What do you call bandmembers who act like a douche

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Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
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We saw a band the other night and they were really acting foolish. It reminded me of some of my bandmates, myself and some of my friends. Some are "on stage" all the time, some act foolish around people or over do their rock star actions and some just make an ass of themselves. I have fallen into these categories once or twice but try not to make it my lifestyle.

A name we came up with for these actions is Douchebagerie. I guess it is a verb, describing an action, attitude or maybe not a verb, because some have just looked the douche part without having to do anything.

Anyone else have funny names for these kinds of things? I need something fresh to share with my friends.



Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Sure. Try this one...Bi-Polar Disorder.

If you look at the medical definition for it, you guys fit it to a Tee. Although I would say you guys lean towards the mania side.

I used to be the same way and then I found out they can control it with medicine and therapy.

Good Luck.

Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
Of course there's the opposite of these guys. You know, the guys who are never "on stage" even when they're physically on stage...the guys who stand dead still in one spot, stare at their fretboard all night, play 4 chord songs with the same chord arrangement and downpick everything. What do we call those guys? :D


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
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Sure. Try this one...Bi-Polar Disorder.

If you look at the medical definition for it, you guys fit it to a Tee. Although I would say you guys lean towards the mania side.

I used to be the same way and then I found out they can control it with medicine and therapy.

Good Luck.

Good one Marty! Bi Polar, does that mean thinking in "stereo"?
I guess medicine might be the answer.....
Would throwing things (beer bottles and such) at the Bi Polars be considered therapy?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
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Of course there's the opposite of these guys. You know, the guys who are never "on stage" even when they're physically on stage...the guys who stand dead still in one spot, stare at their fretboard all night, play 4 chord songs with the same chord arrangement and downpick everything. What do we call those guys? :D

How about deadstanding, fingerwatching, sameplaying downpickers.

I have seen musicians with cliff notes of chord progressions on the floor at gigs in some cases maybe they were looking there and not the fret board.

I know a guy that is onstage all the time, it is annoying, he is over the top all the time. I am surprised he doesn't carry a wirless mic and sound with him everywhere. No one in line at Mc Donalds wants to be entertained by a loud wannabe rockstar. And the worker at the register gets the order sung to them........... Drive through's are worse.

Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
How about deadstanding, fingerwatching, sameplaying downpickers.

I have seen musicians with cliff notes of chord progressions on the floor at gigs in some cases maybe they were looking there and not the fret board.

I know a guy that is onstage all the time, it is annoying, he is over the top all the time. I am surprised he doesn't carry a wirless mic and sound with him everywhere. No one in line at Mc Donalds wants to be entertained by a loud wannabe rockstar. And the worker at the register gets the order sung to them........... Drive through's are worse.

If he were Ozzy, I'd much rather have him sing his conversations to me. He's much more understandable that way. :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Sure. Try this one...Bi-Polar Disorder.

If you look at the medical definition for it, you guys fit it to a Tee. Although I would say you guys lean towards the mania side.

I used to be the same way and then I found out they can control it with medicine and therapy.

Good Luck.

Go easy with your BiPolar labeling, my friend.

I usually just go with the old standby of 'dumbass'. Occasionally, I whip out the Captain Kirk "Double-Dumbass", in severe cases. :naughty:


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Of course there's the opposite of these guys. You know, the guys who are never "on stage" even when they're physically on stage...the guys who stand dead still in one spot, stare at their fretboard all night, play 4 chord songs with the same chord arrangement and downpick everything. What do we call those guys? :D

My first bass player in Phoenix.

He stood in the same spot. He played a beautiful blue Rick 4001. He used one finger to pluck the strings. He never moved, even when he was singing. Only his lips moved. Off stage, he was trying to get into every girl's pants...and he was the only guy in the band that was married. Go figure?

Well, we just clashed too much and I canned his ass. The next guy was a lot of fun and I played with him for eight years.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2008
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22 Acacia Avenue
Well, I have always been a fan of stage prescence. No stage prescence, no good band. Its just really boring seeing some dudes looking at the neck of the guitars, and looking bored the entire time. BUT it has to look natural, like, you need a lot of stage prescence in order to stand out, but has to look natural and with feel. Like I saw Metallica like 2 months ago, and dude, that shit looked fake as shit, like the more money they get in their bank accounts, the faker the moves get. Like I have seen a shit load of scremo bands at little clubs and shit, and it just looks wrong, like the stage prescence is soooooo ooooooooffffffffffff its amazingly embarrasing.

