A movement has started to get the Vavlestate 8100 amp reissued.


Feb 26, 2021
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i dont see Marshall investing the R&D to do this for a very select few fans.
why would they go backwards? anyways, good luck with your quest.

If you have ever seen the inside of this amp, it's tiny. I have seen the schematics and it's not very complicated in design, they could easily make it but there needs to be demand. One reason why the amp means so much to Death fans is that it was Chucks sound, and it was very unique.

The cancer research thing is an added bonus, if they can make them for a low cost and help out some people in need I figure why not give it a try. Since Covid happened, funding for everything else has gone down. I've been a fan of the band for 21 years, so it's very nostalgic to hear people get the Death sound on youtube videos. It's almost like watching people play really old video games and all the sudden really want a Nintendo 64 but they are just really hard to find, or lost to time.


Feb 26, 2021
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Chuck also used the 8100 on "Human". I seen them on the Spiritual Healing tour with JCM800'S and the Human tour with the Valvestates.

I personally own three 8200's which is the same circuit but double the power. To me the 82's kill the 81's. They were designed to run four 4x12 cabs. They also are stereo and have a nice chorus built in.

I'm not so sure about these amps being rare, I see them all the time on Music Go Rounds website for a good price. Maybe you should look there ?

I'm also a huge Schuldiner fan. I was lucky enough to meet him a couple of times. He was kind and very gracious. Strange for the Godfather of Death Metal.

Good luck with your Perennial Quest, pun intended.


Speaking of Human, I got an email from Paul Masvidal, he signed the petition. :h5:

I'm working hard, and in two days I guess I will be able to post a link to the petition here. Slowly making progress, I have no social media at all so help would be appreciated. I have emailed others, waiting on replies.

The Dose of Harmony

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2014
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Death one of the best bands ever!

Since i heard symbolic everything change for me , Death was ahead of his time they will be immortal with their last four albums Control Denied , if you think 8100 sound bad just put symbolic that intro riff can tell you all you need to know about that amp , very nice tone .


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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Northeast, USA
Those amps sounded a little too good for what they were. After that Valvestate lineup the tone began a downhill slide with each progressive iteration. They could make them sound great again if they wanted too, but they won't.

I am a huge Prong fan and snagged a mint 8100 half stack last year, so I feel I'm qualified to comment on them. They're not as good as a valve amp, but really good for what they were/are.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2010
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Across the World
As an old school Chuck fan, this is great! I got in to them during their Leprosy album just before Spiritual Healing was released. When that album dropped, that was a HUGE change for the DM scene. Paul Masvidal is top shred. Cynic was fantastic as well.

Never owned or played an 8100 but I have lots of the SS 3210s and a 3315. Huge fan of old Marshall SS. They have become an important extension of my playing. Good luck on your quest and keep us up to date on your progress!


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2010
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There’s one on FB marketplace in Richmond Va, they’re asking 500 bucks for it, shoot them an offer

$500!!! I didn’t pay more than $200 for any of my Valvestates. Still see them on Craigslist under $200. That’s dumber than people asking several thousand for old Randall Centuries.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
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iIRC. The first series valvestates are using the topology formerly used in the drivemaster pedal, which was formally used in the jcm900. There are slight component difference between them all but the topology is the same. Build a drive master pedal and you basically have a valvestate preamp.

Michael Roe

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2017
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Springfield, Ohio
Those amps sounded a little too good for what they were. After that Valvestate lineup the tone began a downhill slide with each progressive iteration. They could make them sound great again if they wanted too, but they won't.

I am a huge Prong fan and snagged a mint 8100 half stack last year, so I feel I'm qualified to comment on them. They're not as good as a valve amp, but really good for what they were/are.
You might be right. I wonder if the original valvestate design was because at that time Marshall may have thought the tube industry was gone for good.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2020
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I have collected several British production Valvestate amps in the last few years. I find I really like the heavy gain tones Marshall got in these amps.
Most of the models have a tube in the preamp section and that is a good part of what helps make such great sound. The other is the tone or eq circuit Marshall desgined and used.
Valvestates are great amps. I have a pair of VS15s that sound awesome. On the larger side, a VS100r made in the UK. Another great amp.
The Marshall G100rcd amp head has a preamp with 2 tubes. 12ax7 s. These heads are still available at reasonable prices on GC web or craigslist etc.
Although the G series is different than the Valvestates, they are still in the same sound and tone category, and produce good Valvestate sound.

The construction of the 8100 is very similar or even possibly the same as the other VS amps. Some VS amps were made without the tube. I think the VS 15s I have do not have tubes.
You would not guess it from the heavy metal tone the get.
The key is to get the amps that were produced in the UK. The Veitnam stuff is different.

I have a Lead 20 made in the UK. That is totally different construction. It is Marshalls mosfet design. Great tone. If you do not turn up the tone controls of this amp there is no volume.
A very interesting circuit on the Lead 20.

Brings me to the next Marshall generation of amps. The AVT series amps. These also use a tube preamp, and have become one of my most favorite Marshall amps for there tone.
Again the ones made in the UK sound better.

Marshall had issues in the productiion of some of these lines of amps. Circuit board wave solder processes often had bad solder joints. So, there were many Valvestate amps that did not live long and
gave a bad name and reputation to the line of amps.
If you get a good one, you have a good amp.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2018
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I had the 8080 combo back in the 90's. I still can't remember why I sold it. :wallbash:
The first gen Valvestates had a preamp tube all the way down to the 8040 combo.

I have a 2nd gen VS65R now (MIE) and it's a fantastic little amp.
But I do still scout around for a decent 8080 every now and again.
The 8100 is a bit beyond me though, as my 'Man Cave' is in my loft and a 412 angle cab wouldn't fit through the hatch!