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First Trip To Guitar Center In Over A Year!


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Thats right its been over a year! I usually go fairly regularly just for fun, at least once a month or so. They lifted the mask mandate in my state so this was also my first full day out in public maskless (I do have both shots), the weather here in the Baltimore area usually goes from cold to hot with only a short spring and fall so today was 93 degrees already and no mask was welcome!

So getting back to my GC story, I didnt know what to expect inside, new gear, used gear, the place empty or full, I seemed to be the only person walking around without a mask so that shows you right off the bat the numbers of people who didnt get their shots, but nobody cared I was walking around, maybe 20 people in there. The first thing I notice is the glass sound booth is fully stocked with high end equipment as usual so I go in and peak around, nice stuff! Then walk out to the main floor and notice the used gear section has very little gear almost none, then the wall of new guitars I notice is empty of any good stuff, its all low end gear. I really wanted to plug in a P90 Gibson but none to be had so I grabbed a Squier Strat and tuned it up, the strings so rusty they blackened my fingers, mind you this is a lefty guitar so I was probably the first person to ever handle it, it took quite awhile to get it to stay in tune, I really broke it in for the 3 hours I played it! The new amp section seemed to be pretty loaded, not entirely as it used to be but not bad. Here is the list of amps I plugged into in order:

Yamaha THR10 - small modeling combo, was fun!
Supro Delta King 10 - the name was deceiving, research found it to be 5 watts with 10" speaker, sounds nice!
Boss Nextone Special - 80 watt solid state, not bad
Orange CR60C - 60 watt solid state, not bad
Vox AC10 - 10 watt, very nice
a few Fenders for the heck of it - not a fan so glossed over a few popular models for the heck of it
Marshall DSL40CR - pleasantly surprised, typically dont like DSL, very nice and versatile
Marshall SC20 combo - sounds good even at low volume
Marshall Code 25 - was fun to dial through the models, would need alot of tweaking
Marshall Origin 50C - too clean to get anything out of at low volume, nice clean amp though

The clear winner of the day was the Supro Delta King 10, a 5 watt 10" speaker combo, I highly recommend this amp if you need a blues amp, they had the Delta King 12 which is a 15 watt combo with a 12" speaker but something was wrong with it I couldnt get any sound out of it. The 10 sounded surprisingly full, look up the features its just a really nice amp, if I had some spare change I'd take one home. And a shout out to the Squier Strat, after I broke in the strings it really held its own!

My intention was to post a picture of the Supro but my picture hosting site mediafire of 10 years seems to have changed their picture sharing ability (Im not gonna pay), I guess I wont be using them any more, gonna need some suggestions where and how to put my pictures. So any way, here's a link to the Supro on the GC site:


It was a fun Sunday afternoon! :yesway:
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Just another voice in the mix.
Mar 15, 2013
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West Virginia
There’s an upload file button at the bottom when you’re making a post, select the picture from your phone and adjust the size until it’s small enough to upload. Forum won’t allow if they’re too large of a file size.

glad you got out! I’m over by Winchester VA, but Baltimore falls into my sales territory so I’m there once in a while in a “normal world”.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Nice afternoon you had for sure! I haven’t been to GC in over a year also, now you have me thinking I should stop by. NYS lifted their mask requirements also last Wednesday. A few people still wear them it seems even if they got the vaccine.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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I seemed to be the only person walking around without a mask so that shows you right off the bat the numbers of people who didnt get their shots, but nobody cared I was walking around, maybe 20 people in there.

Nice, dude! I don't wear the mask and officially shops are allowed to refuse you for that here. I've found that many however just don't really care and assume you have some kind of valid reason. However, a lot of the shops have also shut down and/or been closed for months now. So not too long ago I called the local guitar place and asked whether they were open. They confirmed they were, however there were all sorts of restrictions (number of people in the shop, compulsory mask, use of disinfectant at the entrance, etc). I only needed a few picks, but I figured I'd go over there, support the 'local guy', get the picks and maybe something else. Fortunately, while on the phone the guy mentioned that I was in fact not allowed to touch any of the products. Although I don't blame him personally for this, I really don't see how on earth one is going to buy a guitar or any musical instrument without touching it first.