Cardiac Tom

Dec 16, 2009
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Woodridge, IL
We saw a band the other night and they were really acting foolish. It reminded me of some of my bandmates, myself and some of my friends. Some are "on stage" all the time, some act foolish around people or over do their rock star actions and some just make an ass of themselves. I have fallen into these categories once or twice but try not to make it my lifestyle.

A name we came up with for these actions is Douchebagerie. I guess it is a verb, describing an action, attitude or maybe not a verb, because some have just looked the douche part without having to do anything.

Anyone else have funny names for these kinds of things? I need something fresh to share with my friends.


I try and be very professional when I play out...Sure, I clown around and whatever (I don't take myself too seriously) but I give people a show the way a live band should...

Anyway, I remember seeing a band not too long ago...I was there just scoping bands out...This guitarist forgot his power cord to his head and proceeded to have a temper tantrum (literally...he was swearing blue and green and stomping up and down on stage like a child who did not get his way) and since it was in between bands, it was somewhat quiet in the club...

I stood there and just pointed and laughed at him and made sure he heard me...

Cooler heads always prevail...how about asking one of the other bands for a power cord? That is what I would have done...

So, word for this guy, and I'm sure it will apply to others is...

Ass Clown



Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Good one Marty! Bi Polar, does that mean thinking in "stereo"?
I guess medicine might be the answer.....
Would throwing things (beer bottles and such) at the Bi Polars be considered therapy?

The "Bi" refers to extreme mood swings going from a depressive state to an out of control mania. Severe events are called "episodes." You do not want to get involved with anyone with Bi-Polar that is suffering from one of these intense mood swings.

If you threw beer bottles at some Bi-Polars that were experiencing mania, they would probably rush the stage and trash all of your equipment. Maybe punch a couple of people out. In a mania episode, the adrenaline is constantly flowing through the body. It's like a physical overload. Very dangerous to be around someone like this.


New Member
Sep 21, 2009
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Sure. Try this one...Bi-Polar Disorder.

If you look at the medical definition for it, you guys fit it to a Tee. Although I would say you guys lean towards the mania side.

I used to be the same way and then I found out they can control it with medicine and therapy.

Good Luck.

Last band I was in, we split the leads ala Iron Maiden, and he was Bi Polar and took meds for it. He was a complete fucking asshole. However it was only when he forgot to take his meds, which was A LOT! Seriously don't recommend being in a band with someone who is Bi Polar.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Go easy with your BiPolar labeling, my friend.

I usually just go with the old standby of 'dumbass'. Occasionally, I whip out the Captain Kirk "Double-Dumbass", in severe cases. :naughty:

There are a lot of people out there who are Bi-Polar, but they either don't want to admit it, or they just don't think they have a problem. Then they go on a whim to Las Vegas and gamble all their money away and then come back and buy a new car.

They predict a large segment of the population suffers from some mental disorder. If I saw someone that I thought was Bi-Polar, I wouldn't go up and ask them.

However, I see your point. If you call someone Bi-Polar and they are Bi-Polar, they will probably take a chain saw to your ass.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Not everyone who is BiPolar or has Manic Depression is a Psycho.

I've been graced by it's ill for the better part of my life. If I don't med up, it becomes bad. If I stay medicated, things are ok. So in response to Jaek there, I understand what you might think. And I would recommend that you steer clear of anyone who REFUSES to take their properly prescribed meds.

But we aren't all a**holes. Sorry everyone, just felt the need to clarify. I will not be rushing the stage tonight. :D


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Last band I was in, we split the leads ala Iron Maiden, and he was Bi Polar and took meds for it. He was a complete fucking asshole. However it was only when he forgot to take his meds, which was A LOT! Seriously don't recommend being in a band with someone who is Bi Polar.

This is very common. The person starts to feel better and decides he doesn't need to take his meds. Then all of a sudden, he has a major episode in the middle of the third set...good luck.

Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
I've been one to be accused of "episodes". However -

I was also the guy who owned the PA, was responsible for setting it up/tearing it down, and when shit blew nobody chipped in to help replace shit. It all had to come out of my pocket. On top of that, I had no say because I was the "young" one, yet they were all guys who faked parts and didn't play shit right. I had to listen to them and address issues on my end, but they did not allow it to be a two way street. After so many times of being nice about it and trying to address things tactfully and professionally and getting laughed off because you happen to be the young one, you just get pushed to your limit and you don't know what the fuck else to do to get your message across.

Lots of guys are too shallow to look past the age of a person, which is why I didn't announce to everyone here how old I was when I first started posting. It's like you could be 100% correct and on the money about something and know full and well what you're doing and what you're talking about, but all because of your age and them being much older than you they don't wanna hear it coming from you. That was the mentality of the people who played around my hometown. Boy am I glad I got out of that hellhole. :D