Search results

  1. TheShadowNinja

    Tsl 100. Customising my footswitch cable...

    Hi guys, haven't been on here in a while. Was wondering if you could supply me with some advice. I'm continually looking to improve my live rig/ease of setting up/reducing my stress levels pre-gig. I have a reasonably large pedalboard and run a 10m 4 cable method between amp and it. BUT! I...
  2. TheShadowNinja

    Combos as cabinets

    Just because you may have the combined chamber capacity as a 4x12, doesn't mean you will get a similar tone. A single larger chamber allows the frequencies to bounce around far more, along with the fact that the wall thickness goes a long way to produce the sexy bottom end.
  3. TheShadowNinja

    marshall avt275

    also have you tried a different guitar? Same problem?
  4. TheShadowNinja

    marshall avt275

    if its after 30 mins or so, its not the preamp valve. Have you checked the amp to speaker leads? These can get dirty being so open!
  5. TheShadowNinja

    Avt 275

    Are you talking about the fuse in the socket? Because you need a 3A in that... i ran a 5A just to be sure.
  6. TheShadowNinja

    MG15cdr fault. No sound.

    sorry, that was bad taste. Ignore me.
  7. TheShadowNinja

    MG15cdr fault. No sound.

    Definately needs the power valves changed.
  8. TheShadowNinja

    Help needed with my TSL 100

    Also the louder you play the warmer tones come more easily.
  9. TheShadowNinja

    question about MG series

    Could take it to the tip
  10. TheShadowNinja

    new tsl-100 amp, couple issues

    So am I right in thinking you first plugged the mono 16ohm out into your 4ohm speaker? Then used one of the stereo outputs on 4 ohm? Then switched the 4ohm/8ohm switch back and forth a few times? Lol.
  11. TheShadowNinja

    TSL 60 Head Crunch and Lead Channel

    pre amp valve.
  12. TheShadowNinja

    dsl100 awfully quiet.

    But the load on the back of the dsl requires a stereo out for 8 ohm Or am I getting epically confused
  13. TheShadowNinja

    dsl100 awfully quiet.

    Mate, the dsl doesnt have a mono 8 ohm out. Have you just been using one side of the stereo out by accident? This could DEFINATELY be your problem if im right. Lets hope not though, as that will of done some serious damage. Just so we are clear, there is; 16 ohm mono 8 ohm stereo 4 ohm...
  14. TheShadowNinja

    Very quick question

    anyone? Ive done a bit more research which aligns with the marshall website statement, that the output is 100w RMS- but I remember not too long ago on here somebody with a large amount of knowledge stated that it was actually 120 watts?
  15. TheShadowNinja

    WANTED 1960A (UK, Lancashire)

    sorry, thats way too high for me. Found one for £200 15 miles away, cheers anyway though!
  16. TheShadowNinja

    Very quick question

    Hi again all, Ive have the chance to buy 1960a cab with 4 25w greenbacks for a really good price. Basically, Ive heard rumours that the TSL100 is in fact 120 watts. Is this correct and is the cab compatible? Could do with a quick, but knowledgeable answer please, guru's!
  17. TheShadowNinja

    WANTED 1960A (UK, Lancashire)

    Is that yours listed on ebay? I saw that but didnt give it much thought! How much would a ferry be over do you reckon? and a price? Ive found one 100 miles away in england, but the guy is asking for quite a bit more than its worth.
  18. TheShadowNinja

    WANTED 1960A (UK, Lancashire)

    Ive been searching ebay for ages and nothing has come up. I can drive upto 100 miles from Preston if the price is right. Anyone?
  19. TheShadowNinja

    tsl 100 tube problem

    Also learn to bias your amp- it will save you a load of money down the line. I came to this forum before I got my first all valve head and learnt everything I needed to know about biasing. Take the proper precautions and you will be laughing once you realise how easy it is.
  20. TheShadowNinja

    Mashall Q:

    avt275 has two speaker outputs that need to be at 8 ohms each. Plug bother speaker outputs from the amplifier part of your combo into both inputs on the cab. Switch it to stereo 4 ohms. Doing anything different will result in an explosion.