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    Best Delay Pedal?

    UA starlight leaves your tone in tact with minimal coloration. Eventide rose is great as well. Very warn and a great feel.
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    There are amps that make every guitar sound good, then there is the opposite: the Marshall JMP

    Take any amp and run it completely dry dialing in a revealing eq. Use it as a positive. Practice with it. Soon you your brain and fingers will connect learning how to play with the tone. Im completely full of poop, but I’m convinced this is how many of the old school guys got their technique...
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    What Marshall amp am I looking for?

    Dsl40cr and an eq pedal? The 20w setting is plenty quiet.
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    DSL40CR: Interesting Painter's Tape Fix: Update - Removed tape - No pot of gold

    I ended up keeping the amp. A local amp builder thinks someone reversed a mod and if it's working not to worry about it. The store took and additional $200 off so I feel comfortable with it. These things are $1,050 new so I'm all-in for under .5 that. I'm still learning the amp but so far view...
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    Dsl 1hr: Ooze on circuit board… is this a concern?

    I in no way know what I'm talking about, but whatever the honey is, I think it was used during the building process (or work done after the fact) as it appears to have been dropped on top of that white capacitor. In other words, I don't think it happened during use signifying something is wrong.
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    DSL40CR: Interesting Painter's Tape Fix: Update - Removed tape - No pot of gold

    Thanks for the offer, but I'm near St. Paul in Minnesota (USA). Two?! I'd buy you a case my friend.
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    DSL40CR: Interesting Painter's Tape Fix: Update - Removed tape - No pot of gold

    I thank you all for your input. Two Questions: 1. Do any of you have pictures of what a repair like this should look like? 2. Approximate cost to have it redone correctly? Maybe this is a good example...
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    DSL40CR: Interesting Painter's Tape Fix: Update - Removed tape - No pot of gold

    "DSL = cheerful." That's actually a good way of describing it. Nice.
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    DSL40CR: Interesting Painter's Tape Fix: Update - Removed tape - No pot of gold

    Prolly going to return it. It's too bad. I like the amp and looked forward to messing with tubes. Would you folks go with another DSL or save for JVM 205 combo? Unfortunately, like many of you I fear going down the rabbit hole of owning a few of these.
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    DSL40CR: Interesting Painter's Tape Fix: Update - Removed tape - No pot of gold

    Fried Trace or did the tech drop his .5 eaten caramel?
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    Marshall Dsl40cr Mods

    I'm new to the DSL40CR. I control it with the Boss MS-3 and/or 1000 core. Would you mind sharing your reverb settings? I can't seem to dial in a good reverb tone absent a brittle/fake high end. As far as mods. If I end up keeping the amp I'm going make clips comparing: 1. stock tubes, 2. Ruby...
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    DSL40CR: Interesting Painter's Tape Fix: Update - Removed tape - No pot of gold

    That's interesting. I'm wondering if there had been a bad trace and a wire was used to connect components. The tape is then used to cover the wire. We shall see tomorrow! Thanks for your input.
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    DSL40CR: Interesting Painter's Tape Fix: Update - Removed tape - No pot of gold

    I will remove the tape and get some pictures tomorrow. Maybe there's a pot of gold underneath.
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    DSL40CR: Interesting Painter's Tape Fix: Update - Removed tape - No pot of gold

    I purchased a used DSL40CR (luckily well within the return period) with the most interesting "fix." The location of picture is just behind the ultra gain pot/knob. Anyone have any idea what could be going on? Easy fix by a knowledgeable tech.? Return ASAP? It operates just fine but I fear future...
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    JVM410HJS: Blown FS104 Fuse (T1ae) - Insight Appreciated

    Thank you for the reply. I'm going to take it to a tech. Upon replacing the fuse and tuning the amp right-side-up to monitor the power tubes I noticed the two closest the output transformer had gotten so hot the logo paint (JJ) had turned maroon and nearly completed faded, thus something is...
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    JVM410HJS: Blown FS104 Fuse (T1ae) - Insight Appreciated

    Thank you very kindly for taking the time in sharing your knowledge. Regarding the fuse. I can find a quick burn (thin filament) but not the slow burn (thicker filament). I will order from mouser. Thank you!
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    JVM410HJS: Blown FS104 Fuse (T1ae) - Insight Appreciated

    Greetings! My 2017 JVM410HJS has blown its FS104 Fuse (T1ae). Before I take it to a tech I'd thought I would investigate a possible easy fix. A little background. About a month ago the amp randomly ran nuclear hot resulting in the power tube closest to the power transformer to fail. Figuring...