Dsl15 Sounds Better Than Jubilee And Jcm 800?

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Deep Purple fan

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Nov 1, 2014
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But your argument is one as if these amps exist on a continuum. This is something that pricing and marketing suggest, but it's not a real thing.

If I were to say, what's a better amp: a JCM800 or a Fender '57 Tweed Reissue? One is only better based on what you like to hear. Neither is measurably/objectively better.

So again, I fully accept that most Marshall players will prefer the Jubilee or JCM, but that doesn't mean that they are "better"...individually it means you like it better, and collectively it just means they're more popular among Marshall players.

I can use that same pretzel logic to say the JCM800 tone on my amplitube4 app or PODX3 is as good or better than the real thing. Yes, it's all opinion. At the end of the day, if you like your tone with your DSL and think it's as good as a JUB, 2203, etc.....hey, it's your sound.....go for it.

As stated, I did compare and do let the kiddies out and play. Regardless of what ever "Continuum" I may be in, my brain, fingers and ears influenced my opinion and not some MARSHALL marketing plan.
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Sep 6, 2013
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No I didn't mean to imply that at all. What I mean by it is that the JCM 2000 and it's offspring the updated DSL are indeed one of Marshalls finer amps period. Price doesn't figure into my calculus in the case of amps. I also am aware that one mans "tone in my head" are another mans "nasty icepick in the forehead and nasaly at the same time". I will hold that if you can't get a good Marshall base tone out of a DSL that you may not be a "marshall person".


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
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to the OP if you are a bedroom player then the dsl combo is a cool little amp in my opinion. just don't try to bring your little friend to a band rehearsal expecting it to behave like a jubilee/jcm 800 head as these amps natural habitat is the live/rehearsal settings.
rock on friend!!!
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May 4, 2016
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I can use that same pretzel logic

I'm not sure what was convoluted about ~the amp you like is the best amp, there are no objective measures of best amp~.

If instead of "best" one said, "comes closest to sounding like this vintage amp, which to me represents the best of Marshall's history", then okay--it's still a little bit opinion, but we know what you're getting at. Just saying worse or better doesn't communicate anything. How many axes of better are there. I'd bet (even though it's not light for its class) that the DSL15H is the lightest head and easiest to carry. Does that make it best? At least it's measurable.

But this seems to be irritating you, so I'll leave it alone now.


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detroit rock city
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I can use that same pretzel logic to say the JCM800 tone on my amplitube4 app or PODX3 is as good or better than the real thing. Yes, it's all opinion. At the end of the day, if you like your tone with your DSL and think it's as good as a JUB, 2203, etc.....hey, it's your sound.....go for it.

As stated, I did compare and do let the kiddies out and play. Regardless of what ever "Continuum" I may be in, my brain, fingers and ears influenced my opinion and not some MARSHALL marketing plan.
Run the DSL into the JVM cab and compare it? Theres a vid on the tube the guy is comparing the DSL and the JVM side by side and would say maybe the DSL sounded slightly better maybe. JVM certainly didn't blow it away. I owned the 205h a few years ago.

Deep Purple fan

Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
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to the OP if you are a bedroom player then the dsl combo is a cool little amp in my opinion. just don't try to bring your little friend to a band rehearsal expecting it to behave like a jubilee/jcm 800 head as these amps natural habitat is the live/rehearsal settings.
rock on friend!!!

I can't agree more. I hate the phrase "for the money" but the DSL40C is great bang for the buck.

Deep Purple fan

Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
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Run the DSL into the JVM cab and compare it? Theres a vid on the tube the guy is comparing the DSL and the JVM side by side and would say maybe the DSL sounded slightly better maybe. JVM certainly didn't blow it away. I owned the 205h a few years ago.

Did it all with same cab and yes the JVM410C blew it away. Not even a fair comparison. The I saw a video on you tube is hardly convincing.

Again, to each his own. But the audio quality of the signal coming out of the JVM is far superior.
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Deep Purple fan

Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
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I will hold that if you can't get a good Marshall base tone out of a DSL that you may not be a "marshall person".

You moved the goal post. Nobody said you can't get a decent tone out the DSL. You threw that one in on your own. The challenge is whether the DSL is among the best sounding amps Marshall ever made as you now restated. I think its a great entry to intermediate level amp (nothing wrong with that) and you think it rivals Marshall's best ever. There are some great amps in Marshall's lineage - Bluesbreaker, Marshall Major, SLP, 2203, 2204, 2205..... list is very long.

I'm not sure what was convoluted about ~the amp you like is the best amp, there are no objective measures of best amp~.

If instead of "best" one said, "comes closest to sounding like this vintage amp, which to me represents the best of Marshall's history", then okay--it's still a little bit opinion, but we know what you're getting at

Just saying worse or better doesn't communicate anything. How many axes of better are there. I'd bet (even though it's not light for its class) that the DSL15H is the lightest head and easiest to carry. Does that make it best? At least it's measurable.

