Why No Logos On Television?

El Gringo

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Shakedown Street
If I ever were in this situation my tech would not let anyone near my stuff to try to even cover up a logo or something . This is something that I vehemently detest , Why ? We pay thru the nose for our gear and for the most part we are proud of our gear . Why in the world would we cover up / or consent to cover up logos on our gear ? Money of course the root of all evil . Makes me think of Pink Floyd and that cash register ringing .


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2011
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hum, i dont know. what problem do you speak of?
but yeah hes a total badass though. mentioned above
was the time he and Eddie did a set on stage. it was cool.
you could tell they both were having fun.
He was drinking far too much a while back IIRC. Got his arse fired a time or two.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2020
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Those 3 networks are the absolute worst at everything they do.

If you wish to experience horrid, immature, vapid programming....
Well wont take long to find on those networ.ks.

I wish I could delete them from my viewing package.

Sad, sad , sad situation.
Everyone at all ends of the country we live has to be assaulted by there views and comments.

Think I better stop here!


Active Member
Jun 11, 2020
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All about the advertising. The channel doesn’t want logos that haven’t paid for product placement rights in shot. Simple solution if you don’t like : boycott the channel and be vocal so everyone knows. This is the idea behind ‘vote with your wallet’. Until we rid the world of the evil that is advertising, everything gonna cost too much and the stupid rules will be there.


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Nov 9, 2008
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Tampa, FL
If I ever were in this situation my tech would not let anyone near my stuff to try to even cover up a logo or something . This is something that I vehemently detest , Why ? We pay thru the nose for our gear and for the most part we are proud of our gear . Why in the world would we cover up / or consent to cover up logos on our gear ? Money of course the root of all evil . Makes me think of Pink Floyd and that cash register ringing .
Money is not the root of all evil, it's the love of money that is the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10) 😉


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
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who really gives a shit anyways? i mean your there to put on a show
not advertise gear products. it ya wanna do that get a youtube channel.

El Gringo

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Shakedown Street
Money is not the root of all evil, it's the love of money that is the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10) 😉
A perfect example of why I was not book learned as I was home schooled in the Village and the books we had to burn to keep warm . Correct as it's the "love" of money such as idolatry . There is something going on as far as messages go for me as I have now had 3 since yesterday references to religion .

Matthews Guitars

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
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I distinctly remember that in the auction of the musical gear from the estate of Walter Becker, there were some Fender type amplifiers that were a bit different.

Fender Bassman? Nope. Read the logos carefully. That was an actual "Fucker Assman" amp. Becker had a number of amps like that.

Finding an actual photo of that amp now on the internet was harder than I expected it to be.

I don't think that particular amp could make it past the censors on ANY channel.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2009
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I don't know why they cover stuff up but I think they should stop it. I like knowing what my favorite artists are playing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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I think I was 7 when I first saw Hendrix on KABC7, in a look-back segment about Woodstock and what happened in his life.

If it’s similar to Yngwies Marshall discovery story, that’s fine because I tell you it’s about discovery and not about advertising! And it’s not unique, I’ve heard the same plot curve a dozen times from other players.

Okay I recall seeing the logos. Into the years those same iconic badges would crop up: the “Smoke On The Water” guy had em too. Blue Cheer had em.

Then one day I saw on Don Fishnets’ Rock Concert a band I could care less for - AC/DC suddenly sounded good and had a couple videos - and there they those Marshall logos are. Again.

As a pre-guitar kid I was NOT interested in this metal sound, but the obvious social cueing over the years left a deep impression that if you were any good at music you’ll eventually be around others who use this stuff and get to try it yourself. Eventually.

And so it was in Southern California in the 1970’s where lots of diverse backyard parties I hit, had Marshall gear.

But I resisted. In 1980 a Harmony 400 3-watter and a distortion pedal got me close enough, so maybe I didn’t need to “be that loud” until I got a drummer.

After 8 years of buying-trying-unliking then flipping thru recycler stuff that was no good, Ronnie Montrose traded in a near mint JMP100, 1982B & 1960 A.P. towards a Martin acoustic, and I got all 3 pcs $1000 & tax.

Up to this point nothing was good: but I gave into the social cues and by 85 knew why Marshall was very decent and very different.

