Code Digital Amp Series (interface, App, Usb, Etc)

  • Thread starter barney956
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New Member
May 15, 2016
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Hi. Did you hear back from Marshall about this? I'm having the same issue.

They got back quickly then they went very quiet. Has anyone tried fiddling with settings when the distortion starts? I've found if you turn off the speaker and power amp simulation, then turn it back on it will disappear.


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May 21, 2016
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They got back quickly then they went very quiet. Has anyone tried fiddling with settings when the distortion starts? I've found if you turn off the speaker and power amp simulation, then turn it back on it will disappear.
Thanks. I've just tried that but it didn't make any difference. The distortion still appeared at random moments. It's a pain because the sound in the DAW is great when the distortion isn't there.

big dooley

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it's ring modulation what you're hearing... i had it too, depending on what drivers and settings were being used, i'm still experimenting on that
asio seems to work the best at the moment
talked to santiago and it's definatly not an error in the code... it's just that everything is out of sync, due to windows USB drivers not being up to par... i guess the days of windows 7 are coming to an end
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New Member
May 15, 2016
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it's ring modulation what you're hearing... i had it too, depending on what drivers and settings were being used, i'm still experimenting on that
asio seems to work the best at the moment
talked to santiago and it's definatly not an error in the code... it's just that everything is out of sync, due to windows USB drivers not being up to par... i guess the days of windows 7 are coming to an end

Are you still getting it after change of drivers?

big dooley

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Sep 2, 2008
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i'm still not sure which driver or setting triggers it... made a few recordings and got the weird effect... when i used asio4all with certain settings (bitrate, sample rate, buffer, etc. i couldn't reproduce it
when i asked santiago about it, he made it 100% clear that the code is not at fault when this happens...
will do some more experimenting on it, using various daw's


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May 15, 2016
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i'm still not sure which driver or setting triggers it... made a few recordings and got the weird effect... when i used asio4all with certain settings (bitrate, sample rate, buffer, etc. i couldn't reproduce it
when i asked santiago about it, he made it 100% clear that the code is not at fault when this happens...
will do some more experimenting on it, using various daw's

My one kept going wild when I hit C# :applause:

Ps try to find out the bit depth of the CODE system I suspect that may be part of problem.

Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
is it USB II or USB III drivers?

I remember a long time back (Win 98), I bought a brand new USB scanner. This was the 1st gen of USB & the scanner was cutting edge. It was a HP Scanjet. It never worked. I couldn't get it to work & called HP & spent hours on the phone & many emails back & forth & messenger/chat sessions, etc. They always concluded that it was a Microsoft issue. I called Microsoft & spent hours on tech w/ them as well & they would always end up pointing the finger back at HP.

To make a long story short, when Win 98 2nd Ed came out, it fixed everything... In my mind, when someone makes a standard platform, everyone else, who is making app's/hardware to run on said system should be compliant & usually there's a licensing contract that insures that the 2nd party has everything to be in compliance. My thought would have been automatically to blame HP. The thing is, how did the Win upgrade (2nd Ed) fix it? Was it Windows driver's fault? or was it HP? Who knows? Maybe it was a snafu between the 2, where compliance was supposed to be assured but it wasn't...

This could be the case here. Win 10 has had issues w/ certain audio/video production hard/softwares, including sync issues.

IDK... :shrug:

Hopefully it gets resolved soon though...


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
What pisses me off about issues like this, is that it is the Manufacturers responsibility to make it work, or include very detailed instructions and specs on where it DOES work. If you plug in a device into your Windows 10 machine and it doesn't work, then you call the manufacturer and ask about it. When they tell you that it DOES work with Windows 10, they should have all the specific driver, version, firmware, software, and machine spec data to back up what DOES work with it. If not, then it's completely useless in the real world.

I deal with this kind of thing all the time in the Commercial AV world, with universal standards, signal compliance etc. These manufacturers test their equipment with others and know what works and what doesn't. When you buy their product, they tell you straight up front, "this product works with X models and X manufacturers." Whenever I hear the response, "well, it's not our product that's faulty it's the other, but we don't know what the issue is, and I can't help you about what does work," I quickly dismiss the company and move on to something else.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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Lake Charles, LA
What pisses me off about issues like this, is that it is the Manufacturers responsibility to make it work, or include very detailed instructions and specs on where it DOES work. If you plug in a device into your Windows 10 machine and it doesn't work, then you call the manufacturer and ask about it. When they tell you that it DOES work with Windows 10, they should have all the specific driver, version, firmware, software, and machine spec data to back up what DOES work with it. If not, then it's completely useless in the real world.

I deal with this kind of thing all the time in the Commercial AV world, with universal standards, signal compliance etc. These manufacturers test their equipment with others and know what works and what doesn't. When you buy their product, they tell you straight up front, "this product works with X models and X manufacturers." Whenever I hear the response, "well, it's not our product that's faulty it's the other, but we don't know what the issue is, and I can't help you about what does work," I quickly dismiss the company and move on to something else.

