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  1. rocknblues

    What Kind Of Age Spread Do We Have In The Forum?

    Born in '71. 48 this Aug.
  2. rocknblues

    Needing some uplifting!!

    Aus... your comment about me having criminal friends that would have influence on me is a load of crap. My so-called friend was someome one that the entire community looked up to. He was also a regular foster parent to boys. The whole thing made me sick. It pisses me off to read your...
  3. rocknblues

    Needing some uplifting!!

    Vin that's good stuff and right on point. I did have a trigger event - about 6 weeks ago one of my friends took his life after the Police seized his computer. Apparently my friend was a pediphile. a few other life events have happened since that also ignited my downward spiral. I also...
  4. rocknblues

    Needing some uplifting!!

    I do appreciate that Cross. I have to admit something else... when my mom OD'd, life got a lot simpler for the rest of the family. I talk to my dad just a few times a year, and each time it just seams to bring me down. I could easily just cut bait with him and be that much happier. I have a...
  5. rocknblues

    Needing some uplifting!!

    OK thanks guys. I'm a little better now. . Just needed to vent for now.
  6. rocknblues

    Needing some uplifting!!

    Shit guys I just had to blow off steam before I went home to my family. I am getting very clausterphobic. Small spaces and crowds (even in my own house) are starting to freak me out. I wake up sleep walking a lot now. My biggest desire is to just stand up, walk down the road and become a...
  7. rocknblues

    Needing some uplifting!!

    Wow do I hate this. I disslike drama and generally try to avoid people who keep it stired up. However, I am certain that I am slowly loosing my mind to major mental problems. To the outside world, I have been able to keep my demons hidden. I have been an overachiever from day one and always...
  8. rocknblues

    Christmas present from my wife...

    Minerman.... great dilema you have going. Out of your selections, I would go with the Gibby LP without hesitation. The way I look at it, put your money on the highest quality (vs quantity) you can. Merry Christmas!
  9. rocknblues

    Best Reverb & Delay combo pedal?

    Yes, on a budget you cannot go wrong with TC Electronic. Up the price and a little more flair and you'll find Eventide and Strymon are tops.
  10. rocknblues

    Still Alive & Well

    So, did you leave the curtains with the old house?
  11. rocknblues

    Family snapshot :)

    Nice Vin. Very nice.
  12. rocknblues

    What To Get With My Cash Stash

    How about a nice acoustic? . Sounds like you already cover a lot of ground in guitars, amps, etc...
  13. rocknblues

    Band names you knew would fail

    Uncle-Daddy and the Family Secret
  14. rocknblues

    Just cuz... fukking powerful.

    Oh good. That's a great mindset. I did tell my kids I loved them everyday. I didn't let say that to my wife enough.... I should start there and see how much better my home situation improves. Maybe you want to think about me and sell me that Hiwatt?
  15. rocknblues

    R.I.P. Nelson Mandela

    I saw that first hand in the streets of Haiti during a government coup. Gruesome. I rejoice for the life of comfortable freedom and social justice that I was born into. My life isn't perfect, but in the big-picture I know I have had it good. I'm also thankfull for all of you guys (I...
  16. rocknblues

    Just cuz... fukking powerful.

    You doing ok Ozz? Don't let that cold get ya down brother. Yeah, thats a powerful song. Johnny's old voice reveals the frailty that we can all experience.
  17. rocknblues


    Shite! All of the sudden, this winter cold spell doesn't look too bad. I'm glad I finally grew out of my Evil Knevil days.
  18. rocknblues

    R.I.P. Nelson Mandela

    Chances are that unless you lived in South Africa or were directly impacted by their events of the past decades, all that you have heard (good or bad) was infused with political propaganda and/or media-hype. For either side, there is always a motivation by politicians to slant the story to...
  19. rocknblues

    NAD!! Orange TH30!!

    Good point Pede - I use a 6-band MXR through the effects loop on mine and it is very tweakable... on the other hand, Orange did a great job creating a variety of useful tones with a twist of that one knob. Congrats Matt!!!!
  20. rocknblues

    Brand bashers

    Yeah me too Crossroads. - even with the massive false grandeur and all. Biddlin - I have nary a one issue with my LPs or SGs over the past 30 years. My only complaint about any company was a Nuno Washburn. It was a high-end model that I had ordered. The fret fit/finish was just horrible.