ClassicTone Transformers By Magnetic Components *Sponsor*

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Sep 2, 2010
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Help please with OT and choke choices. I'm soon to be the owner of 2008, JCM 2000 DSL 100.

I'm not in any rush to replace anything inside the amp. But over a few months might opt for a new OT and choke.

Question: What sets apart upgrade replacement OT's from one another?

Example, there are several companies making OT's for Marshall amps:

Mercury Magnetics

Take the Mercury Fatstack for example, and compare it with the Classictone, or a Heyboer to a Dagnall.

Where do the differences lie between them - in tone, I'm not really concerned with hair splitting here.
Does the extra iron mass in the Mercury Fatstack sound different to any of the other OT's?
Does the Heyboer impart a different tonality than a Hammond?

Please explain if you can. Thanks.

I am a little biased towards our ClassicTone transformers to be able to answer this subjectively. Since this is a ClassicTone thread, I will at least comment a little on this subject. Although, I will keep most of my thoughts to myself on the competitions offerings. I will say that in my opinion, there are various degrees of marketing hype, quality, construction methods and prices offered by our competition. I will say that I do believe we have the most reasonably priced offerings on the market at this time. Also, I do believe our transformers are of high quality and vintage constructed, paper layer wound like the original Marshall transformers from the Plexi and JMP eras. Again, this is just my passionate and biased opinion on our product.

Also, I want to also give you some unsolicited quotes from some satisfied customers of our ClassicTone JCM900 & JCM2000 upgrade /general replacement transformers as follows:

"OT (ClassicTone # 40-18055) sounds great with much more dynamic organic tone and bottom end has much more clarity, very worthwhile upgrade" and continues....."I have tried one or two diferrent ots overtime and this one is the best and works very well in TSL"

"I just bought both the OT for a JCM900 4100"....."I installed the OT (ClassicTone # 40-18055) no problem and it sounds great." and continued...."I installed the PT (ClassicTone # 40-18057) last night and man what a difference, I love it. I now have that vintage tone with my 900's modern punch. Thank you for all your help and I will be purchasing your choke (ClassicTone # 40-18058) Friday, I can't wait. I have a buddy that was over last night when I got finished and now he wants me to set his 800 up."

ClassicTone By Magnetic Components, Inc.
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New Member
Mar 15, 2010
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I think you sold me. It's hard for a non technical person like me to sift through all the "stuff". I have read that OT's and chokes can impact tone significantly, at least enough to be heard. I'm sure they're top notch. I know one guy who says he's replaced 3 OT's in his Marshall's to Mercury Mag's. Probably because of marketing - I don't know.

I mean, is a Heyboer any more robust than yours, or a Dagnall? I think it's the stuff that only engineers can answer for real.

I think you guys "Classic Tone" and "Mercury" should do a video/tone shoot out - side by side, with both reps from each company there, and have a 3rd objective party choose identical production Marshall amps for you, no hand wired stuff.

Add to this that there's a 3rd, identical JCM 2000 DSL 100 present, with the stock OT and choke. Let the games begin - FOR REAL.

You're both required to mount the OT's and chokes in the same room with the video still rolling (time lapsed of course) then a sound test - you both use the same guitar player, same guitar and same speaker cabinet. I think that would dispel some of the "mojo" that people assign to these things - make it practical and objective, real - let the marketing happen after the proof.

Case in point, The "Overlooked Upgrade”: Guitar Amplifier Output Transformers article by David Szabados. It's strange to me that he only tested the reissue SLP, and older amps. What about testing them in newer production amps, like the DSL's? And, he only used Mercury Transformers, not any other brand.

I trust that your classic tone OT's and chokes are well made and worth every penny. But would I absolutely notice a tonal difference with an OT and choke upgrade vs what's stock in the DSL now? Thanks.


Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
I think you sold me. It's hard for a non technical person like me to sift through all the "stuff". I have read that OT's and chokes can impact tone significantly, at least enough to be heard. I'm sure they're top notch. I know one guy who says he's replaced 3 OT's in his Marshall's to Mercury Mag's. Probably because of marketing - I don't know.

I mean, is a Heyboer any more robust than yours, or a Dagnall? I think it's the stuff that only engineers can answer for real.

I think you guys "Classic Tone" and "Mercury" should do a video/tone shoot out - side by side, with both reps from each company there, and have a 3rd objective party choose identical production Marshall amps for you, no hand wired stuff.

Add to this that there's a 3rd, identical JCM 2000 DSL 100 present, with the stock OT and choke. Let the games begin - FOR REAL.

