Worst Show Of My Life On Saturday

  • Thread starter ToneWitch
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2021
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Lake Havasu AZ
We’re a 5 piece band. We play 30-45 classic, 80’s, 90’s and Modern rock songs. Usually, 3 hour long sets. Well, we had a gig at a really cramped club on Saturday night.

I knew the night was going to be bad right when I tried to move some of the backlined/club owned gear over to the other side of the stage. And the waitresses come running up and ask me in a really snarky valley girl voice, “what are you doing?”. I then just explain to them that, “I’m moving some of this gear over as this stage is too small to accompany 5 of us.This will give us a little more leg room, if I just move this 5 guitar-guitar stand to behind the drummer where there is a huge amount of unused space”. They pretty much tell me I can’t do that-the owner will get mad. I brush it off. Whatever. I set up and wait for sound check.

But, this was only the beginning to the worst concert I have ever played in my life.

Technically, not the worst IVE ever played, as a matter of fact I played great. However, the drummer of the band had some other motives. I knew he had been drinking early on in the day before the gig because he invited me out for breakfast bloody Mary’s. Well, he invited me out to breakfast while they indulged in some libations. I don’t drink. So, I knew he had been drinking early in the morning. Well, around 5 pm we show up to his house to load up the drums and remaining gear. We take seperate vehicles. It takes him another hour to show up. No problem still 1 hour 15 min to sound check. Ample time to set up and say what’s up to friends who came out.

We play the first set. It goes okay. Felt like a warm up really. But the drums were just sounding off. Time wasn’t being kept real steady and fills were being missed. This particular night we had to play 1 hour 15 min for the first set and then break for 30 min before the next set.

Well, time counts down. Intermission is over. It’s time for the second set. The drummer literally can’t even walk at this point. He’s hammered drunk. Had been literally drinking all day, during the first set, and shot after shot during the intermission. He drags some girl up to his drum set when we all come out on stage and allows her to hit the drums while the rest of the band just stands there like “wtf is happening” it felt like the twighlight zone. How could he be this ignorant? Finally he sits down to play after some awkward few minutes. All of the rest of the band staring at eachother in disbelief.

We begin playing the second set. Well, the band begins playing the second set. The drummer doesn’t even know what planet he is on. He’s not even close to holding it together. Can’t even count the songs in correctly. My other mates look to me and say “we’re calling it” I tell them no, we’re going to make him finish this set. We drag through 4 songs of the second set. The 5th song it all falls apart. It’s a song in a 7/4 timing and he completely loses us. He stops playing multiple times in the middle of the song to try and find his way back. It’s not happening. He nearly falls off his throne and we’re just left pushing through until the song ends. We all feel like dying dogs that need put out of our misery but nobody around to do the work. The song feels like an eternity. At this point I tell them we are at least going to end on a solid not and play one more easy one and end it there. Big mistake. At this point he has left the building mentally. Spills his stage beer all over my amp and over the back of the singer. We play the final song and I tell the crowd we are done.

I start packing my things. Totally embarrassed and just pissed off at everything in that moment. The venue owner comes up and just rings the drummer a new one. Lays into him verbally. The drummer is the one who set this show up and he treated the venue as if he rented it out for his own little private party. It was disgraceful. As I’m packing my things. The drummer knocks my guitar off it’s stand. Luckily it didn’t break or take any damage. But that was it for me. I’m walking out and the venue owner pulls the rest of us to the side. I wasn’t going to take any payment. But he insisted since we actually showed up to play.

Needless to say the band was done that night. The band as we knew it anyways. The drummer the next day has the ego, the gaul to say he needs a break from the band and that the owner was pissed because we stopped the first set 5 minutes early. He must forget that I don’t drink. I was sober and I know exactly what happened. Drummer doesn’t even know that we got paid for showing up. The rest of the mates decides to switch positions. Our bassist is a better drummer than this guy so he’s on drums now our rhythm guitar is playing bass, I’m still on lead guitar and we still have our front man. Going out as a 4 piece now.

But anyways, that was my Saturday night. I had so much adrenaline pumping through my veins I couldn’t even sleep. I was home before we were even supposed to be off stage. I had to take NyQuil to even fall asleep I was so jacked up on adrenaline. I’ve been playing music live for nearly 20 years at this point in my life and this was a new low.

So that’s it. The worst show I’ve ever played in my life. In the books. It’s only up from here.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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We’re a 5 piece band. We play 30-45 classic, 80’s, 90’s and Modern rock songs. Usually, 3 hour long sets. Well, we had a gig at a really cramped club on Saturday night.

I knew the night was going to be bad right when I tried to move some of the backlined/club owned gear over to the other side of the stage. And the waitresses come running up and ask me in a really snarky valley girl voice, “what are you doing?”. I then just explain to them that, “I’m moving some of this gear over as this stage is too small to accompany 5 of us.This will give us a little more leg room, if I just move this 5 guitar-guitar stand to behind the drummer where there is a huge amount of unused space”. They pretty much tell me I can’t do that-the owner will get mad. I brush it off. Whatever. I set up and wait for sound check.