But this seems to be irritating you, so I'll leave it alone now

There is nothing "convoluted." You made it convoluted with the continuum BS and stating that somehow "pricing and marketing" dictate what me or someone else might think is a better amp. On your second point on the subjective nature of the debate, I'm simply pointing out that using your logic I could make the same claim that the JCM800 model on my Amplitube 4 amp modeling software app or POD X3 sounds as good or better than the real thing. A more compelling argument would be a description of your real life experience with these amps (not including watching YouTube). I told you how I came to my decision. I have a studio that includes two flavors of JCM800, two flavors of JVM, a Silver Jub reissue and a DSL40C. As good as the DSL is, it is out-classed in this company. That's my opinion after playing all these amps for many hours.

Really? The DSL15H comes "closest to sounding like a vintage amp" than........what?

Weight?? Again, moving the goal post. I'm seeing a trend now among the DSL fans. The OP in his question implied the DSL15 sounded better than the JCM800 and Silver JUB. Beyond the fact that the JCM800 and Silver JUB have many tones, the OP suggested the DSL15 sounded better.....Not was better because it was lighter.

Irritated? No way. Amused is more accurate. This is actually entertaining. Hey, I get it. I do think the DSL is a really good product line. I think Marshall nailed it. I've played the DSL5, DSL15H, DSL40C and DSL 100 and there is a lot to like. Starting with the 15, they have a good Marshall tones, decent features, easy to dial in, fun to play, affordable and the list goes on. I'd certainly without hesitation recommend them to a budget conscious player. I just don't rate them when talking tone, among the best Marshall has put out. But if your DSL40C nails it for you that's great.
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Dec 22, 2011
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Traverse City, Michigan
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I can use that same pretzel logic to say the JCM800 tone on my amplitube4 app or PODX3 is as good or better than the real thing. Yes, it's all opinion. At the end of the day, if you like your tone with your DSL and think it's as good as a JUB, 2203, etc.....hey, it's your sound.....go for it.

As stated, I did compare and do let the kiddies out and play. Regardless of what ever "Continuum" I may be in, my brain, fingers and ears influenced my opinion and not some MARSHALL marketing plan.
View attachment 36638 QView attachment 36637 View attachment 36636

I can use that same pretzel logic to say the JCM800 tone on my amplitube4 app or PODX3 is as good or better than the real thing. Yes, it's all opinion. At the end of the day, if you like your tone with your DSL and think it's as good as a JUB, 2203, etc.....hey, it's your sound.....go for it.

As stated, I did compare and do let the kiddies out and play. Regardless of what ever "Continuum" I may be in, my brain, fingers and ears influenced my opinion and not some MARSHALL marketing plan.
Man I want your jamroom!


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May 4, 2016
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Let's make this simple, since that's what you can handle...

As good as the DSL is, it is out-classed in this company.

By what measure? Provide an objective measure, otherwise admit it is what it is: opinions and different experience.


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May 4, 2016
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Does a Ferrari outclass a Prius? What's your measure, speed or fuel efficiency?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2014
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Let's make this simple, since that's what you can handle...

By what measure? Provide an objective measure, otherwise admit it is what it is: opinions and different experience.

Well, tone, power, projection, ease of use, volume, looks, quality, workmanship, materials..

Does a Ferrari outclass a Prius? What's your measure, speed or fuel efficiency?

Much the same.. Quality of materials and workmanship, performance, looks, engineering, etc.


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May 4, 2016
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Most talk about tone and musicality. What are the measures for those?

I don't care how it's constructed as much as how it sounds.


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I would disagree. The only Marshall amp I have ever disliked was the DSL 100. Other than that, 900, 800, JVM, YJM, DSL 15, etc all great but the DSL 100 just didn't do it for me.

That is a shame. It sounds like your DSL100 experience was very similar to my first 2005 model DSL100 that I ended up modifying heavily. I just could not get on with that amp until I went berserk on the mods.

But then when I got my second '98 DSL100 for a steal of a price, I was blown away how that amp just had pure tonal clarity with no fizz pouring out of it. I kept probing inside of it thinking it must have had some magic mod from one of the big name mod guys but it was a stock amp. And that is why I can believe the original poster here loving his little DSL. The design of these amps with the hot rodded Red channel topology has great promise big time. But I think the variance in tolerances of all the many components and the complexity of this amp can give us great ones, OK ones and then the ones that have the fizzy character with the bright and harsh Red channel.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2014
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Most talk about tone and musicality. What are the measures for those?

I don't care how it's constructed as much as how it sounds.

Just stand in front of one. If you can't tell then.. You must not be a Marshall guy.. Or you're tone deaf.


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May 31, 2009
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South Orange County, Ca.
Bravo on this thread and all the difference in opinion so far. I'm very entertained. For the record I have a couple of DSLs myself. I like all of the above amps we're fighting about here. I kick myself in the bottom every day for not buying a JCM800 head in mint condition I was offered for $165 years ago, before I had joined this forum. I'm a big fan of the DSL15C which is loud enough to gig with in the proper setting.