You're both required to mount the OT's and chokes in the same room with the video still rolling (time lapsed of course) then a sound test - you both use the same guitar player, same guitar and same speaker cabinet. I think that would dispel some of the "mojo" that people assign to these things - make it practical and objective, real - let the marketing happen after the proof.

Case in point, The "Overlooked Upgrade”: Guitar Amplifier Output Transformers article by David Szabados. It's strange to me that he only tested the reissue SLP, and older amps. What about testing them in newer production amps, like the DSL's? And, he only used Mercury Transformers, not any other brand.

I trust that your classic tone OT's and chokes are well made and worth every penny. But would I absolutely notice a tonal difference with an OT and choke upgrade vs what's stock in the DSL now? Thanks.

Oddly enough, Curt Granger of Granger Amplification did a non-biased OT transformer shootout a few years back with our 50W JMP/JCM800 OT, Weber's, Mercury's and Heyboer's. At the time, he did not even know it was ours because it was prior to our trademark branding name of ClassicTone. Even though it is for a 50W amp and your's is a 100W amp, this should at least give you an idea of the tonal differences. Please check this out per the following link:


Enjoy! :) :dude:

ClassicTone Transformers By Magnetic Components, Inc.


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Mar 15, 2010
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I listened to each clip, very carefully. Expecting that all things would be the same for each clip, I then listened only to the first A chord of each clip, many times.

Not sure if Curt picked harder in one clip over another, but I found the the clip I liked the best over most, was the Heyboer - at first. The 2nd was Classictone - which I found to have a little more fizz on the top of that A chord in the intro clip. I found the Heyboer to be a little more snarly than all of the others. - Who knows, maybe Curt hit the stings a little harder on some of the other clips.

Immediately after that intro A chord, there's a short blues scale thing, then the G-D-A chords he plays in each. I'm being completely objective here, but I found the Heyboer to be the clearest sounding. The Mercury did sound "dark" maybe even "wompy" when he played the G, D, A chords. I'd say that the Heyboer was my first choice, and Classictone as a very good second.

On the Classictone clip, again - I hear a bit of slight mush sometimes, or a lack of tightness on some chords - but who's to say that can't be isolated to picking?... I just found the Heyboer to have a bit more snarl, - maybe a bit thinner sounding too, but again, that's subjective. I don't think you can go wrong with either.

I like both the classictone and the Heyboer - I just liked the Heyboer better - at some points in the clip . I didn't like the Mercury and Weber compared to the other 2. Further to this, despite me liking the Heyboer, I found the Classictone had this sort of "GRUFFF" punch which I really liked - that the Heyboer didn't.

Having said all of this, I think if you dial the gain down lower - as I would, I would definitely go for the Classictone. There were chords Curt played that just made me feel that GRUFFF, and punch that I long for. So I say, Bravo Classictone, you've got my vote.


Sep 2, 2010
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Hi Maltone,

Here's the real zinger. You will want to compare prices. You will find our pricing generally much better than the competition's price as well.

Thanks Maltone!

ClassicTone By Magnetic Components, Inc.


Well-Known Member
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May 22, 2010
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SoCal U.S.A.
I already posted this info in the Workbench section. I figured it would be good to post this here as well.

This is in regards to swapping in the new ClassicTone output transformer 40-18055 into my DSL100.

I am getting ready to swap in the new ClassicTone DSL100/TSL100 output transformer 40-18055 into my DSL100. I am looking for some verification on the wiring scheme and more importantly the OT polarity/orientation. Has anyone else here installed this ClassicTone OT?

Someone please correct me if I am wrong.


I am figuring the DSL100 wiring orientation for the new 40-18055 primary to DSL100 TUBE BOARD will be:

Primary of 40-18055 RED to V5 V6 plates (WHITE on DSL100 W3)

Primary of 40-18055 WHITE to V7 V8 plates (VIOLET on DSL100 W4)

Primary of 40-18055 center tap is BROWN and that will go to BLUE W5 on DSL100

40-18055 secondary DSL100 REAR BOARD will be:

Secondary of 40-18055 BLUE 16 ohm to REAR BOARD RED W5

Secondary of 40-18055 YELLOW 8 ohm to REAR BOARD ORANGE W1

Secondary of 40-18055 GREEN 4 ohm to REAR BOARD GREEN W3

Secondary of 40-18055 ORANGE Common to REAR BOARD BLACK W6

The 40-18055 secondary has one more wire/lead that the stock DSL Dagnall. The 4 ohm VIOLET/GREEN, so I am figuring the 40-18055 extra VIOLET lead is for the negative feedback loop and will connect to the DSL REAR BOARD W4?