But, this was only the beginning to the worst concert I have ever played in my life.

Technically, not the worst IVE ever played, as a matter of fact I played great. However, the drummer of the band had some other motives. I knew he had been drinking early on in the day before the gig because he invited me out for breakfast bloody Mary’s. Well, he invited me out to breakfast while they indulged in some libations. I don’t drink. So, I knew he had been drinking early in the morning. Well, around 5 pm we show up to his house to load up the drums and remaining gear. We take seperate vehicles. It takes him another hour to show up. No problem still 1 hour 15 min to sound check. Ample time to set up and say what’s up to friends who came out.

We play the first set. It goes okay. Felt like a warm up really. But the drums were just sounding off. Time wasn’t being kept real steady and fills were being missed. This particular night we had to play 1 hour 15 min for the first set and then break for 30 min before the next set.

Well, time counts down. Intermission is over. It’s time for the second set. The drummer literally can’t even walk at this point. He’s hammered drunk. Had been literally drinking all day, during the first set, and shot after shot during the intermission. He drags some girl up to his drum set when we all come out on stage and allows her to hit the drums while the rest of the band just stands there like “wtf is happening” it felt like the twighlight zone. How could he be this ignorant? Finally he sits down to play after some awkward few minutes. All of the rest of the band staring at eachother in disbelief.

We begin playing the second set. Well, the band begins playing the second set. The drummer doesn’t even know what planet he is on. He’s not even close to holding it together. Can’t even count the songs in correctly. My other mates look to me and say “we’re calling it” I tell them no, we’re going to make him finish this set. We drag through 4 songs of the second set. The 5th song it all falls apart. It’s a song in a 7/4 timing and he completely loses us. He stops playing multiple times in the middle of the song to try and find his way back. It’s not happening. He nearly falls off his throne and we’re just left pushing through until the song ends. We all feel like dying dogs that need put out of our misery but nobody around to do the work. The song feels like an eternity. At this point I tell them we are at least going to end on a solid not and play one more easy one and end it there. Big mistake. At this point he has left the building mentally. Spills his stage beer all over my amp and over the back of the singer. We play the final song and I tell the crowd we are done.

I start packing my things. Totally embarrassed and just pissed off at everything in that moment. The venue owner comes up and just rings the drummer a new one. Lays into him verbally. The drummer is the one who set this show up and he treated the venue as if he rented it out for his own little private party. It was disgraceful. As I’m packing my things. The drummer knocks my guitar off it’s stand. Luckily it didn’t break or take any damage. But that was it for me. I’m walking out and the venue owner pulls the rest of us to the side. I wasn’t going to take any payment. But he insisted since we actually showed up to play.

Needless to say the band was done that night. The band as we knew it anyways. The drummer the next day has the ego, the gaul to say he needs a break from the band and that the owner was pissed because we stopped the first set 5 minutes early. He must forget that I don’t drink. I was sober and I know exactly what happened. Drummer doesn’t even know that we got paid for showing up. The rest of the mates decides to switch positions. Our bassist is a better drummer than this guy so he’s on drums now our rhythm guitar is playing bass, I’m still on lead guitar and we still have our front man. Going out as a 4 piece now.

But anyways, that was my Saturday night. I had so much adrenaline pumping through my veins I couldn’t even sleep. I was home before we were even supposed to be off stage. I had to take NyQuil to even fall asleep I was so jacked up on adrenaline. I’ve been playing music live for nearly 20 years at this point in my life and this was a new low.

So that’s it. The worst show I’ve ever played in my life. In the books. It’s only up from here.
I dont know how you didnt punch that guy right in the mouth!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2015
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I give you a lot of credit for doing the right thing, as far as possible, for the club owner and the audience. It's really hard to "force it" when there's one player completely out of touch with what's going on. Ask me how I know... on second thought, don't. You've got the right attitude - it can't go anywhere but up from this point. So that means the band has the opportunity to make good decisions based on a bad experience.

Needless to say the band was done that night. The band as we knew it anyways. The drummer the next day has the ego, the gaul to say he needs a break from the band and that the owner was pissed because we stopped the first set 5 minutes early. He must forget that I don’t drink. I was sober and I know exactly what happened. Drummer doesn’t even know that we got paid for showing up. The rest of the mates decides to switch positions. Our bassist is a better drummer than this guy so he’s on drums now our rhythm guitar is playing bass, I’m still on lead guitar and we still have our front man. Going out as a 4 piece now.
Yeah, been there, done that - "The band has broken up, come pick up your gear, everybody gets paid off for anything owned mutually, etc etc..." and then the band continues minus the weak link/sore spot/hindrancemeister. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Best of luck for your newly-bright musical future.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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Peterborough, Ontario Canada
I don’t know how long you’ve played with these guys, but I know from experience that if you continue to play with the same people, you will most likely continue to have the same problems. If he’s routinely drinking his face off at shows, it’s going to turn into a problem again, to be sure.