Windows 98 was not fully USB supporting or compliant when it first came out, considering the fact that USB 1.1 was still a new thing. Win98se (Second Edition) had a unifying USB driver built-in and the underlying Windows subsystem had been changed to be able to handle USB stuff. With FE (First Edition), you had to have the exact driver for the thing you had and you had to install it yourself...sometimes manually.

Windows Vista was "bad" because Microsoft finally started to fix a lot of the problems with viruses and malware constantly infecting their machines. They separated User privileges and Administrator privileges (JUST LIKE IN THE MAC OS AND LINUX... OH MY F***ING GOD!) and the interface for that was User Access Control (UAC). And what did people do? Why, they whined their asses off when programs always asked for permission to run with admin rights. Because programs way back then always just assumed they had admin rights instead of working with only the rights they needed to run. Microsoft's change here forced program writers to suck in their fat, lazy guts and actually fix their own shit. So people complained. Vista was awesome, by the way.

Windows 8's problem is the touch-screen interface. The thing was designed around tablets. It SUCKS for desktops. Good that Microsoft let you freely upgrade 8 to 8.1. 8.1 is great and very usable. So is Windows 10. But Microsoft continues to update their software's security and improve the Windows Driver Module as a standard.

The only problem I have with Windows 10 is the data mining. But I already put a stop to all of that so it's no worry.


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Apr 23, 2010
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On the back 9
Does anyone have a slight digital sounding "fizzle" on the decay of a power chord? It only does it with mine on the JCM800 patch No.51 (so far). It does it via the onboard speaker and via the JMD into a 425A cab. My guess is it's a bug with the model because I only had the pre-amp switched in when going into the JMD. No biggie but not very musical if you let the chord decay naturally.

BTW. This little puppy sounds great through the JMD now I have sussed the best level to have everything set to. :yesway:

Robin Smith

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May 23, 2016
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Hi everyone. Just joined due to getting a code.

I'm getting the "fizzle" on a few patches too and another small annoying thing is that the presets don't come up with the names in the library. Only when I select one does it then show the name. It says unsyncronised on them all. Is the code firmware upgradeable?


big dooley

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Sep 2, 2008
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Have you tried it through the loop return of a bigger valve amp yet Big D?

not as a preamp on it's own, but i used it as a poweramp/speakersimulator through the full range 2x12 cabinet that i have..
so basically it's JVM preamp into the code:
preamp "natural"
poweramp "classic 100W"
cabinet "1960HW"
then the code line out goes into the JVM and AFD FX-return and boith are driving full range beyma speakers in my 1936 cabinet
it really works amazing like that


May 9, 2016
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Hi everyone. Just joined due to getting a code.

I'm getting the "fizzle" on a few patches too and another small annoying thing is that the presets don't come up with the names in the library. Only when I select one does it then show the name. It says unsyncronised on them all. Is the code firmware upgradeable?


I've had the unsynchronised thing a few times, usually if I click on the small icon on the bottom left of the app, which I assume is supposed to be the amp and they iphone, so it switches to the other one, it usually sorts it out.

I'm sure I've read somewhere that one of the uses for the USB port is for firmware upgrades.


Active Member
May 23, 2016
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Wiltshire, Uk
Does anyone have a slight digital sounding "fizzle" on the decay of a power chord? It only does it with mine on the JCM800 patch No.51 (so far). It does it via the onboard speaker and via the JMD into a 425A cab. My guess is it's a bug with the model because I only had the pre-amp switched in when going into the JMD. No biggie but not very musical if you let the chord decay naturally.

BTW. This little puppy sounds great through the JMD now I have sussed the best level to have everything set to. :yesway:

Like someone else said I get some weird crackles on some patches and turning off the preamp or effects seems to stop it. Also get a few other wierd sounds bird warbles but not sure if its picking up from other equipment. I haven't had the mobile i/c call wobble yet so thats good. Some of the patches seem a bit like why on earth would you buy that amp/preamp with a sound like that so I guess they leave a bit to be desired. Some of them sound very authentic though like on the record as well. I can't remember names but one sounded like keith richards sound on Brown Sugar and another just like Angus's sound on Highway to hell.

The Android App is a bit flakey at times.

1. What is the threshold (bottom left) item?. It seems to be a compressor but I can't find it on the amp or in the manual as an option. Its mixed in with the Gain, Bass, treble, Vol options on the phone.?

2. I can't see how to reset a changed options on the phone that I haven't saved other than to stop the gateway and restart it. Anyone found a way to reset changes?

Bit of a shame that all the delivered settings are set with widely differing volume levels - can make one jump sometimes with the volume change.

All in all though I'm having fun and I love the way that the volume on the guitar changes the sound and if I hit harder it change as well - cool. (Please note for afficiando's of valve sound - I haven't played a valve amp for years so just going on memory).

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