Could we hope for the new owners of Marshall will sell off the guitar amp department

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2020
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Isn't the original Marshall team pre sell off supposed to still be the board of directors or something along those lines? I don't know if the new owners are going to do worse than you all think Marshall has already done over the past 10 or 20 years... and I don't know if the original Marshall team would let them if they still indeed have say. I think what Marshall should have done and still has a chance to do, is to create some pedal sized solid state amps that are all the rage, and get back to the decently built, decent sounding solid state stuff like they had in the 80s. That would be an excellent start to staying relevant and pulling in revenue. They can have legacy stuff, solid state stuff, and new stuff the old fuk$ don't understand. That last one would be key proof that they are doing something right in this modern day. That said, give me classic tube amps all day long!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2023
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I'm suspicious to give an opinion but I think it would be a good thing for Marshall to reformulate its Code line with improvements in the emulation and in its power amplifier, using better speakers in combos and cabs, etc. Also, I think if they stick the Code brain in a compact pedal, the thing would sell like hell. Another wish of mine would be the resurrection of the Mosfet line, probably the best SS they ever made. On the other hand, I wouldn't want the tube amp lines to die either. Tube amplifiers will always be the gold standard. Any current or future technologies will always be compared to tubes. Just my 0.02