Or actually I would not even connect the OT VIOLET as the DSL already has a termination joining the NFB loop to the 4 ohm tap?


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
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Not sure if this is the right place to post - Hey Ricky, how ya doin? Maybe someone can answer.. So I finally picked up the DSL 100 - it's a 2008. I've played through most of the settings I find I like the best.

So far, it's the green channel, crunch mode, volume at about 5, gain at about 3-4 — WITH the DEEP button engaged.

Here's my question: Is there a known value to change in the deep switch function? I love that GRUFF punch it provides, I only want MORE of it. It would be really cool to mod that button with a variable, rotary selector, like a tone pot, with different values - if it even works that way. I just want more of that thickness, only tighter. Is that possible?
Kind of like the intro to Satellite Blues:[ame=""][/ame] . Hear how firm those chords are?

Much thanks.
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Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
I already posted this info in the Workbench section. I figured it would be good to post this here as well.

This is in regards to swapping in the new ClassicTone output transformer 40-18055 into my DSL100.

I am getting ready to swap in the new ClassicTone DSL100/TSL100 output transformer 40-18055 into my DSL100. I am looking for some verification on the wiring scheme and more importantly the OT polarity/orientation. Has anyone else here installed this ClassicTone OT?

Someone please correct me if I am wrong.


I am figuring the DSL100 wiring orientation for the new 40-18055 primary to DSL100 TUBE BOARD will be:

Primary of 40-18055 RED to V5 V6 plates (WHITE on DSL100 W3)

Primary of 40-18055 WHITE to V7 V8 plates (VIOLET on DSL100 W4)

Primary of 40-18055 center tap is BROWN and that will go to BLUE W5 on DSL100

40-18055 secondary DSL100 REAR BOARD will be:

Secondary of 40-18055 BLUE 16 ohm to REAR BOARD RED W5

Secondary of 40-18055 YELLOW 8 ohm to REAR BOARD ORANGE W1

Secondary of 40-18055 GREEN 4 ohm to REAR BOARD GREEN W3

Secondary of 40-18055 ORANGE Common to REAR BOARD BLACK W6

The 40-18055 secondary has one more wire/lead that the stock DSL Dagnall. The 4 ohm VIOLET/GREEN, so I am figuring the 40-18055 extra VIOLET lead is for the negative feedback loop and will connect to the DSL REAR BOARD W4?

Or actually I would not even connect the OT VIOLET as the DSL already has a termination joining the NFB loop to the 4 ohm tap?

Hi Rick,

Please disregard my earlier PM as you did provide us with the colors you require above in your Marshall DSL100 that the Marshall schematic does not provide.

Yes....almost everything is correct as above.


Ours has an extra violet lead for the 4 Ohm so just connect the green and violet together for the 4 Ohm.

Furthermore, if you hook the 40-18055 as above and the amp oscillates, just reverse the white and red lead connections.

This should do the trick! :fingersx: :)

ClassicTone By Magnetic Components, Inc.


Well-Known Member
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May 22, 2010
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SoCal U.S.A.
Finally got around to getting the ClassicTone 40-18055 output transformer swapped into my DSL100 in place of the stock Dagnall. And I just got done cranking it pretty hard. I have to say I am quite impressed so far, and I am figuring there's a bit of a break-in period to expect as well?

The highs seem to be extended slightly, but not in a bad way as in ice picky type highs. Overall the tone seems to be more colorful for lack of a better word. Full chord clarity is very good even at high gain settings.

Should I expect a slight tonal change after X amount of usage hours?

And I am playing it cranked out of the gate. Is this good?

And lastly, is the transformer break-in period a myth?


Sep 2, 2010
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Finally got around to getting the ClassicTone 40-18055 output transformer swapped into my DSL100 in place of the stock Dagnall. And I just got done cranking it pretty hard. I have to say I am quite impressed so far, and I am figuring there's a bit of a break-in period to expect as well?

The highs seem to be extended slightly, but not in a bad way as in ice picky type highs. Overall the tone seems to be more colorful for lack of a better word. Full chord clarity is very good even at high gain settings.

Should I expect a slight tonal change after X amount of usage hours?

And I am playing it cranked out of the gate. Is this good?

And lastly, is the transformer break-in period a myth?

Very cool! I'm glad you like it. :)

That really is a myth. The transformer should perform consistently for you initially and for many years to come.

Thanks again!

ClassicTone By Magnetic Components, Inc.
ClassicTone Transformers By Magnetic Components, Inc.