Could I have bypassed a lot of wasted time by going directly to a used Marshall to a shorter music development? You bet. But like Bruce Zinky and Jim Seavall have said before me sometimes if you can’t make the connection you’ll exhaust every other excuse “why not” till the other paths fail.

Ok getting to the obscuriation-of-the-brandings-point:

* I go to CBS once and their paperwork says “no logos you gotta cover them.” Can’t even wear your T-shirt but you’re the band~ whut... Doesn’t make sense to me.

Same thing over at Universal!

How does a kid today, looking back as I once was, clueless yknow, figure out what today’s good players use to get good sounds?

It never used to be like this: bands were gear-proud and would laugh if someone said “tape off the Marshall logo.”

When did I first notice this? 1994-5 with Nirvana on MTV. Kurt has 8 cabs on his side, but the prominent classy Marshall brand is patched off w black gaffers tape! Hashtag: #Sellout.

I wondered then, Why do a stupid thing like that: is it a punk rock trend or what? De-branding gear is cool now? A $50 4X12 and a $900 one coequal - depending on talent?

Then ffwd>> today’s filming releases.

And you know what? Everybody must be signing them - bc look - from now on after I’ve pointed this out, watch your late night and daytime promo performances for logo banning and you’ll draw the same conclusion: it’s harmful to kids and pervades the advertising value a band has toward factory sponsorship.

And: it doesn’t stop with our back lines, either, when you see electric tape over the Gibson or Jackson logo.

This trick might have worked in the pre-VHS day’s, but not in the dying age of fake news & clickbait: for example-

1. I know Butterslax likes his Friedman’s right? Suppose Mastodon play Coachella and the main live sponsor preselected Orange UK and GC websites as in-video banner advertising to undermine Freidman to drive traffic off Dave? They cobble some old compelling Mastodon pics w Orange and all you gotta do is cover up live logos.

2. Ditto bass gear: it looks like Aguilar bass gear but I can’t tell under gaff tape, placed there beforehand so YouTube can adsell some 15-sec ad of a Beardy Fatdude you can’t click off for Musicians Friend and their ponderous assortment of combos that make dreams come true. Ugh!

3. Same with keys: You know the Nord is red, or the Roland backpanel is a Roland but wait - what model? Can’t tell, it’s been knobknocked up w tape!

4. Same w Percussion, that’s a huge trigger there (no Leppard jokes ok)

I think knowing what tools the older kids used to become professionals happens to be important to the clueless getting started.

I’ve provided my own curve as an example because we didn’t have inter webs then, and the pre-vhs photographic record is now online after the fact which SHOULD BY ALL REASON DEFEAT the notion this “logo blocking” has any benefit to the advertiser when the public know better now.

And even if they didn’t know, it’s downright devious to run say, Line6 ads for example over online content indelibly created w Marshall. Images search is one click away - yet AdSense has yet to give it up.

I’m against it.
It’s got to stop.
Why do people give in to that?

I never signed for that and I hope none of you guys do either. It’s an issue that begs open discussion!
My man you have too much time on your hands

alpha al

Active Member
Oct 19, 2017
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Gastonia, NC
About half the time, the amps you see on TV are not the amps your are hearing. A big Marshall stack is there as a prop, but they are playing through a miced Tweed Deluxe or something similar sitting behind the stack..


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2022
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I think whenever someone plays a modeler there should be a big projected screen of the presets visible so we can all get that dose of visual bias in liking or disliking an amp tone.

Norfolk Martin

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Jan 29, 2013
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In the UK, the BBC was required for many years to obscure the logos of products on TV because of fears that it would be seen to be unfairly promoting on manufacturer over another . Bit different from the American situation of commercial broadcasts in the 50s/early 60s


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"Is a Chesterfield King? You know I won't smoke anything else.'"

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Norfolk Martin

Active Member
Jan 29, 2013
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About half the time, the amps you see on TV are not the amps your are hearing. A big Marshall stack is there as a prop, but they are playing through a miced Tweed Deluxe or something similar sitting behind the stack..
Very true. I have a video of the British mod band the Jam playing live on one of those Saturday afternoon shoes for teenagers . Love the sound. Guitarist Paul Weller has a Marshall full stack behind him, but, the camera at stage right shows a Peavey Bandit 112 mic'd up on the side of the stage.

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