Which Marshall delivers the most Distortion??

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big dooley

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Sep 2, 2008
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don't be sorry! we're on a forum here... debate is a good thing... :)
the topicstarter is very happy with al the given opinions, and that's what its all about!

but indeed, the JVM can't be judged that easily... it's way too versatile to fully know the amp in just a few hours... in fact i'm still experimenting with it after a full year of owning one...
not that i don't like what i get, but this thing has so many options, (for some, way too many :D)

i guess the most common fault people make is max out the gain on OD1/2, while maintaining high volume
also, they trie to make it sound like an old 800 or a plexi... it comes close, although it has its own character... but it still has that marshall spirit, that i like so much


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Nov 17, 2009
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Damn Dooley, you should sell used cars man, LOL. Guess I will be looking at UsedGuitarCenter.COM to find a JVM 210H at a price I can't loose on. Sounds like fun at the least and maybe something to add to the collection.

big dooley

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Sep 2, 2008
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Damn Dooley, you should sell used cars man, LOL. Guess I will be looking at UsedGuitarCenter.COM to find a JVM 210H at a price I can't loose on. Sounds like fun at the least and maybe something to add to the collection.

ME.... selling cars????? :lol::lol::lol:
no way! i'm way too honest for that :fingersx:

either way, if you buy a secondhand JVM and still may not like it after time, you can sell it again easily

sometimes i want to trie out that old DSL again, but i sold it, so that won't happen... but the JVM has the DSL covered IMO, so no big loss for me

the designer of the JVM also had a big part in the 2203KK and he says the tranny's are actually exactly the same...
when the JVM was developed, they had a 2203-powersection as a prototype

the man is posting regularly on the JVM-forum.... which of course is quite awesome
when people asked how to get close to a plexi-type of sound, he simply stated, that it would be best to use the JVM as a plexi...
clean channel, green mode, mastervolume maxed out, no reverb, no FX-loop and use the gain pot to get volume... as a normal plexi would have worked
as of now, he's working on the AFD100 (slash's new amp)


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Feb 24, 2009
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Arlington Heights, IL
that it would be best to use the JVM as a plexi...
clean channel, green mode, mastervolume maxed out, no reverb, no FX-loop and use the gain pot to get volume... as a normal plexi would have worked
as of now, he's working on the AFD100 (slash's new amp)

You know, I've tried to use my DSL that way and until you get to an ear splitting volume level, it's useless for rock because it's way too clean and only good for folk music or something. Is that how plexies work? No wonder no one plays them in their bedroom!



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Dec 25, 2009
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I figured after two dozen posts i better lay the smack down for us 6100 owners !!!

The 6100/6100LM have some serious distortion on the 3rd channel as well !! can hang with all of the above amps mentioned !!

6100 LM has the biggest usable distortion, you will not need more than the 6100 LM has.Try a 6100 LM with gain maxed and gain boost actived...do some palm mutes and your pretty much firing a shotgun.

However its too much FRZZRRZZRZZ after gain goes beyond 3 o clock ;O Altho the jvm can achieve this distortion on gain at 11 o clock lol

Get a JVM ,DSL, 6100LM, SL-X and i doubt you'll even use the gain on max. If you dont think so, i think you have the wrong idea that marshalls cant do heavy mega brutal gain lol.

big dooley

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Sep 2, 2008
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You know, I've tried to use my DSL that way and until you get to an ear splitting volume level, it's useless for rock because it's way too clean and only good for folk music or something. Is that how plexies work? No wonder no one plays them in their bedroom!


useless for rock? how do you think guy's like van halen, townshend, young, etc were getting distortion?

yes, it'll rip your head off, but it was the way to do it though and according to many, the only right way as well :naughty:

nowaday's people use attenuators... they get overdrive, from the preamp as well as the poweramp, but still under reasonable levels

playing a 100 watt head in your bedroom is like driving a corvette with a brick behind the pedal... what's the use of it? even 5 watts is way to much!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2009
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Terre Haute, Indiana
when people asked how to get close to a plexi-type of sound, he simply stated, that it would be best to use the JVM as a plexi...
clean channel, green mode, mastervolume maxed out, no reverb, no FX-loop and use the gain pot to get volume... as a normal plexi would have worked

I do this on my TSL's green channel all the time... It's just a monstrous tone!:headbanger: I guess that's why it's called a Triple Super Lead:naughty:

As far as for whether or not it works for rock... well yea it should. Cause I play in a hardcore/metalcore band and love playing that way just to get people's attention. Not very many people realize that a clean channel doesn't have to be clean:lol:

big dooley

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Sep 2, 2008
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yesterday i tried maxing out the gain on OD2 red mode on my JVM with rediculous amounts of volume...
i was right.... this doesn't make any sence... it's just simple overkill


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Arlington Heights, IL
useless for rock? how do you think guy's like van halen, townshend, young, etc were getting distortion?


Townsend's ears are shot. What a surprise!

Well, if I was playing Who songs, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin or any ancient music (with all due respect to AC/DC) I'd only be on the green channel.

My band is 100% original and we play modern metal. I like the red channel with the gain at 5 when I play loud (volume 4-6) and the gain at about 7-8 in the house with the volume at 1-2. As I said, I need more gain at lower volume than the DSL has when you use the gain as a volume control. The DSL 50 is a loud amp, and my speakers are 100 DB so there's no way I'll have the appropriate volume level with the amount of gain I like using the gain as the volume control.

Also, toss in the Tube Screamer and my chorus which adds gain, and things get complicated...


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