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  1. T

    1982 JCM800 2205 is driving me nuts

    The transistors in the Normal and Boost channels are like switches that connects the signal to ground, they are meant to kill the signal by shorting it out. When the transistor switch on and conduct its like throwing a switch in those circuits. Replace the BC184 transistor in the the channel...
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    1982 JCM800 2205 is driving me nuts

    You have me confused, diode clipping in a 2205 ??? There are only 2 transistors in the amp, one turns the channel LED on / off, the other one mutes the reverb signal. There is one IC that is used to change channels and turn reverb on / off with the foot switch. The main signal should be all...
  3. T

    Why do we love 4x12 cabs, experience needed please.

    The first time I saw a 412 I was standing right in front of them with the Angels playing loud as hell. It was some time in the late 70's They were not that well known yet and it was a small club / disco they were playing at, a top night for a 18 year old dude who was dancing with Mary & Jane...
  4. T

    JMP-1 Ground

    The most likely reason for R85 and R86 burning up would be if BR1 shorted out. The 7815 and 7915 should shut down if they go over 1.5 amps (L7815) or 1A (LM7815) Possibly a lightning strike somewhere on the power lines nearby ?
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    The death of the 4x12

    That's the spirit !! That''s the correct willpower I like to see. :applause::applause::applause:
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    Marshall Plexi-What year?

    The Green Red Yellow Black wires, the green one that goes to the selector sw. On the bottom of the transformer in picture 26 I presume he meant.
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    The death of the 4x12

    The 4x12 cabs will only stay cheap until someone places one in a magazine as the perfect man cave bar setup or something similar. The cab prices will go sky-high when the people with a $20,000 guitar hanging behind the bar realizes they can make noise and the cabs are needed for that.
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    3210 mods help?

    More like a kink in the hose. Great you got it working, it turns out your lessons might be profitable in the end.
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    Pepper Srhedder 60 valve preamp DIY pedal

    I forgot to mention that there are drill files and graphic files available so you can get the boxes pre-drilled and painted from Tayda, but many other places should be able to machine and paint the boxes with the templates available when you get a PCB. The slots in the pedals are not needed for...
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    Pepper Srhedder 60 valve preamp DIY pedal

    That is a very hard question to answer, it completely depends on what you want from the pedal. I know that the Sushi pedals are very popular with Bass guitar, especially to add some nice Tube warmth to the tone. If you want a pre-built pedal his JC-Emerald pedal is a JCM800 preamp in a...
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    Pepper Srhedder 60 valve preamp DIY pedal

    You should look at C2CE for a proper tube pedal PCB, it is a company started by Sushi Box pedals. Sushi Box sells completed pedals and C2CE sells just PCB's for tube stomp boxes. Musiikding sells kits with the C2CE PCB's. They all run at high voltage ( 240V - 350V ) on the tubes with 9-12V input...
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    The elusive 3315. How many out here in the wild?

    It sounds like you need a new pot, according to the schematic it is a B10k pot.
  13. T

    3210 mods help?

    The Issue 2 mod was made in mid 86, this amp is an 87 model so it makes sense they might still have been using the original PCB's without a place for the mod components to fit. While the workmanship looks bad there is always a first amp the new guy gets to do by himself. If they had new PCB's...
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    3210 mods help?

    I hope you ordered them from a reputable place, there are a lot of fake ones out there being sold as the real deal.
  15. T

    3210 mods help?

    They might have had a bunch of Issue 1 PCB's left and they wanted to use them up so they added the mods manually later.
  16. T

    3210 mods help?

    Do you have the production year or version of your 3210 amp ? To me it looks like someone might have tried to add the upgrades that came out on the later versions possibly. Issue 2 had the cap across R48 hand drawn on the schematic as a mod after 16/7/86, and the same cap is labeled as C61 on...
  17. T

    two 3x12 cab wiring? possible?

    If you have 2 in parallel and then in series with the last one the speakers will not get even load, speakers in parallel get 1/4 of the power while the speaker in series gets 1/2 of the power. I think 3 x 16 ohm speakers in parallel will be just over 5 ohm so you should be able to run them on a...
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    What are your favorite 6V6 tubes?

    I recently bought a Joyo 6V6 tube online from a music shop because the price was nearly half of what everyone else wanted for a 6V6 tube. When I got the tube it had TAD stamped on it as well which I am hoping means Tube Amp Doctor. It's for a single ended amp I am going to make for myself to use...
  19. T

    Class 5 5 watt head into an Orange 20 watt 8 ohm 8 inch speaker to practice at home?…

    Any cab with a rating higher then the amp should be fine as long as the ohms match the amp / amp setting. You can use an 800 watt speaker cab with a 1 watt amp no problem but never use a speaker cab that is rated at less watts then the amp can put out. Have fun with the new gear.
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    Unknown Marshall Cabinet 4x12, 1970s? help!

    Tell your mum that if she intends to put that cab on the street she will most likely need a permit and police presence for crowd control.