Axe Slinger

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Sep 21, 2010
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Holly, Michigan
I need to get you some sound clips of my JCM900 4100, I don't know if you remember me but I replace all three OT, PT and choke and have been playing out with it for a few months and all I hear is how did you get that tone, that amp is a monster!! I dont use any effects anymore because they seem to change the tone, I just use My Les Paul with Slash pick-ups and a 1960 vintage B cab. I find that I use the volume on my guitar more then ever. I love this amp now and before I was ready to get rid of it and get something else. I have a JCM 800 2205 and I'm debating taking the Drakes out and putting your transformers in. I think the sound clips will help clarify some of the questions you are getting on the new tranys.


Sep 2, 2010
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As a result of requests by many of you right here at the Marshall Forum, we at ClassicTone wanted to let all of you owners of JCM2000 DSL50's and TSL60's know that we now offer upgrade/general replacement transformers for these amps now.

ClassicTone # 40-18074 (output transformer)- This features the same ratings and vintage constructed paper layer wound, interleaving pattern of the classic Plexi 50W OT but is in the modern, laydown mounting configuration. For fans of the great 50W Plexi era amps, this is a great upgrade for your JCM2000 50W /60W amps. It comes with extra long, high quality, PVC "Topcoat" appliance wire for ease of installation. This will fit right in the existing 50W DSL50 or 60W TSL60 chassis. This is also a great upgrade/replacement OT for the JCM900 50W amps as well. See the following link for more information:

50W / 60W Marshall JCM900 & JCM2000 Style Upgrade / General Replacement Output Transformer, 4/8/16 Ohms, 784-348

ClassicTone # 40-18076 (power transformer)- This great upgrade/general replacement power transformer is vintage constructed, paper layer wound like the PT's from the Plexi era. It also features the best available, coolest running and highest performing M-6 steel lamination. It comes with extra long, high quality, PVC "Topcoat" appliance wire for ease of installation. This will fit right in the existing 50W DSL50 or 60W TSL60 chassis. Please see more information on this as follows:

ClassicTone # 40-18058 (Choke)-This is a copy of the classic 3 Hy choke that was used in most of the great Marshall amps from Plexi era. Since the current DSL/TSL amps do not come with a choke, this is a great upgrade and should help reduce the hum of the B+, improve filtering of power line generation noise and provide purer DC on the screen grids of the power tubes and the plates of the preamp tubes. Please see the following link for more information:

Marshall 3 Hy Plexi Style Choke

I hope you enjoy these!

ClassicTone Transformers By Magnetic Components, Inc.

Johnny Blade

New Member
Oct 28, 2011
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I have a Brand new JCM 800 Full stack with 1960 lead 300watt cabs and I use a sd1 in front of it to push the tubes. I play old school type metal (priest,maiden, sabbath) what can this product do for me? I would like more gain so I can plug right in without an OD pedal...I was told a tube change is all I need as marshall uses shitty soviet tubes instead of american made groove tubes. Is this true? and if so, what do you suggest? will this make my amp louder or what? Thank you. GL HF!


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Jan 11, 2010
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East End Kajaani
Hey there!

I'm looking into building a Ceriatone, the #35 AFD 50w in fact. I was wondering which transformers would you recommend for my build?

Thanks in advance!


Sep 2, 2010
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I have a Brand new JCM 800 Full stack with 1960 lead 300watt cabs and I use a sd1 in front of it to push the tubes. I play old school type metal (priest,maiden, sabbath) what can this product do for me? I would like more gain so I can plug right in without an OD pedal...I was told a tube change is all I need as marshall uses shitty soviet tubes instead of american made groove tubes. Is this true? and if so, what do you suggest? will this make my amp louder or what? Thank you. GL HF!

Hi Johnny Blade,

I'm not to sure what amp head can be used with the 300W cab you mention here so I would be reluctant to suggest any of our transformers for this application.

ClassicTone By Magnetic Components, Inc.


Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
Hey there!

I'm looking into building a Ceriatone, the #35 AFD 50w in fact. I was wondering which transformers would you recommend for my build?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Audiochains,

I believe our ClassicTone # 40-18054 power transformer, 40-18025 output transformer and 40-18058 choke should work for this amp. Following are links to the pages for these transformers with all necessary info including specs, where to purchase, pricing, etc.:

Marshall 3 Hy Plexi Style Choke

You will want to closely check the mounting dimension required for the laydown PT. I am pretty sure our 40-18054 will fit correctly in this chassis but you may want to verify this before you purchase this. :fingersx:

ClassicTone Transformers By Magnetic Components, Inc.