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  1. DWK302

    Jmd Repair In Orange County, Ca?

    Kevin Nelson in Garden Grove. He worked for some big named people. Now he builds and repairs amps. He did a great job on my 83 JCM. 714-856-7015
  2. DWK302

    Quick question: SL5 release date

    That's good news to me. I really like the JVM clean channel. To my ears, it's warm, rich, harmonic, and plays very well with a nice set of humbuckers.
  3. DWK302

    My Slash Tone

    It's pretty obvious TwinStack doesn't care much for Slash, and that's fine. He's entitled to his opinion. He also said he will "flame" slash posts, which isn't cool, but the mods will deal with that if needed. Also, it's completely inappropriate to threaten someone with a "shit-storm" for...
  4. DWK302

    My Slash Tone

    Only by the hacks who think they could do better.
  5. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Do as BB tells you. Good doggie.
  6. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    No you and your boss, BB. Little puppet. You guys don't like Marshall, you post videos clowning Marshalls, then go to another Forum. Btw - that amp still sounded better than BB's.
  7. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Wow. It's like watching a couple of mentally handicapped children wacking each other off.
  8. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    All silent now. That's what I thought. :slash: Carry on.
  9. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Don't be a little bitch. Answer the question. You said you dont like toy Marshalls. So which Marshalls are toys? You've made a number of ignorant comments like this. Keep using that word and before you know it, you might have one living with you.
  10. DWK302

    My favorite Live TV performance right now.

    Good topic for a thread. Damien Rice - Lonely Soilder. Underrated artist. Very expressive playing, and huge vocal/emotional range. Radiohead - Where I End And You Begin. Musical genius. It's amazing that they can pull this off live...
  11. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Can't tell by your posts. Which ones do you consider toys?
  12. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Why are you and Solar on Marshall forums if you don't like Marshalls? Go somewhere else. I like Marshalls, and I think they sound better than BB's little homemade built. Clearly, this opinion is shared by countless professional musicians going back 50 years. Solar, put your money where your...
  13. DWK302

    Laney LC30 112

    I played a used Laney LC30 1x12 at GC over the weekend, and I was seriously impressed. The cleans were chimey and articulate; the dirt channel covered everything from crunch to metal. I wouldn't say the dirt channel sounded like any other amp. It definitely had its own voicing. Ultimately, I...
  14. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Huh? Are you drunk posting? You're repeating yourself, but becoming less coherent with each post. BB's amp is a high gain amp (which you claim you don't like), hence the comparison with high gain Marshall amps. See my previous response.
  15. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Are you still trying to convince me BB's homemade amp sounds better than Marshall amps? In my opinion it doesn't. I said it sounded OK. Not awful, and not amazing. I understand where you're coming from, you think BB is you Internet "brother" so you're going to stick up for him no matter what...
  16. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Yes. BB's thunderfangvenum lightningboltblade tractorpuller razor series is straight out of the bowels of heaven. I give BB a hard time, because of his carnival barking ways, and because of some of the things he has said on here, which I think are, for lack of better words, outright lies. I...
  17. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Even at the risk of looking irrational? Guy claims to be objective then says BB's homemade amp is better than Marshalls, on Marshall Forum no less!! Owkay. I'm thinking it was 1992. Come to think of it, I was only a freshman. When did you play there? I saw so many bands at Irvine Meadows...
  18. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    Huh? My post was a question to you. Notice how it ended with a "?." If you are trying to tell me that this amp sounds better than a high gain Marshall amp, then you must have your head so far up..... never-mind. Dude, I know he's your "Forum brotha," but let's have some objectivity here. Side...
  19. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    What does that mean? That it sounds better than a malfunctioning Marshall?
  20. DWK302

    Billy Blades song of the day ! Our Daily Crunch!

    It sounds OK. Not great, not awful. If I was basing it on what I think of BB, I wouldn't even say that. Not my problem if you don't like what I have to say. You can simply ignore it, if you choose. It's not going to make the amp sound any different than it does. It's just an OK sounding...