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  1. C

    Old 50W head - help needed

    this is a lesson never throw ANYTHING electrical/musical away damn -I can't wat for this Binatone FM radio to be worth something
  2. C

    900 slx 2100/2500

    "supposed" is subjective I have 5881's in my 4502 - and it sounds fine I believe they are voiced differently - try before you buy!!
  3. C

    900 slx 2100/2500

  4. C

    using 4ohms or 16ohms is there a difference ?

    Well actually that 4 in paranthesis is originally marked for the COMBO 900 - whilst the 16ohms is applicable for the heads. HTH
  5. C

    Best Delay Pedal

    erm I have a Boss BE-5 which has the equivalent of a DD2 delay stomp box I may have mentioned it on other threads You can get it for dirt cheap - and it comes with 4 other pedals built in - check it out. The delay function is really quite tweakable - and warm sounding.
  6. C

    AMEN brother My 4502 combo with 5881's sounds great -esp through a 4x12 at practice. Can't understand this no love for the 900 thing - they're just using received opinion rather than judging for themselves. peas
  7. C

    Combos Vs. Heads

    Really - the 900 combos were different to the heads? This is interestin - coz I thought it was just an upturned head in a combo box. The witches and knobs being back to front backing this theory up. Do you have a source/link to back this info up?
  8. C

    I am kind of embarassed to ask this but...

    Can I recomend the Boss BE-5 it has a stereo chorus, a delay, and a noise gate plus compression and a distortion/overdrive pedal - all in one unit. You can pick them up between 70-130 quid right now 5 80's vintage MiJ pedals for the price of one - BARGAIN!
  9. C

    BOSS BE-5 Multi Effect pedal - anyone used/got one?

    take it that's a "no" then Anyways - great cheap little pedal going up in value - thought i'd give y'all a heads up:hippie:
  10. C

    What was your first good electric Guitar?

    My 1983 Westone Thunder 2a
  11. C

    Jcm 900

    I love my 4502 Had a few doubts before I bought it - but thety soon went when I turned it up at rehearsal. these badboys sing and roar - just don't tell everyone or the price will start going up. JCM900's are currently the cheapest PROPER Marshall tube amp you can buy Fact a fucking...
  12. C

    BOSS BE-5 Multi Effect pedal - anyone used/got one?

    Just bought one on the recomendation of a learned guitar friend - from a well known auction site. Anyone had one of these box of delights? Not much info on the web - except people on Harmony Central like them and a div on YOUTUBE trying to sell one. Apparently the combined...
  13. C

    Need advice - dsl 50 or jcm 900 4100?

    good work it's good to have a "secret" isn't it? Sometimes it seems the majority of the guitar playing world hates the maligned JCM900. I have one - and I, and everyone else who has heard it loves it. HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY!
  14. C

    JCM 900 Advice--NEWBIE

    Go for the 50w I have a 4502 DR 50watt - and it is plenty loud to drown out my drummer and leave my ears buzzing 100w is loud - I mean LOUD - but so is 50w A word about the "switch" - it is cool and darn handy in a bedroom situation granted, to drop down to 25w/half BUT what you are...
  15. C

    Excessive feedback and whistle

    errrm roll the treble back on on the amp or guitar a tad hth
  16. C

    Evening all

    might be I'm all over
  17. C

    Evening all

    Just joined - been lurking for months Got me a JCM900 50w DR 4502 (coz it was cheap - and didn't believe a UK built Valve amp could be as bad as everyone said it was) It rocks my world TBH - My last amp was a Marshall VS8040 respeakered with LINE 6 jobbies - which sucked major arse...
  18. C

    comparison of 50w combos - JCM800 vs JCM900

    Hi Guys, First post - so apologies if this is in the wrong section. I have got a 4502 JCM900 DR combo - which if I'm honest, sounds great with my Westone Thunder 2a. Plenty of gain, nice distortion, full tone - bottom thru mids to top end. I can hear every note I (ham fistedly) play. My bro -...