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  1. SuperBeaver

    Hey Guys! Does this cab look all original?

    Thanks for all the help guys. the cab is now confirmed beyond all reasonable doubt to be (apart form the castors and a steel Switchcraft jack socket) 100% genuine. It just happens to be in great shape for a 44 year old cabinet.
  2. SuperBeaver

    Hey Guys! Does this cab look all original?

    Here is some other photos I have been sent of it. [/URL][/IMG]
  3. SuperBeaver

    Hey Guys! Does this cab look all original?

    Yes, that's sounds like a good idea. Cheers.
  4. SuperBeaver

    Hey Guys! Does this cab look all original?

    All 4 original Pre Rola G12-M Greenbacks. The cab is 1970. I just wanted opinions on the basketweave. I'm pretty sure it's original but the piping seemed a little 'wonky'. I guess sometimes that happens.
  5. SuperBeaver

    Hey Guys! Does this cab look all original?

    I have no reason to doubt other than the uneven piping. What do you think? Is it the original basketweave? [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG]
  6. SuperBeaver

    '78 JMP mark II (1987)... Should I???

    You're absolutely right. Turns out it was '77 :dude:
  7. SuperBeaver

    Eddie Van Halen Reveals He Straight Up Lied About His Early Amps

    Your ignorance cannot be pardoned i'm sorry... ZZ Top - Brown Sugar (Original 1971 Vinyl Mix) - YouTube This is real ZZ Top. Much in the same way as 'MTV Aeorosmith' are not the same band as the real Aerosmith that broke up in 1979.
  8. SuperBeaver

    Eddie Van Halen Reveals He Straight Up Lied About His Early Amps

    Billy Gibbons is another great bender of the truth when it comes to gear. The wall of Crate stacks on stage and the Tweed Deluxe parked round the back with a mic on it is a classic example.
  9. SuperBeaver

    Doug Aldrich Tone

    Beavis and Butthead again...:io:
  10. SuperBeaver

    Doug Aldrich Tone

    Man, Doug has been in Whitesnake since 2003. That's like 9 years ago. I think he's doing' just fine. Like or dislike his tone, great player and super cool guy :headbanger:
  11. SuperBeaver

    True by- pass v/s Buffered pedals demo !

    Never, ever trust The Man. Even if he makes 'cool' guitar pedals. All he wants is your money and to imprison you in a life of financial bondage.
  12. SuperBeaver

    True by- pass v/s Buffered pedals demo !

    Fuck that shit, i'll still be plugin straight it 50 years from now :headbanger:
  13. SuperBeaver

    JCM800: high vs. low input?

    Man, so important to have that. I don't know why Gibson put those shitty linear taper pots in their guitars.
  14. SuperBeaver

    Strats with big ass necks.

    yea the new Beck is small but the old lace sensor one is a tree trunk.
  15. SuperBeaver

    Strats with big ass necks.

    You're bang on the money my friend. I will not buy anything Chineese if I have a choice. I don't like their politics and the repression of the people of china. Also they're stuff (instrument related anyway) is shit and destined for the bin in a couple of years like the rest of our throwaway...
  16. SuperBeaver

    Strats with big ass necks.

    Warmouth parts are great, but here in the uk the postage and customs charges make them really expensive.
  17. SuperBeaver

    Strats with big ass necks.

    Yea I had a Clapton, it was more of a V shape. I'm also looking at a rosewood board. Stevie Ray's is great but I don't want to play 'his' guitar and look like a fanboy. I've already ripped off enough of his licks :naughty: I could buy a SRV neck but they're a fortune on ebay.
  18. SuperBeaver

    Strats with big ass necks.

    Ok guys need a Strat. I know a lot of you dudes here love em. I find the modern c too small for me. What Strats have the biggest necks? My favourite neck is the 52 Tele neck. Basicly. A baseball bat
  19. SuperBeaver

    JCM800: high vs. low input?

    When i owned my 2203 i used the low input cranked with the master cranked and then boosted with an SD1 with the gain low. Stunning, touch sensitive clean on the edge of breakup. Plexi style.
  20. SuperBeaver

    looking into marshall amps....

    Yea, I've been using an original Fulltone Fat Boost lately. It's awesome. Doesn't change your tone, just gives you more of what you've got.