Yo Bitches

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New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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Man what a ride this was. From the outside not being able to look in and having some very good people working this I have to tell you it really felt good.

First if you have been following this mess today it really was nothing more than someone else having a old email address I no longer have but did have when I registered month ago, Alex and I have that all straightened out. Alex did nothing wrong and did what I would have done as a Admin also.

In the end the details are between him and I and there are no hard feelings at all, it happens on large forums like this often. If this proves anything to all of you it should be that the MF doesn't censor or discriminate which is a good thing.

I want to to thank those of you that did not jump on the "fuck Nuke" good riddance bandwagon and convict me prior to the facts being known, you know who you are. Maybe a teachable moment that we shouldn't always assume the worse about members and wait to form your own opinion once facts are known.

A shout out to LongFX who had my back today along with a few other guys and worked behind the scene to get this settled, he his a good man and should want him on your side.

This place has sort of been an addiction for me, I love the back and fourth even if I am the Israel of the forum. I am happy to have my faith restored in many of you guys as the first pages went from "off with his head" to wanting me back on the team. Maybe this is where it ends and we start thinking before attacking.

I mess with all of you but I hope we can still have a beer at the end of the day and turn it to eleven.

What this banning did for me was tell me its time to stop pooping over here on Alex's yard, and just stay over on my yard. I think over the past few months we have learned where we all stand politically and on other issues and there is not much more to gained being nasty to each other or having little group clicks.

I am not leaving but will only be doing music stuff from now on from time to time when I have information to keep straight for my friends at Marshall.

You can find me over on the Vintage Modern Forum under Surfnorthwest. It is a smaller forum with less traffic than this one and a different vibe then here but nonetheless some great guys and information all Marshall. My site does not accept advertising and is paid for and maintained 100% by me, so there for it does not in any way compete with this site. It is like going bar hopping, different crowd different band playing.

For those I have offended over the months.... to bad grow a pair:D I ain't apologizing shit. But have made some good friends and I hope I have treated you guys fair in the end.

Leave you guys with a tune I wrote about Chief Joseph here in the great Pacific Northwest, it tells the story of his life, great man of truth and character. For those who don't know the music side of me I do all the instruments and vocals on all my songs. I have 13 CDs of original music, much of it in the mode of Pink Floyd.

My Swan Song for you guys, be good to each other Nuke :slash:


His spirit came rolling down the Nez Perce witnessed the mighty sound
the cries in the night the screams in the dark a great man born to make his mark
Whoa Oh Hinmuuttu Yalaktit Whoa Oh Thunder Rolling down the mountain he’s called

He grew up strong his father taught him the Nez Perece way
Then it came, and his father held his hand to say
Son lead my people and don’t let them go astray your finally chief on my dying day
Whoa Oh Hinmuuttu Yalaktit Whoa Oh Rolling Thunder down the mountain he’s called

Rolling Thunder down the mountain, pushing settlers in the hills
The white man comes bringing cattle and their farms and ills
Whoa a broken treaty can’t keep us from our will

Then in 77 the soldiers came and stormed our hills, orders were clear muzzle load and shoot to kill
He told Chief Joseph you go 30 day to clear on out of here
shots were fired, started a war nobody wanted here

Then came the move as they headed north to the Crow
General Howard followed 2000 soldiers back in tow
To his despair that Crow was not there, they sold their soul over rejected the people they once know
Hey Hey turn around and run away

Tell General Howard I know his heart. I am tired of fighting
Our Chiefs are killed, Looking Glass is dead, Toohulhulsote is dead
It is cold, we have no blankets, the little children are freezing to death
My people. Some of them, have run away to the hills and have no blankets, no food
No one knows where they are – perhaps freezing to death
I want to have time to look for my children, and see how many I can find
Maybe I shall find them among the dead
Hear me my Chiefs – I am tired; my heart is sick and sad
from where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.

Hey Hey Hinmuuttu Yalaktit, Hey Hey Rolling Thunder down the mountain he’s called

The war has ended his people jailed and often offended
It was 79, and Chief Joseph was summoned in line
President Hayes said your people can return in the coming days
Live out your life on the Colville Indian Reservation.

A hundred later I stood on his grave and wondered why
I don’t know but I’m sure he is with the Spirit in the Sky
Whoa Oh Hinmuuttu Yalaktit Whoa Oh Rolling Thunder down the mountain he’s called


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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... Nah ,, ya got to still argue politics ... who cares what people think .. fuck them ..

.. Come on .. it is a public service .. to piss folks off .. maybe make some aware ..


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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, ... Dammit .. I need an inteligent, wealthy white gun totin US citizen and right wing jesus guy to argue with ...

,, .. man .. Dammit ... all the other canidates are lacking ... I mean we can find these traits in some .. but ...


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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... Nah ,, ya got to still argue politics ... who cares what people think .. fuck them ..

.. Come on .. it is a public service .. to piss folks off .. maybe make some aware ..

Naw, I beat that horse hard enough, I was thinking today just how much damm time I spend on a computer some days, got to get back into the studio. Mt Hood is loaded with snow right now, I need some excercise, going skiing tomorrow, I ain't changing nobodys mind, you go the the gavel, speaker of the backstage,


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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, ... Dammit .. I need an inteligent, wealthy white gun totin US citizen and right wing jesus guy to argue with ...

,, .. man .. Dammit ... all the other canidates are lacking ... I mean we can find these traits in some .. but ...

I will argue with you.:lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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.. You' ll be back ... nuke ... !!! ..


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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hey man:) glad that was cleared up at least. good to see ya.

Oh and by the way, this man right here diesect20022000 is the most true neutral none bias none partisan son of a bitch I know on this forum.

You guys should pimp this guy to be the second moderator here, who is more fair then him? Never heard this guy say a bad thing about anyone.

You are a good man!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
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.. hey .. now lets try an trip up that blackie jerk into a ban ...


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
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I liked the song, nuke!

As for Diesect2000 for mod, I OBJECT, at least until he buys a Marshall. Both Alex and Adwex play Marshall amps.

Thanks man, the song is really a blue print on the vocals side, although I do the singing God cheated me a little there, so in a performance I would obviously have a real singer.

Diesect2000 is just going through a explore faze, he will come back to Marshall. I did the Diezel, ENGL, VHT thing too, but tone is tone and there is only one dog that hunts in rock n roll and his name is Marshall.


In Memorandum
VIP Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Naw, I beat that horse hard enough, I was thinking today just how much damm time I spend on a computer some days, got to get back into the studio. Mt Hood is loaded with snow right now, I need some excercise, going skiing tomorrow, I ain't changing nobodys mind, you go the the gavel, speaker of the backstage,
yeah i hear that part brother. I've been delving back into nature where i belong too:) feels....FREE.:D