Sounds like you guys have a solution and have agreed to allow him to cut himself loose. It’s a wise choice. If you don’t mind exploring new people, you’d be surprised at how many players out there actually would like to play a pro level show, even in a small place. It’s an opportunity for you all at this point, really.

As you said, nowhere to go but up….

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2021
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Lake Havasu AZ
I don’t know how long you’ve played with these guys, but I know from experience that if you continue to play with the same people, you will most likely continue to have the same problems. If he’s routinely drinking his face off at shows, it’s going to turn into a problem again, to be sure.

Sounds like you guys have a solution and have agreed to allow him to cut himself loose. It’s a wise choice. If you don’t mind exploring new people, you’d be surprised at how many players out there actually would like to play a pro level show, even in a small place. It’s an opportunity for you all at this point, really.

As you said, nowhere to go but up….

Good luck.
I’ve only been in the band for about 5-6 months. Yeah, dude drinks all the time. But never like this before. It was ridiculous. Just glad it made ever one else ready to ditch him. I seen the writing on the wall and was already making my way out before this happened. This was going to be my last gig with these guys.
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AKA "Vinnie the Tits".
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Currently living in a van down by the river.
If he's drinking that much all day and blowing shows at the age of 60, he's been keeping some serious demons down for a long time. That's not just a bad bandmate, that's someone who's very sick and in need of pro help. Getting help should be the ONLY thing in his life right now.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2015
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Sounds like you've got your **** together, professional, and try to put on a great show. Musicians are notorious for this kind of behaviour and infighting, egos, etc etc. The drummer sounds like a di**head, unable to control himself and unable to admit fault. Our passion to join a band might be our biggest downfall.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
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Happened to other bands to, if that helps.

You and the other guys did your best to
deliver in this situation, you can be proud of that,
other would have quit, which ofcourse could have saved the drummers face...but next gig he would have acted the same again, and who knows to what extend.

Good giggin' ahead!:jam::band:


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2021
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Lake Havasu AZ
Tonight was the first jam with just the 4 of us. I love the sound of a band with only a single guitar. The music just breathes better live. We sounded excellent and honestly way better than before. We already booked our first gig under our new name.


Weapons Man

Active Member
May 6, 2022
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The Lone Star State
Back around '89 or '90, I was at a bar in Dallas and they had live bands there on a regular basis. This one night the band was doing some Led Zep covers and then for some reason they just stopped playing. The singer was talking to some folks in the audience that he seemed to know. A guy from the audience gets up on stage with the band. The singer hands audience guy a cheap, inexpensive guitar that was not even plugged in. The real guitarist for the band walks off back to the back of the stage out of view. Next thing i know, these massive rock riffs start blasting out from the band guitarist who the audience can't see. Audience guy has strapped the guitar on and starts acting like he is the one playing; he is jumping around and going through the whole ac/dc Angus routine. It is air guitar gone atomic. Soon the solos stop and audience guy hands over the guitar to the singer and goes back to his seat and another dude gets up from the audience and same thing starts over again - eruption by Van Halen and various other massive solos. The bandmembers all had shoulder length hair and the guys from the audience were clean cut accountant types. It was hilarious and the audience loved it. So I guess the next time one of one of you has a bandmember flameout, you could have a cheap, crappy guitar on hand and try this to save the show.

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Tonight was the first jam with just the 4 of us. I love the sound of a band with only a single guitar. The music just breathes better live. We sounded excellent and honestly way better than before. We already booked our first gig under our new name.

View attachment 135597
Well done! I like it too. It is more of a challenge that I relish. Seems more raw perhaps, more open or something. As long as the guitar has a full ballsy sound. A wimpy guitar wouldn't work as well.

LPMarshall hack

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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San Diego, CA
Tonight was the first jam with just the 4 of us. I love the sound of a band with only a single guitar. The music just breathes better live. We sounded excellent and honestly way better than before. We already booked our first gig under our new name.

View attachment 135597
Is that really the name? I'm stealing that!!!

Matthews Guitars

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
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I've never played in a band. Primary reason for that is that I have a very low tolerance for people who are USUALLY stupid, getting even MORE stupid when you add alcohol to them, and I know that this is a very common scenario in most every sort of band.

Clearly I'm missing out on some things that I am GLAD to miss out on.

LPMarshall hack

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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San Diego, CA
I've never played in a band. Primary reason for that is that I have a very low tolerance for people who are USUALLY stupid, getting even MORE stupid when you add alcohol to them, and I know that this is a very common scenario in most every sort of band.

Clearly I'm missing out on some things that I am GLAD to miss out on.
You really are