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  • Thread starter blues_n_cues
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New Member
Jan 28, 2012
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I'm on my 9th week of quitting after 30 years of smoking.
I've tried them all Cold Turkey, Patches, Gum, Sprays, E-Cigs etc... they all work to certain degree.
This time I went to my Doctor and he gave me some tablets called "Champix" (They probably go by a different name in other countries) and so far it's been the easiest and I completely stopped after the 3rd day on them and the only side effect so far was a bit of heartburn in the 2nd week, I have heard of people having really bad side effects and others having none on them .
It's a 3 month program so it will be interesting to see what it's going to be like after I finished the tablets.
But like all these stop smoking aids they only work if you really want to give up.
The big upside is, I have been putting the money aside each week on what I would of spent on cigarettes and with prices of cigarettes here in Australia it's enough to buy a Gibson LP '59 RI each year.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2013
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Mililani, HI


Senior Moderator
Staff Member
Feb 5, 2009
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I vape sometimes and although I think it's much safer than "analog" cigs, we simply don't know enough about them. Here's a very interesting study, which was hard for me to swallow because I am a big advocate for vaping as an alternative to quit smoking. But... well read on.

German Cancer Research Center and the case of formaldehyde in e-cigarettes Countless mistakes, impressive misinformation

That article is good because it points out the flaws of that research. For example …

"I left the most important and interesting information for the end. The Environmental Protection Agency has done some analysis of the cancer risk according to levels of exposure to formaldehyde in air. They state: “EPA estimates that, if an individual were to continuously breathe air containing formaldehyde at an average of 0.08 µg/m3 over his or her entire lifetime, that person would theoretically have no more than a one-in-a-million increased chance of developing cancer as a direct result of breathing air containing this chemical.” Based on this, if someone is using the e-cigarette for 24 hours per day-365 days per year-for the rest of his life, taking 6 puffs every 15 minutes in a 2x2x2 room (as in the study by Schripp), the bystander would have a 0.02% higher chance of developing cancer.

According to the data, and the analysis for other chemicals mentioned in the German Cancer Institute Report, the cancer risk is so low that it probably is immeasurable (even if you add all chemicals together). Of course, this is not proof that e-cigarettes are absolutely healthy or that they may not cause some adverse effects from long-term use. This will be determined by observing users over a period of many years. However, currently available evidence indicate that they are by far less harmful compared to smoking and pose no risk to bystanders. None can disagree with that."


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2013
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Mililani, HI


In Memorandum
Mar 26, 2010
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About as far south in Alabama as you can go withou
I'm on my 9th week of quitting after 30 years of smoking.
I've tried them all Cold Turkey, Patches, Gum, Sprays, E-Cigs etc... they all work to certain degree.
This time I went to my Doctor and he gave me some tablets called "Champix" (They probably go by a different name in other countries) and so far it's been the easiest and I completely stopped after the 3rd day on them and the only side effect so far was a bit of heartburn in the 2nd week, I have heard of people having really bad side effects and others having none on them .
It's a 3 month program so it will be interesting to see what it's going to be like after I finished the tablets.
But like all these stop smoking aids they only work if you really want to give up.
The big upside is, I have been putting the money aside each week on what I would of spent on cigarettes and with prices of cigarettes here in Australia it's enough to buy a Gibson LP '59 RI each year.

I tried Chantix several years ago. Turns out I am one of the folks who had severe reaction to it. Severe violent reaction. One thing that many do not know is I am a 30 year veteran of, and a second degree Black Belt, in Yoshukai Karate. After 5 weeks of being on it, while getting increasingly irate at the slightest things....I decided a perfectly good lamp on an end table in the living room really pissed me the hell off. After cursing and a perfectly executed spin-back kick...the lamp was totally destroyed, my wife was quickly on the way to the store to get me a pack of cigs....and I quit taking that shit.


Active Member
Jun 6, 2013
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I quit smoking cold turkey about 16 years ago. Was the hardest thing to do. I figured I was paying these assholes per pack to kill me slowly. There's much quicker and less suffering ways to die than that.

True, but...

I quit smoking cold turkey in December 1982. Was the easiest thing to do. Well, the trick was, I had a terrible cold, my throat was aching like hell, could hardly breathe, let a lone smoke. When I got better 10 days later, I never went back to smoking. Gave up that Mary-thing a year later.

Wait until your next serious cold, then quit. Your body will be too busy fighting the cold to notice any cold turkey. But the key is, you gotta want to quit.:slash:


Well-Known Member
Platinum Supporting Member
Oct 25, 2009
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New Zealand
:D Let's examine this shall we?

A. You are putting excess Water Vapor into your lungs. Unless you are Fish I can't believe this a GOOD thing. Ever heard of Pneumonia?

B. You are now putting PURE Nicotine, albeit it's minus the harmful extra 1000 toxins in smoke.

C. I think you should try Crack instead. It will take the edge off your quitting Cold Turkey....

:cool::cool: TWIN

It's not quite like that Twin.
We all put water vapour into our lungs all the time - more or less according to the humidity.

Nobody still alive is putting pure nicotine near their body. My understanding is that a drop of pure nicotine would kill a person on contact.

But your idea about crack sounds good. I have a flu this week.


Hold my beer!
VIP Member
May 25, 2010
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Vin's Magical Amazing "Stuff" Box
I've been trying to vape on and off all year and was having no luck with it. I couldn't inhale without hacking, not being able to breath and my throat burning. Well this morning I found a new vape store and finally found someone that knew what the hell I was talking about. He told me that it's rare, but there are some people that have a reaction to the Propylene glycol found in most e-liquid and of course, it turns out I'm one of those people.

Why I couldn't find this out in my research on line I have no idea except that it's rare that someone might have a reaction to it. Turns out they had some 100% Vegetable glycerin liquid (hard to find according to this guy) and he let me try it. Haha! it worked!! No coughing or hacking or burning and I blew out a big ole hit that I couldn't even feel. YES!!!

So to celebrate I bought myself a late christmas present! Now I have this to carry around when I'm at work or wherever and a big tank mod to use at home. I'm pretty sure I've bought my last pack of cigarettes. I'm so happy!! :D



Hold my beer!
VIP Member
May 25, 2010
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Vin's Magical Amazing "Stuff" Box
Hell yes!! Man, I love this Halo. It's kind of like my e-go I have, but much better quality and it has a tank system. so cool that this finally worked out. I've been vaping all day!


AKA "Vinnie the Tits".
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Currently living in a van down by the river.
Educate me, I want to give up smoking, but it's tough. I tried a Logic premium once, didn't really like it.

I quit cold turkey after 20 years on the same day I started a new landscaping job for the summer. I just kept busy and put smoking out of my mind, convincing myself I'd never been a smoker. I didn't let myself think about it, I didn't talk about it, I didn't pay attention to cravings and all that. I just ignored the whole thing.

Last cigarette: October 10, 1999.

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