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  1. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    FYI my amp is not in the original cabinet. If you're just wanting the dimensions of the actual panels, i.e. after I pull it out of the cab, I'm happy to do that.
  2. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    Update: I need to confess right off the bat that my technical knowledge of amps and amp-speak is terrible, but I do feel a bit compelled to provide an update on what my amp tech did to this '67 PA50 in order to turn it into my favorite of all my (25+) amps. So many of you provided...
  3. W


    I know this is a years-old thread but I recently acquired a JTM1 Offset and it is a really special little amp. I wasn't thrilled with the stock speaker (G10F-15), and a buddy had a WGS Green Beret 10" he didn't need. Really brought the JTM1 to life. More clarity in the high end. Anyone still...
  4. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    So I finally got to drop the ‘67 Super PA off at my tech’s, and after he addresses some the items you fine folks mentioned in this thread, he’s going to set it up so the channels I & II will be 1987 specs and channel III will be 2204 specs. Can’t wait to try it out when he’s done! Thanks again...
  5. W

    Schematic for Original 2061

    Howdy. Just got my ‘72 20 watt Lead and Bass 2061 and dropped it off at my tech’s in order to get a U.S./120v plug and test out the caps, etc. Was curious if anyone has a good schematic for an original 2061, as opposed to the 2061x reissue. Thanks!
  6. W

    2061 from '73

    The same!
  7. W

    2061 from '73

    I have a ‘72 2061 on the way from the UK. I have a ‘73 PA20 that was modded to (I think) 2061 specs so I can’t wait to compare the two. Possibly the greatest sounding cleans I’ve ever heard, in addition to the killer overdrive tones.
  8. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    My “ha” comment was only my own laugh that you and I apparently came to the same idea at the same time. Zero offense meant.
  9. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    I appreciate everyone’s feedback! Still pondering how to set it up. I was certain I wanted it to be half 1986 and half 1987, but as I already have a ‘78 Park 50 watt Bass, it might make sense to go with a 1987 & 2204 flavor setup.
  10. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    Finally getting a chance to take this 50 W PA to my tech, and I think I’m going to have him set it up to where two of the channels are 1986 specs and the other two 1987.
  11. W

    Nad Marshall Custom Shop Jtm-1 Offset

    I have one of these Custom Offset 1 watts incoming and am super psyched! Wish there were more clips. Love the attack, low end sag and high end clarity.
  12. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    Interesting. The tone pots are definitely active for Channels I & II. But (unlike my ‘73 Park 50W Bass), changing the volume pots of non-engaged channels does nothing to alter the channel I’m plugged into. 🤷‍♂️
  13. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    Will try to grab some clips soon. Rolling a few different tubes today to see what I prefer. Will be taking it to my tech soon to check out all the items mentioned above. Channels I & II are bright and loud and punchy. Just fantastic. Channels III & IV are a bit muffled and not remotely as loud.
  14. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    . . . and the instant I flipped the switch from Standby to On the mains fuse blew. Not the evening I expected! So I got a new fuse and swapped out the EL34s and I now have glorious sound!
  15. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

  16. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    Really appreciate this! Sent it all to my tech so he can go ahead and be ready to address the 8K2 resistors, green wire issue, and presence pot signal cap issues. I'd like to get it as close to original specs as possible.
  17. W

    1967 JMP PA 50 Watt Model 1963

    Really appreciate everyone’s feedback. This is by far the most I’ve spent on an amp and it’s so difficult to know what’s been modified or not. I’ve got a great local tech who’s great at finding period-correct replacement parts for my other amps from the 50s and 60s so this Super PA will first be...

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