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  1. AttillaDeHunt

    PSA- Pre-Covidiocy pricing/Price Drops at ZZounds

    Hey! I do. No, really, I do. Well, to "13" anyway.
  2. AttillaDeHunt

    Jamming with a Marshall Jubilee

    Nice! I have the rackmount 600w. Bass Jubilee. They are like no other.
  3. AttillaDeHunt

    What Music Are You Listening To Right Now ??

    At the very moment of reading the post, I was listening to Randy Newman singing a T.V. theme song. He's right, "It's a jungle out there!" Meanwhile, cued up on the P.A. is Black Sabbath, "13", chock full of Geezer Groovy Goodness!!
  4. AttillaDeHunt

    Today marks 11 years since our Father of Loud passed away...

    I find it disturbing and sad that, on this forum clearly carrying the man's name, that a R.I.P. tribute/mention has turned into a "lippy" retort-fest about mis-placed credit and who deserves what parts of it, rather than simple recognization of the passing of the man without whom much of the...
  5. AttillaDeHunt

    Marshall SS amps

    I like my little Valvestate combo, but MY faves are: my 3540 IBS 400w. heads & my 3560 25/50 Silver Jubilee 600w. head. Truly "Rip your head off" Bass power!!
  6. AttillaDeHunt

    Time to ditch that 4x12 guys

    I hmmmm
  7. AttillaDeHunt

    Green JTM45??

    Looks killer!!
  8. AttillaDeHunt

    JCM800 Bass series mk2 1986 suitable for guitar?

    If you find it to be just not what you were looking for, you could always dump it to a Bass player, like... well, ME. Just a thought for a "plan B". I hope it works out for you, really, but, yeah.
  9. AttillaDeHunt

    Head Up A$$

    What's not to admire about a man who is THAT kind of solid to his word!
  10. AttillaDeHunt

    Show us your oldest instrument.

    I think this is a 1953 or really close to it.
  11. AttillaDeHunt

    Looking to buy first Gibson LP! Never get a break!

    Oh, my goodness!! "Woe is me"! Buck up Shleprock!! If you continue to tell yourself, and the world, and the internet, that you aren't good enough, aren't lucky enough, etc., your negativity is gonna pin you to the bottom of the barrel. Maybe that's your issue now, anyway. Negative energy like...
  12. AttillaDeHunt

    Show us your oldest instrument.

    This one is approx 1971-1974-ish and this one is approx 1970-'72ish, This is 1977 And this is a 1976 with its '77 "twin" next And finally 1977 natural tiger flame, But my oldest overall is a 1953(?) C.F. Martin Soprano Ukulele which I need to get pics of.
  13. AttillaDeHunt

    Umm....Okay (POLL)

    Honestly, I would find myself taking the paint off with the sharp side of my pick every time I had it in my hands and was not actually playing it. I know because I have done so before, somewhat unconsciously and slowly, eventually getting most of the paint off the mahogany RG body, and it wasn't...
  14. AttillaDeHunt

    Too many amps. Unload Dumble clone??

    Why would having the builder mod it affect the after-market price negatively? After all, they are "The Builder" and the amp is "allegedly the Alpha & Omega". Surely, expanding the amps tonal ability to include what you feel it is lacking should make the value rise.
  15. AttillaDeHunt

    why do people hate BlackStar amps.

    I like my Blackstars, and I have an assortment of them. ~Bought my first thru a FB marketplace ad where a dude was selling a pair of 5w. mini-halfstacks in white Tolex, cheap, and I bought both. Damn near new condition and they are great at low volume, and not too bad cranked. The controls are...
  16. AttillaDeHunt

    Customized string sets? Gauges should +/- by? per position? Formula?

    Now to do a little modding of the saddles and the nut-slots, and viola': Irrepairable damage!! LOL!! One less Bullet Squire in the world ain't gonna make anyone lose sleep, either way!
  17. AttillaDeHunt

    Customized string sets? Gauges should +/- by? per position? Formula?

    Thanx for posting that link, it is what I was looking for in many ways. String gauges/sizes are are so dependant on composition, (P, W, Steel, Bronze) tonally speaking, that it is a wonder than ANY sets ever got "standardized" in the first place. I did not realize just how complicated the...
  18. AttillaDeHunt

    Customized string sets? Gauges should +/- by? per position? Formula?

    I do appreciate the suggestions, which I did go look at BTW, and I thank you for indulging me that info, too. I am really curious to know what formula/method determins the gauges difference in a set, more accurately I want to know is there some math that I could do that tells me what the next...
  19. AttillaDeHunt

    Customized string sets? Gauges should +/- by? per position? Formula?

    O.K. This is where those who know about such things share with the class. Specifically, I am pondering re-stringing a Strat' to be something sorta between baritone guitar and piccolo Bass. I like the idea of the Fender VI, and was thinking that if I were to increase the size of the strings...
  20. AttillaDeHunt

    NAD- Pt. 2 - BlackStar 100w. HT100 Stage

    I notice that OD2's voicing push-button produces no change, whereas OD1 and Clean both do change when the voicing is pushed. Wondering how big a deal that will be if/when it becomes one. It doesn't respond to the footswitch from my HT-5 heads either, so I guess I gotta get the footswitch for it...