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  1. K

    PRS SEs - any good?

    Absolutely! Their Asian made models are built to PRS standard, a solid sweet sounding modern electric that outclassed most other makes in that price range. The only week spot used to be the nut, but they use tusq now I believe. I owned more than a couple and just traded up to the core PRS...
  2. K

    did jimmy page and other follw artists created that crunch sound with a marshall

    All those early Fenders and Voxes would create that can crunch sound in a small space...I heard an old Tweed do the sweetest rock tone I've ever heard. At 18 watts. They just went to Marshalls when the show's got huge and the Fenders were just not a big enough sound for 20,000 people. Then I...
  3. K

    JVM410H strange noise troubleshooting

    15 minutes off standby with no load could have caused some damage. You need to have your transformers checked out by a tech. I microphonic component is plausible, but if it only happened after your unhooked biasing session, I'd be surprised if a component got suddenly microphonic. Mind you, they...
  4. K

    EQ pedal - why does everyone say to put it in the effects loop?

    I don't really use it on my lower gain channels on my multi channel Marshalls and Soldanos, just on higher gain and the loop, with just a small bump on all frequencies does wonders to just clarify and tighten the tone...just makes it stand out without a huge volume boost when the band is...
  5. K

    Mod JVM or sell it?

    Mod it! It kills modded absolutely!!!!
  6. K

    Leon Todd JVM review.

    They are good amps, with solid build quality, but you need a noise gate absolutely, or mod out some compression. I had a 410 and a 215 combo modded by Jens Kruse, made a huge difference. As well, they tend to get killed by the drummer in the mix. A graphic eq in the loop really helps there. I...
  7. K

    Mesa Mark VII - newly announced

    I tried and tried. Just couldn't love it...if I was playing with another guitarist and a big band with horns it might make sense. I only liked on clean or low gain settings...never liked the high gain sound in general. Just my experience, but I gave it a lot of chances, with more than one head.
  8. K

    Mesa Mark VII - newly announced

    The videos sounds like it's just another honky Mesa Mark. I tried hard to work with different Mark amps, but no matter how I tweaked them, they sounded wayyyy middy in performance. Just annoying. And your tech will hate working on them.
  9. K

    What's your poison? What kind of effects do you use with your Marshall/s?

    A univibe and a wah-wah do most of the happy stuff.
  10. K


    Cheap thrills, but thrills nonetheless. The problem is that too often people just noodle around and it sounds cool but they really have no idea what they're playing.
  11. K

    Mezzabarba: new tone in town?

    I had 2, kept the 30 watt, sold the 100 to get the Trinity. Much more flexible, and brighter than, an Slo.
  12. K

    FRIEDMAN BE100 Really Kicks **se !!

    Had a 50 and 100 watt BE. Loved the tone on its own, totally, but I found that it didn't hold nearly as well in the mix as any Marshall. I was surprised. Lost the grind and bite when the drummer really kicked in.
  13. K

    Compared a JVM to my '69 Plexi today

    The footswitch is a hundred bucks. Cheap for what it is. Try buying a factory FS for any other brand amp...they all rip you off except Marshall.
  14. K

    maintenance & upgrades for the DSL100 head

    The tonal differences between different brands of output tubes is minimal, but JJ makes an EL34 II tube that definitely has a bit more bottom end, good for any Marshall that's too upper mid focused. I found it made a nice difference in a JVM. Or an EL34L, which is similar. Some people swear by...
  15. K

    JMP fades out when powered off

    Every Soldano I've owned did/does that.
  16. K

    Mezzabarba: new tone in town?

    But the Trinity is like the next SLO they should have made. Three true channels, each with gain and volume controls, NFB and boost and bright for each chsnbrl, all midi and footswitchable. You can tweak the tones like crazy...the SLO and MZero both have fabulous core tones...but you've got what...
  17. K

    Mezzabarba: new tone in town?

    The circuit is based in fact, so I've read, based on Soldano, and having two Soldanos I can believe that. My feeling is that the Mezz is more open, more karrang, than an SLO, but a more modern punchy overall bass tone than a Marshall, in general. I will have to do a demo, since there aren't many...
  18. K

    Mezzabarba: new tone in town?

    The same custom oversized transformers are the same in the Trinity, though not painted red. The overdrive tone is the same, but the Trinity has better clean and crunch, and a midi out, with a factory switch that you can program, or just control the boost, bright, and master volume for each...
  19. K

    Mezzabarba: new tone in town?

    I do have the ear problem, I admit. The mezz has more compression consistency across channels, and punchy lower mids like a Soldano, but not a dark amp. The sounds between super clean and heavy overdrive are really great...a lot of really useable tones in crunchland, and all the.modes have nice...
  20. K

    Where to sell amps, etc.?

    I've had good luck with Reverb: but you've got to pack well, Mark clearly fragile and which side is up, make sure the unit is fully functional, and be very honest about its condition. You get such a large pool of customers, and if you find a local buyer, you can pull your listing and sell it...

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