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  1. Helixx Guitars

    Jcm 2203 Cabinet Material?

    I'm not sure. I am looking for 6 heads though. Preferably wood cabinets.
  2. Helixx Guitars

    Jcm 2203 Cabinet Material?

    Are these finger jointed Baltic Birch or particle board? TIA
  3. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    Cool! Thanks for the link.
  4. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    Thanks for the link Rich. That's a cool website. They carry every neck but neck throughs.
  5. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    Well this blows. $2300.00 for a scarf jointed neck. Yea I don't think so.$T2eC16h,!)QE9s3HG+b2BR6ZJqSMV!~~60_57.JPG New Jackson USA Select B7DXMG Deluxe...
  6. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    He watched this video. Splawn Nitro - Metal - YouTube
  7. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    I just got off the phone with Darrel at Jackson and he also listen to the video and him and his tech guys said go with the USA Select B7 Deluxe to get the same sound. Jackson® Products
  8. Helixx Guitars

    just curious...

    A Lynch Mr. Scary with a neck through.
  9. Helixx Guitars

    just curious...

    A larger pic would be great also.
  10. Helixx Guitars

    Looking for a rack mount stereo chorus-er for 2 stacks

    Just remembered. Mardi Gras was the club on Havana. Tuesday was rocker night.
  11. Helixx Guitars

    Looking for a rack mount stereo chorus-er for 2 stacks

    MOORE as in Jim Moore. Everyone knew him. We called him Jim Bon Jovi I'm old school Metal/Hard rock also. Did you ever hang out at any of the metal clubs there? Mr Lucky's, Bangles Night Club or Billy Jacks? OR the club the Aurora cops turned dogs loose in on rockers and got sued that was off...
  12. Helixx Guitars

    Nuge guitar

    You just need two Fender Twin Reverbs and you'll be good to go.
  13. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    This suits me better and as a better example of non traditional body styles. I will have one in my rack one day. The paint job is pretty easy and I could do it in my sleep. I just want one that says Jackson on it as they are a legacy at least in my world they are.
  14. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    The Jackson USA B7DX will give me a great test bed. I'm entertaining fabricating a non traditional body style build. Something Blackie Lawless, Gene Simmons in his younger years i.e. Axe Bass, George Lynch i.e. Mr Scarey would have picked up and said. "I'll take it!!!" "Can I get three?"...
  15. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    Looks like my signature decided to show up.
  16. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    I am a master craftsmen and mechanical engineer by trade. So yes. I WAS.............. retired. lol Looks like I have a new venture to keep me occupied. :shred: Thanks for your reply.
  17. Helixx Guitars

    Anyone here play 7 strings?

    I forgot all about pickups. The last time I changed out pickups was to replace stock pickups in my BC Rich Warlocks with Seymour Duncan Invaders like Vivian Campbell of Dio was using. The engineering flaw on them was the back panel was screwed on with wood screws that gave access to the battery...
  18. Helixx Guitars

    Looking for a rack mount stereo chorus-er for 2 stacks

    Thanks for the heads up. Say by chance were you in Den CO before 1989? Denver from what comes in via email on the MEETUP forum has a huge metal scene that has recently emerged if that is your preferred genre. By chance have you heard of the band MOORE that still hails from there?

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