help on this great forum. The OD-9 does not sound well with the SV20H. The sound is murky, and not very focused or well defined, regardless of the settings for drive, tone, and level. Somehow it sounds like there is too much going on, all over the place. I also have a Boss Blues Driver (BD-2) and a JRAD Archer (silver), and they both give a much more focused and well-defined sound, rich in details, together with the SV20H (the price level of Archer is of course different, although I bought it as B-stock at a reasonable price).

Anyone that recognizes this problem with Maxon OD-9?

- Did I chose the wrong TS? As I understand, the OD-9 is an up-dated version of the more original OD-808. Are the Ibanez-branded pedals better with plexi type amps?

- Did I just get a bad ”individual”?

- Am I making an unfair comparison? BD-2 and Archer are later products (and the Archer more expensive). Could that the reason for more focus, definition, and clarity?

- Or is it so that TS’s does not go together that well with plexi type amps (or the SV20H)?

Some background info, on myself and the gear:

- I mostly play blues and blues-based rock from the sixties and seventies, but sometimes also newer music, on an HH Les Paul and an HSS Strat.

- I am not trying to copy a specific sound, just to get sound that I like.

- One favorite is to stack the Archer as a mild boost into the BD-2, with quite some gain.

- When I can play loud, I actually prefer the guitar directly into the SV20H, and push the amp with the guitar volume control (particularly for humbuckers).

- I usually jump the channels on the SV20H, and play around with the settings.

- The rest of the signal chain is a Peterson StroboStomp HD (tuner) first, a Boss Reverb (RV-6) in the FX loop (with short 30 cm/1’ cables), and a Weber MiniMASS 50W (attenuator) between head and cab (also with shortest possible cables).

A wide spectrum of opinions when it comes to what boost pedal sounds best with an amp. I don't like my TS9 with my SV either. I haven't used a TS in a long time actually. I think they more universally fit Fender amps than Marshalls.

You approach your SV20H very much like me. Cranked in It's spot I'm not boosting it with anything. Down low i supplement with a pedal and use mostly normal input. A Klon type is one of my favorites and dialed in right can mimic the amp cranked. It's just voiced right.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2016
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Lots of people just don't like TS pedals, I'm one. I've tried a few times to like it too, because of all the love it gets....nope, I'll take a Rat all day long.


Delicious AND Satisfying
Double Platinum Supporting Member
Nov 18, 2017
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- Did I chose the wrong TS? As I understand, the OD-9 is an up-dated version of the more original OD-808. Are the Ibanez-branded pedals better with plexi type amps?

- Or is it so that TS’s does not go together that well with plexi type amps (or the SV20H)?


Maxon designed and built the original tube screamer and all its variants for Ibanez until 2002. I don't know who makes tube screamers for Ibanez now, but Maxon still makes the real deal.

The 808 and the 9 series are quite similar in sound but differ in a couple of significant ways. The 808 is a little smoother and more velvety. The bottom end is very tight and rolled off. The 9 has more clarity in the attack and overall tone, with much less bottom end rolloff.

They both color the sound a lot and bring the mids to the forefront. I generally prefer the 9 series, and more specifically those made by Maxon. They just sound firmer, clearer and bigger than the 808s.

Why don't you try turning the drive down and volume up on your TS as suggested above? You might like it. If not, let me suggest trying a clean boost. My favorite in that department is the Catalinbread Super Chili Picoso. I can almost guarantee that if you like clean boosts you will love the Super Chili Picoso


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020
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Thanks a lot for all the input, from all of you! This was exactly was I was looking for. I need to play around a bit more, using your suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2019
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South of France, Europe, Earth
I own 2 OD9s (one I purchased new in 2005 or so, another I purchased second hand 5 years ago), they're sounding exactly the same, and also virtually identical to the couple of TS9/808 clones I built. It's been a mainstay of my board, I used it as a lead/high-gain boost in front of many amps, especially the DSL100. Killer pedal, does exactly what you expect it to do. For settings, my approach is, keep level high, tone below noon, and adjust the gain pot to change the amount of compression I want depending on the amp and feel on a particular night.