Luckily there's a relatively decent amount of private individuals selling and trading gear around here that do not insist on shots, masks and the lot. I miss the shops, though.


Mar 14, 2020
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" I seemed to be the only person walking around without a mask so that shows you right off the bat the numbers of people who didnt get their shots"

No, they're just playing it safe (they think), because they can get it anyway even with the vaccines they've taken. Sorry, I mean genetic alteration injections.

The others vaccinated would have been there celebrating without their mask too, but they're dead.

Other than that, all is good. I haven't been to GC in a long time. Seems like a kids start-up store to me now. Do they have a daycare yet?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Never heard of such a thing. Are you reflecting?

Nah, just pokin' some fun at ya :) I recently happened to hear from an adult woman that she had the vague desire to give one a go, and I completely failed to see the attraction despite still being a child at heart myself. If there were Guitar Centers in Europe, I'm sure I'd see a hundred other things that I'd want to play with - the difference now that I'm an adult is that the cashier might be one of 'em. :cool:

Just google 'ball bath' if you're still blissfully unaware of their existence. It's a thing - don't ask me why... :shrug:


Mar 14, 2020
Reaction score
Nah, just pokin' some fun at ya :) I recently happened to hear from an adult woman that she had the vague desire to give one a go, and I completely failed to see the attraction despite still being a child at heart myself. If there were Guitar Centers in Europe, I'm sure I'd see a hundred other things that I'd want to play with - the difference now that I'm an adult is that the cashier might be one of 'em. :cool:

Just google 'ball bath' if you're still blissfully unaware of their existence. It's a thing - don't ask me why... :shrug:

Lol. Yea, seems last time I was in there, a few cutie chickities were employees. Funny how in high school we thought about 5 were hot, but now we'd probably think only 5 were not. Dirty old men, ...and all we give them is the creeps. :erk:



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2015
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Sounds like my local GC. A little of this, little of that, nothing to write home about.
If you go to the website and do a store search you can pull up what inventory they have in stock. I do know stores are divided into demographics. Meaning what has sold and what is likely to sell in a certain area. My store I believe is an AB store. That means it is not likely to carry a lot of high end stuff. Some more expensive guitars but mostly mid-priced amps. Used gear is sparse right now. I did notice Fulltone and Catalinbread are no longer on the vendor list. I do know several years back GC stopped selling new Mesa Boogie amps. I wonder with Gibson acquiring them if they will return?

Dogs of Doom

~~~ Moderator ~~~
Staff Member
Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
I haven't been in GC in years...

When I'd go, I'd get lost in the drum/percussion room.

But, they never seem to have what I want/need in store - back then. Whenever I'd buy something, they'd have to buy it online & have it shipped to me...

I mean, if I needed strings/picks, I could get something, but, usually, I wanted/needed something else, & then the sales kids would look at me like I'm an alien, then take them forever to find it online...


Garage Guerrilla
Gold Supporting Member
May 31, 2011
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I-55 Corridor
I scour GC used online all the time .There's a lotta forgotten stuff on there , at least there WAS. Ive mined a lotta cool stuff from them
I got my Epi Coronet off there ,a GREAT score . Ive been searching for a discontinued Orange bass cab forever , imagine my surprise when that sumbich popped up on GC used,for half of what they go for . turns out it was in Nashville (3hr drive) . I called and tried to buy , I got some story about how the card needed to be physically there (?????) I told the dude to put a hold on it then , I'd be there in the morning .
Luckily I got up n out ,hauled ass over there , because someone else tried to buy it as well

I've yet to ever go to a guitar center.

^That's pretty good restraint . I got my 1st good guitar at GC 41 yrs ago and my 1st overdrive the next year , Ive pulled a couple good Marshalls outa GC when/where Marshalls weren't all too popular
.......and a lotta other misc BS

I never spent 3hrs in there though ...10 min maybe . I go in there , scout ....if I see somethin cool ,that I can afford , I pounce and GTFO

I have noticed the used inventories of late have been seriously lacking

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