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  1. R

    Marshall DSL 40 vs Marshall Origin 20 Combo

    DSL40 crushes the Origin 20 (head thru same cabinet or combo vs combo). I’ve had them all - I really wanted the Origin to best my DSL. It wasn’t even close. DSL40 and don’t look back.
  2. R

    The Official Marshall Origin 20 Thread...

    @ guys who swapped out EL34 to EL34L tubes... do you have to rebias the OR20H?
  3. R

    DSL20HR home run

    My $0.02 I have the DSL20HR and the DSL20OR. Very different amps. I prefer the articulation and bigger tone of the Origin, but it doesn't have much gain unless really cranked. If you have a good dirt pedal, and/or the tolerance to really turn up an amp, and like vintage voicing; the Origin...
  4. R

    Thoughts on Marshall DSL 40?

    I'm a fan of the DSL40C. I had the original version, had to sell it - then acquired another one which is technically a DSL40CV, but I think it's a DSL40CR (I think the 'V' just denotes some cosmetic changes). I never A/B'd them so I don't know how they differ. I did change the pre-amp tubes...
  5. R

    Best bedroom amp

    If you're thinking about a Marshall tube amp (... Eric Johnson tone), then you're imaging a tone that was achieved with a Marshall amp - but at very high volumes, I suspect. Volume has a dramatic impact on tubes. So, if you want this tone at a bedroom volumes - then looking for a Marshall is...
  6. R

    Marshall DSL20HR - Tube Recommendations

    QUESTION - I've not been able to find a map of the tubes (which tube position is V1, V2, V3). Can anyone clarify for me? Thanks, Ron
  7. R

    Marshall DSL20HR - Tube Recommendations

    Thanks for the feedback and recommendations. I have some tubes in the mail that I plan to test with; GT 12AY7, JJ 12AT7 / ECC81. I probably should have ordered a 12AU7 while I was at it. I'll give these a try and report back - maybe I'll record some before and after tests.
  8. R

    Marshall DSL20HR - Tube Recommendations

    The cab I primarily use has a pair of G12H30s. I use the same cab with other amps and don't have the pronounced treble like I do with the DSL. The guitars I primarily use are Teles w/ Fender Vintage Noiseless PUP. I also have some humbucker guitars. The treble is very strong regardless of...
  9. R

    Marshall DSL20HR - Tube Recommendations

    In the past I've had great success in refining the tone of my DSL40C by swapping out the preamp tubes. I'm looking to improve the tone of a DSL20HR now... - Today I run the Treble all the way down and yet it's still too much treble sometimes. So I'd like to get more rounded tones - I like the...
  10. R

    Low Tech Origin FX Loop Solution...

    FX loop question... I run a Helix in 4CM and have some patches that send a signal from the Helix directly to the loop return - I use this when I want a super clean pallet. What I've noticed with the Origin 20H, as compared to my other amps, is that the volume from the amp is much lower on...
  11. R

    Low Tech Origin FX Loop Solution...

    It worked! I found a plug exactly as pictured previously and it enabled both the loop and boost. Goodbye footswitch!! Thanks, Ron
  12. R

    Low Tech Origin FX Loop Solution...

    That's fine. At least there's a physical way to turn the boost off / on that is on the amp itself. It's those features that are 'footswitchable' only that tend to give me grief. I have a similar issue with Splawn amps that use latching stereo cable footswitches. Some models have great...
  13. R

    Low Tech Origin FX Loop Solution...

    Thank you very much!! I'm going to be testing this and will report back. This will be great!
  14. R

    Low Tech Origin FX Loop Solution...

    I'm not an electronics dude... this sounds like a solution. Can you tell me exactly how I do this and what I need? I'd really appreciate it.
  15. R

    Low Tech Origin FX Loop Solution...

    That's interesting. Marshall definitely has it incorrectly stated on their website. The default value on the Loop is 'bypass' or 'off' - that is true if the footswitch is not plugged in, and when it is plugged in but the switch is not engaged (an unlit LED). I've encountered this on more than...
  16. R

    Low Tech Origin FX Loop Solution...

    It's one less piece of equipment that I need to bring along or concern myself with. If the solution is $5 or $10 switched 1/4 plug that I can plug in and forget about - then I would prefer to go that route.
  17. R

    Low Tech Origin FX Loop Solution...

    I think it's mechanical... not sure
  18. R

    Low Tech Origin FX Loop Solution...

    I already did some searches on this topic, but didn't find a specific solution. I know the FX loop default setting is 'off' and the amp requires the footswitch to turn it on. I saw someone make the following comment in an older thread.... " could probably build a dummy plug to act as...
  19. R

    Tried a DSL100H, Couldn't Bond

    I agree with your statement and will never understand those guys that want "a clean platform for pedals"... The ideal rig is a guitar, an amp, and a cable. That said, I do like some flavor and versatility. Sometimes a unique OD or EQ can bring something new and cool to the amp's...
  20. R

    Tried a DSL100H, Couldn't Bond

    I have been very happy with the DSL 100H. As a point of reference, I also have a Splawn Streetrod, and have owned a YJM and a JVM (I see these listed in the Op's signature). Running the DSL with a stock 1969 4x12 Marshall Cab, I'm very happy with the sounds I get from it. I find that it has...

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