Zimmerman Charged in Trayvon Case !!!

  • Thread starter Bobbo
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Should Zimmerman be charged with murder

  • Zimmerman should be charged with murder

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Zimmerman shouldn't be charged at all

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • Ziommerman should be charged with manslaughter

    Votes: 8 30.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active Member
Mar 8, 2011
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I think the amount of media attention given to this a bit ridiculous. I agree that if this was black on black that no one outside that locality would be aware of this case. I also believe innocent or guilty the defense will have an uphill battle. It is akmost impossible to have a fair trial when your case us on the news everynight.


New Member
Jul 16, 2011
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It's funny how the media portays trayvon as this gentle black kid, while the real trayvon was suspended from school for vandalizing school property and holding stolen jewelry, and his social networking profiles were titled "original nigga 4 life" or some equally dumb shit like that.

So that means it's ok to shoot an unarmdd teenager, right? Because noned of us said or did dumb shit when we were in high school..


New Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Itsgreat that a bunch of white people think racism is a non existant problem. We've had 1 non white president in our history, and he had to waste time proving where he was born, people make money selling bumper stickers that say shit like "don't re-nig in 2012", anyone brown. With an accent is mexican, I have Indian friends who got a lot of shit after sep 11, despite being Indian and not muslim. We had a presidential candidate who called the president an anti war government nig..uh american, and said he didn't want to make black people's lives better by giving them other people's money we're totally a post racial country


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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So that means it's ok to shoot an unarmdd teenager, right? Because noned of us said or did dumb shit when we were in high school..

I didn't say that. I'm saying he wasn't the cheery faced goody-two-shoes that the media would have you believe with the pics they choose to show of him. He was a bad kid that ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. None of that matters to me though. I don't care that he got killed, and I don't care about what happens to Zimmerman. I just hate the circus and hypocrisy surrounding the whole thing.


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Itsgreat that a bunch of white people think racism is a non existant problem. We've had 1 non white president in our history, and he had to waste time proving where he was born, people make money selling bumper stickers that say shit like "don't re-nig in 2012", anyone brown. With an accent is mexican, I have Indian friends who got a lot of shit after sep 11, despite being Indian and not muslim. We had a presidential candidate who called the president an anti war government nig..uh american, and said he didn't want to make black people's lives better by giving them other people's money we're totally a post racial country

WTF are you talking about? Racism is real and it's present and will never go away. No one denies that. And it's only getting worse. You can't blame that all on whitey though. It's funny though how you seem to think that racism is a white problem. Asians can't be racists? Hispanics can't be racists? Blacks can't be racists?


New Member
Jan 13, 2012
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moved to higher ground
,,...obama opened his mouth,....made it a race issue,,.....black panthers put a

bounty out on Zimmerman,,....obama doesn't say shit,,....some leadership by a

worthless POSPOTUS,,,,....circus in Florida,,...all the ass clowns showed up,...

government controlled media ,.. in a battleground state,,....free society bout

to be ,,...a thing o da past,,...

,,...spit some beachnut in dat dude's eyes,..
,..den I shoot him in da head wit my ol 45
,,.. man's got a right to stay alive,....dis country boy will survive,,..


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Now you have Tyson asking why Zimmerman hasn't been killed yet. Way to go black community. You'd do yourself a favor by telling idiots like Tyson and Sharpton to STFU.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 9, 2011
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Itsgreat that a bunch of white people think racism is a non existant problem. We've had 1 non white president in our history, and he had to waste time proving where he was born, people make money selling bumper stickers that say shit like "don't re-nig in 2012", anyone brown. With an accent is mexican, I have Indian friends who got a lot of shit after sep 11, despite being Indian and not muslim. We had a presidential candidate who called the president an anti war government nig..uh american, and said he didn't want to make black people's lives better by giving them other people's money we're totally a post racial country

Yes, well... Obviously we see a racism problem, but only because the hatred is fed to us from all sides, separating us. Creating stories, of emphasizing ethnicities or race, such as this story.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 9, 2011
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Now you have Tyson asking why Zimmerman hasn't been killed yet. Way to go black community. You'd do yourself a favor by telling idiots like Tyson and Sharpton to STFU.

