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  1. Pat6969

    Orange TH30

    Just snagged one of these for a song. What a killer little head. Distortion channel is spot on and the clean channel is great. Not sure what the volume issue between channels is all about. I set both to where I need them regardless of where it is on the dial. Effects loop as well. Last guy had...
  2. Pat6969

    FS Celestion G12T-75 (2)

    Ohms? Shoot me a PM, I'm interested.
  3. Pat6969

    speaker wiring

    You'll have to do series/parallel wiring and you can only achieve 16 that way, or 4 ohms if you use all 4 speakers in parallel. You can get stereo 8 ohm if you use 2 speakers per side.
  4. Pat6969

    Marshall 1936 Cab With A Vintage 30 and a WGS Et65 Combo

    It's actually the speakers sensitivity relative to one watt. If speakers are out by 2db it usually won't be that noticeable. Reason people feel the V30 "dominates" is because of the amount of midrange it puts out. Since mids are ideal for cutting through in a mix, they'd do the exact same thing...
  5. Pat6969

    BFG JCA22H Hot Rod!!

    Ya, seems to be a popular amp, especially BFG style.
  6. Pat6969

    BFG JCA22H Hot Rod!!

  7. Pat6969

    BFG JCA22H Hot Rod!!

    This thing is killer!! Period!! Only problem is it sounds very similar to my JVM. I was hoping I could get more of a 6L6 sound. Check out the YouTube vids, this thing slays!! 20 watts, effects loop, footswitch!! Looking for $490 shipped PP!!
  8. Pat6969

    Where in signal cahin to put Boss Compressor ?

    Out front almost always works best.
  9. Pat6969

    NAD - Jet City JCA22H

    LOL, I bought it!! Can't wait to try it! That's the link in my post above yours.
  10. Pat6969

    NAD - Jet City JCA22H

    I have this in the mail as we speak!! I am stoked to say the least. Will make a great addition to the stable!!
  11. Pat6969

    New Wireless System

    I thought this was pretty cool as well but went with an L6 G50. Didn't want that transmitter sticking out of my guitar. JOYO Technology
  12. Pat6969

    2x12 cabinet for JVM

    I can attest to the quality of the Mesa cab. Built like a tank. They even solder all the connections to the speaker and jack.
  13. Pat6969

    Pedal switcher that works with JVM410H for all functions

    Ya, it's a pretty decent switcher for the cost. I had mine for a short period so I don't know the longevity but it seemed well built. Maybe update us on the long term quality.
  14. Pat6969

    6100 channel switching with TC G-System

    Either way you have to switch the amp, whether it's through midi or relays. If you are only using 3-4 effects presets why not just use midi and duplicate the presets, one for crunch and one for lead? If you do that you can add the boost to the lead setting to pump up the volume for solos. Maybe...
  15. Pat6969

    Best celestions for a JVM1H?

    I play mine through V30's as well. I have a 2x12 Mesa Recto cab and I tried Greenbacks, G12H anniversaries, V30's and various combos of each. I finally settled on the V30's. I'd suggest finding cabs to try out, my little experiment cost me quite a bit in speakers I will now never use! Lol!
  16. Pat6969

    The Marshall JVM410JS Satriani thread

    I am absolutely loving my HJS. I always wanted a Marshall but I didn't want just that "Marshall" tone and nothing else. This head covers such a wide range of tones it is inspiring, it has a super clean channel, a Marshall 800 feel on the crunch channel, and some great high gain tones on 3 and 4...
  17. Pat6969

    JVM1H emulated out

    No one?
  18. Pat6969

    JVM1H emulated out

    Has anyone run their 1 waters straight to the board? What can I expect for sound quality?
  19. Pat6969

    DSL-15 No effects loop?

    Yes, I'm bothered by this as well. I'd love to have the 15-20 head with a loop, not sure why they'd skip this aspect. Can't be that much more of a cost to have put one in and it adds to the versatility.
  20. Pat6969

    JVM1H emulated out

    Thank you sir!