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  1. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    Sweet, sounds like an easy way to jam and practise then. That is good to know. I guess in the grand scheme I'd never be happy with that setup but it definatly beats lugging my 4x12 around. On the other hand just saw Kyuss last night and the guitarist (not Josh Home, the new guy) was using a...
  2. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    Any advice on types of PA speaker and amp all in one units? Thinking about starting to do some jamming with people and hopefully gigging, and I really dont want to have to lug my amp everywhere I go. Been thinking about it for ages really, but always think I'm too busy etc, but if I dont just...
  3. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    Bugger. Hopefully its a fixable thing. Sounds like you've covered the various testable stuff. Have you tried just taking the line outs and sticking them stright into a line input on a mixing desk or something? Then whack a pair of headphones somewhere and use your ears to tell you if the...
  4. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    By what you said couldn't figure out exactly how you are hooking stuff up. Sounds like your going into the RP then into the amp inputs with no loops active on the amps or RP? If you are sure there are no amp models and cabnit models on, then the noise could be a faulty unit or faulty amp...
  5. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    Glad to hear other people are using the RP. Ha i sound like a rep or something. Since i got my laney, i have been pretty unto the sound it makes, but i have set up a couple of pre amp models that run through the power stage of eth laney and i find them pretty nice. I set up a mesa type preamp...
  6. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    That sounds pretty cool. I'll check that thread out when i get a bit of time. Im am little pre-occupied with my Ibanez ARX300 at the moment, put some new pickups in and now I'm getting horrible hum. Its really weird, Ive wired up a few guitars now, and never come across this before. Might have...
  7. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    Wish I has more experience with tubes, My Laney GH100L is the first full tube amp i have owned, oh expect a really old Wem my Dad had years ago, wish we didn't get rid of that now! I intend to re-tube the Laney at some point but I have other projects to get through first. One thing I heard is...
  8. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    Those DT50's look nice. I'm not sure I'd want to give up that JVM though. I still haven't tried one yet but they look so cool. Shame it or something else is playing up. I wonder if it could it be a faulty preamp tube in the amp that feeds to the fx loop/s, I've heard about this sort of thing...
  9. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    1 That is quite bizarre, I wouldn't have thought it would make a difference as long long as the loop was set to fully serial. Good to know. 2 That kind of sounds like the transformer hum might have been induced on the cables or something along those lines. Perhaps one of your van damn...
  10. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    I must say that I'm not getting any of this at all. I do get alot of niose with my laney gain all the way up, but thats the same even with out the RP, Ive read they are notoriously noisy amps, but its all underneath the actual guitar signal so i dont hear it when Im playing anyway. Couple...
  11. beammeupwelshy

    Celestion V30s!

    I must say that I totally agree having just got a pair myself. I built a quad box and had a pair of speakers out of my AVT combo to put in it but saved up a bit and also got a pair of V30s for the angled section (where my ears get most to the damage from). At first I was just chuffed to be...
  12. beammeupwelshy

    Drop tuning

    Yeah i kind of tend to agree and i would probably do it that way if i was trying to work out a funky chord sound or something. But I have a few CDs like Tea Party stuff and even some of the Zeppelin acoustic stuff, that have their guitars tuned to open C chords and other weird opens tunings...
  13. beammeupwelshy

    Drop tuning

    Such hate of dropped strings, ha ha. I personally either like or dislike, totally depending on whether it adds to the song. But think SRV or Hendrix they mostly used 1/2 a step down and they were fricking awesome and there tone was killer. Not to mention they did it long before modern...
  14. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    Cool playing. I see what you mean about fizzy, that's been my experience with usb and direct from amp recording as well. My AVT275 has an emulated line out too but it always sounds too tinny sounding or something. These days i just use my trusty sm57 mic and use a presonus firestudio project for...
  15. beammeupwelshy

    G12 100 avt

    I did get those V30s in the end and whacked them in. Overall Im pretty happy with the whole thing. The 30s seem to have more bite to them compared to the AVT 100. The magnets on the 30s seem much more substantial in comparison. Playing standing up about 4-5meters back you mostly just hear the...
  16. beammeupwelshy

    AVT 275 FX Loop Mod

    No, I'm just retarded. I figured out how to attach stuff. But even compressed its too big for a .pdf file. But some kind person has already stuck it up on another forum. Page three on the pdf, Resistors R91 and R92. Marshall AVT50 Valvestate 200 Combo blowing main fuse FYI: The AVT...
  17. beammeupwelshy

    G12 100 avt

    Thanks man.
  18. beammeupwelshy

    G12 100 avt

    I basically got the cab finished today (finishing is a bit rough but its solid) and put the AVT 100 watt speakers in it. I put them in the bottom positions, the top potions are still open at this point. So far I like the sound. I played at about 4 on the master volume and stuck my ears low...
  19. beammeupwelshy

    Digitech RP1000 - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    That does sound like an power issue. From what I have been reading about lately on an electronics forum most AC to DC transformers for pedals etc, don't filter the power and the pedals usually don't either, so maybe you do need to get a nice power supply. I had a metal Zone that was noisy as...
  20. beammeupwelshy

    G12 100 avt

    C does get a little loose on 10-52. I had a mate who used to buy 7 string sets and put them on his six string Ibanez and miss the high e off. He would take it way down, but after C I don't really find the sound that great, maybe if you play meshhugah riffs or something, but Mostly I find a half...