And that's the thing! We have ignorant fools "representing" a group.

Like the exmaple I gave in another thread!

News cast goes to school, interviews one of my black/african american school mates.
The Interview is like 5-10 minutes asking about racism in school, which he answers something like "Not bad in general, a few prejudice kids here and there, but nothing serious".

But the news cast edited the interview down to a few seconds, making him sound like there was a major race issue at school.
He was fucking pissed when he saw that.

Then that interview is seen by the black/afican american community, and how do you think that makes them feel?

That's the point. Yes, there is a problem, but only because it is fueled in us! And of course the older ones who have the same mentality for years and years passed on for generations, which shows the level of ignorance. But it's not their fault either! They don't know any better, I pity them!

So we have to 'grab' what the media says, and wipe our asses with it.


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Yes, well... Obviously we see a racism problem, but only because the hatred is fed to us from all sides, separating us. Creating stories, of emphasizing ethnicities or race, such as this story.

Exactly. Who made this a race issue? Certainly not the honkies. And actually racism might just be on it's last leg. The young generation doesn't give a fuck about skin color. White kids look up to non-white pop culture icons and athletes all day every day. Bi-racial marriages and couples are more common than ever. Pretty soon we'll all be gray skinned.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Minneapolis, MN
Exactly. Who made this a race issue? Certainly not the honkies. And actually racism might just be on it's last leg. The young generation doesn't give a fuck about skin color. White kids look up to non-white pop culture icons and athletes all day every day. Bi-racial marriages and couples are more common than ever. Pretty soon we'll all be gray skinned.

Exactly. The only reason this is in the media is for political purposes. None of these outspoken people (Sharpton, Obama, etc) give two shits about anyone but themselves. They don't care about black on black crime or black on white crime at all. They use the media in this case to say a 'White Hispanic' killed a 'Black Youth' and then get on their soap box. It's bullshit.

No one knows the facts, and I don't care either way, but it's painful as hell to see the fucking pres come out and talk about this one case and how he would 'look like his son' if he had one. Fuck you.

If Zimmerman (and I suspect he will) gets off of this, will Obama sit down and have a beer with him, like he did the last time he stuck his nose in where it didn't belong? I doubt it.


VIP Member
Oct 14, 2011
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Great Southern Land
You know what's funny not one person opposed to this guy being charged has given one single reason why he shouldn't. All I'm hearin is this is media beat up, it's because his black etc. Is there actually one reason that anyone can think of that would stand up in court as to why he shouldn't be charged???

Come on there are a lot of people sayin he shouldn't, state your case.


Senior Moderator
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Feb 5, 2009
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You know what's funny not one person opposed to this guy being charged has given one single reason why he shouldn't. All I'm hearin is this is media beat up, it's because his black etc. Is there actually one reason that anyone can think of that would stand up in court as to why he shouldn't be charged???

Come on there are a lot of people sayin he shouldn't, state your case.

According to reports/witness testimony, the physical confrontation took place by Zimmerman's car ... this is why he wasn't arrested to begin with. Rather than the story being spun by the media and race hustlers, it appears as if Zimmerman did follow directions not to pursue Trayvon Martin ... and as he was returning to his car, it appears as if Trayvon Martin not only pursued/followed Zimmerman, but physically attacked him as well ... this is why Zimmerman has cuts/bruises/scrapes from the physical altercation (including the back of his head from being on the ground underneath Trayvon Martin). That's right ... it appears as if Trayvon Martin followed Zimmerman to his car, and then physically attacked him ... this is why he was shot, and this is why he was not arrested.

If it's shown that Trayvon Martin followed Zimmerman, and then attacked Zimmerman, and Zimmerman shot him in self defense, then it's a clear cut case of this being absolutely legal under the stand your ground laws of the state of Florida.

btw., I'd have chimed in earlier on this, but I really didn't want to get involved here ...


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Mar 9, 2011
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I wouldn't try to get tangled in the details.
With news articles like this, or stuff that's covered in mass media (especially when the whole country is made aware of), I try to look at it as just a story. A story with a few verifiable facts and try to see what is the hidden agenda behind this 'story'.

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