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  1. T

    Union Jack Phatt Baby - finished.

    Well Geeze, you seem like you live a boooring life sometimes with nothing to do. How about you pull up roots and move to Australia for a change, preferably near me in Tasmania. I will even help you store some of those amps and cabs if you run low on space at your place.:naughty:
  2. T

    Best baffle material other than baltic birch?

    Real Marine Ply is some of the best structural ply you can get, but be beware of the many hardware shops that sell other ply marked as Marine Ply. If you want real Marine Ply then find a local boat builder that sells the stuff he uses, I am going to try Mourikis European gaboon plywood when I...
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    Union Jack Phatt Baby - finished.

    Man I am getting inspired by all this, I might have to make an Aussie flag cab. Now where did I put those crayons.....
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    Union Jack Phatt Baby - finished.

    I guess you might move to Texas before attempting to do any US flags, 1 star is a lot easier then 50 small ones.
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    9005 Poweramp good platform for building rock/metal amp?

    Why don't you get a good tube preamp pedal for it ? You will have to get a really good pedal power supply to run tube pedals but it will be worth it. If you gig you can place the pedal in your bag and take your tone with you everywhere if you can plug into FOH. Marshall JCM 800 pedal...
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    Time to downsize (sigh). But to what?

    If you are thinking about pedals I would say look up Sushi Box FX, the JC Emerald pedal is practically a JCM800 tube preamp in a pedal. You can also get power amps in a pedal now days, 2 pedals and a small 1x12 cab and you are right to go at home and small gigs. Many pro players carry his pedals...
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    I almost feel like I am cheating

    If it makes you feel better get an empty head and then raid the spice cupboard for any glass spice bottles, stick orange LED's in the spice bottles and make it look like the bottles are glowing inside the empty head. Also get a fake empty 4x12 cab or full stack, cardboard fake will do as long as...
  8. T

    Loud increasing hum in scandinavian(?) Super Bass -73. Strange resistor.

    It looks like someone connected the center tap of the HT to earth through that 7 watt 8R2 resistor I would guess that the A7 stands for 7 watts.
  9. T

    1x18" Cabinets.......for guitar. Yes, 18 inches.

    The size of the cabinet depends on the specific speaker being used, you can port an 8" speaker cab to 60Hz just as easily as a 15" or 18" speaker cab. A small 1x10" inch cab can be better for a Bass then a 2x15" cab, it all depends on the specific speaker driver and the engineer who designed the...
  10. T

    Union Jack Phatt Baby - finished.

    Love the scarlet, are you going to stain each piece before gluing or glue/sand and then mask each section before staining ?
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    What do think are the standard features and componets a modern tube amp should have?

    Well my search is nearly over then, as soon as I can find someone to give me one. :jam:
  12. T

    5100 Inbound - looking for info.

    I was thinking that when I read that fitz was after a small low watt amp for the workshop, the only way to make these amps better for low volumes is to change the master volume to a log pot and changing the speaker to 8 ohms or even 16 ohms to reduce the power. But its a workshop, I'm sure there...
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    What do think are the standard features and componets a modern tube amp should have?

    Why ? he must think it is a great idea to place drinks on the top of an amp. My opinion is it is silly to place any liquid on top of any electrical equipment, it is just a personal opinion. (I like to look after my gear) I think if a drunk sees you place a drink on your amp then it must be ok...
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    5100 Inbound - looking for info.

    The picture of the advert I posted above says the 5100 is 48cm x 44.5cm x 25cm and weighs 25kg. If you make a head cab for it it becomes a 3310 so you might as well make a 1931A+B stack for it as well.
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    HT fuse on 2204

    Fast blow is more likely to blow when the capacitors are first charging since there is an inrush current. Slow blow copes with the inrush current. You can use a lower rated fuse with slow blow since the fast blow has to be large enough to stand the running amps and the inrush amps when caps are...
  16. T

    Can anyone identify this Lead series sloped 2x12 cabinet ?

    She told him she was taking half of everything in the divorce, hes not laughing now playing with his 3 strings.
  17. T

    5100 Inbound - looking for info.

    The 3310 Head was used with the 1931A and 1931B cabs so I imagine the 5100 would be very close to them as well, you could always pull the chassis out and make a new head cab and play it into two 1931 8 ohm cabs.
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    What do think are the standard features and componets a modern tube amp should have?

    I think a cup holder on a valve amp (or any amp) is about as smart as an ashtray on a motorcycle. Ashtrays should also be banned from amps, if you need a drink holder tape it to the singers microphone stand.
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    5100 Inbound - looking for info.

    5100 is the Combo version of the 3310 Head. Advert, Schematics, User Manual:
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    What do think are the standard features and componets a modern tube amp should have?

    Light gauge strings so you don't spill your beer while getting the lashes, spilling beer is a 100 lashes penalty. (but if you are drunk enough to spill beer you most likely won't feel the lashes anyway)