As with the SV20H, for live work I mostly use my OCD clones, as they sound a bit "bigger" since they have more low mids content. To the point that I was considering ditching the OD9 front my main live board, as I don't use it much (though it's pretty cool for a bluesier vibe, when I want something else that "balls to the wall" rock/hard rock tones).
Though for recording, as I don't want or need as much low end/low mids content, the OD9 is just perfect.

Of course my observations and experience with the pedals come with the asterisk of what tones I'm looking for, all the gear before and after the OD9 (guitar, cab, mostly), and my playing obviously. So your mileage might definitely vary. But overall, I've always been able to get killer results using the OD9 as a boost in front of a crunchy amp (or ever as a standalone mild overdrive in front of a mostly clean amp).


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2019
Reaction score
My first post here. I am a true bedroom warrior, and the SV20H/SV212 stack is my first separate head/cab amplifier (and what a great set it is!).

I have an issue with my Maxon OD-9 tubescreamer and wonder if I can get some help on this great forum. The OD-9 does not sound well with the SV20H. The sound is murky, and not very focused or well defined, regardless of the settings for drive, tone, and level. Somehow it sounds like there is too much going on, all over the place. I also have a Boss Blues Driver (BD-2) and a JRAD Archer (silver), and they both give a much more focused and well-defined sound, rich in details, together with the SV20H (the price level of Archer is of course different, although I bought it as B-stock at a reasonable price).

Anyone that recognizes this problem with Maxon OD-9?

- Did I chose the wrong TS? As I understand, the OD-9 is an up-dated version of the more original OD-808. Are the Ibanez-branded pedals better with plexi type amps?

- Did I just get a bad ”individual”?

- Am I making an unfair comparison? BD-2 and Archer are later products (and the Archer more expensive). Could that the reason for more focus, definition, and clarity?

- Or is it so that TS’s does not go together that well with plexi type amps (or the SV20H)?

Some background info, on myself and the gear:

- I mostly play blues and blues-based rock from the sixties and seventies, but sometimes also newer music, on an HH Les Paul and an HSS Strat.

- I am not trying to copy a specific sound, just to get sound that I like.

- One favorite is to stack the Archer as a mild boost into the BD-2, with quite some gain.

- When I can play loud, I actually prefer the guitar directly into the SV20H, and push the amp with the guitar volume control (particularly for humbuckers).

- I usually jump the channels on the SV20H, and play around with the settings.

- The rest of the signal chain is a Peterson StroboStomp HD (tuner) first, a Boss Reverb (RV-6) in the FX loop (with short 30 cm/1’ cables), and a Weber MiniMASS 50W (attenuator) between head and cab (also with shortest possible cables).

In my case I have 2 od pedals boss sd1 and mxr gt-od , i never use drive on either of them.

The way i get my tone (im no expert) i set the the amps gain just before it starts getting maddy, then i kick in od and refine with eq on the amp.
If you want lots of gain you have to get it with volume, crank it up brother :)

i hope this helps you.


New Member
Aug 10, 2016
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Hello, I have the SV20H as well. I'm interested in the TC Spark Boost pedal. I can get one at a great price. Any idea how well this will work with the SV20H? I also have a line on a Mesa Grid Slammer. Any thoughts will be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 6, 2018
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Hello, I have the SV20H as well. I'm interested in the TC Spark Boost pedal. I can get one at a great price. Any idea how well this will work with the SV20H? I also have a line on a Mesa Grid Slammer. Any thoughts will be appreciated.

I Use 2 Spark Boost with my SV20H, sounds great

2020-02-28 23-02-16.jpg


Classic Rock or die! -- Patrick Henry
Gold Supporting Member
May 15, 2020
Reaction score
One as fat boost and one as clean boost :)

Oohhhh. Intriguing. I move mine between Fat and Clean depending on what I'm playing. Damn. Now I have to buy another one!