Growling From My Bedroom Closet?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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What book? The Lemegeton?
I don't recall the title, nor would I post it for public viewing. After the event with my nephew, I rejected all related course of study. I did use tarot to define a specific situation, but that was the end of it.
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Derek S

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Rock Ridge
A water moccasin in the house is a lot scarier than a ghost.:shock:
Hell yeah. And that rascal was mean. We briefly tried to get it out with a broom and an empty 55 gallon plastic garbage can lol (gladiator style using the lid as a shield). The snake was scared obviously and striking at the lid, venom visible as hell. We called animal control for a proper removal.

EDIT: BTW, fun frickin' topic, enjoying reading these unexplained (or eventually explained) stories.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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I believe there is a logical explanation for all things, even if we don't know what we're dealing with.

Spirits - Plasma based life-form.
UFO - Advanced arial surveillance vehicle. Drone. Not effected by gravitational force. May use gravity as a power source. Not necessarily alien in origin. Time displacement. Star of Bethlehem. A wheel within a wheel.
Sasquatch - Continuation of a species inaccurately categorized as extinct. e.g. Neanderthal, Java Man...
Aliens - Extraterrestrial life-form. Engineers. Gods of ancient lore. Travelers in time.
Humans - Result of genetic hybridization. i.e. Intelligent design.
Hexagram - Portal
Pentagram - Barrier
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Kinkless Tetrode

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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A drummer and I once rented a house to jam in as much to live in. We built isolation booths for the drums and guitar cabinets. Weird things happened after that. After awhile our girl friends both said that they didn't like vibes there. Things would fly off the top of fridge for no reason and stuff. Once when we were out in the back yard and my GF thought she heard a little kid crying. I thought I heard it too. I looked up and in the attic window I could clearly see a little girl looking out the window at us with tears streaming down her face. Then it was gone.

Kinkless Tetrode

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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Creepy yet fun OP story. But there's always a logical explanation IMO...doesn't mean you'll ever figure it out though, just means you'll always wonder WTF it was lol.

Me and some buds were shooting the b-ball around many years ago and suddenly a friend of ours that lived across the street came running down his driveway and up the road in his fruit of the looms, yelling all the way lol. Something truly scared the shit out of him in his den. We knew this guy was a goof but this seemed legit. When he calmed down he explained to us what happened. He said that he was in and out of a nap in front of the tv when a couple of the holiday cards on the fireplace mantle moved a little on their own. He ignored it and dozed off again but then they moved some more and one of them gently fell off the edge. He said that was it - he freaked and bolted. So we all went in together and took a closer look at the mantle...a 5' water moccasin was draped across it, just chillin', guess it had come in through the base of the fireplace somehow and was obviously napping for a while too lol.

A friend I knew in collage told me he survived being bitten by one these. He was driving home from a construction job and it was real hot and humid so he decided to take a swim in a bayou. During the swim he felt a tug on his foot and thought nothing of it. After he got out he looked and found the two fang marks on his foot. He jumped in his old Chevy and as fast as he could hauled to the nearest ER, praying all the time that he would make it. He just barely did. He spent two weeks in hospital. His leg swelled up huge and turned color, but they didn't need to take it off.


In Memorandum
Aug 21, 2013
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Old Foothill Farms, Califusa
No explanation but I have lived in two houses that seemed to be inter-dimensional. As a kid the first in town house I lived in was at 1765 Capilano rd. Vancouver B.C.. It was a big Edwardian with three bedrooms upstairs and a finished basement with three additional rooms, a garage and the huge old iron furnace. Every night around 2 am heavy foot steps came up the stairs from the basement, the top floor door would open and close the bathroom door would open and close, the toilet would flush and the steps could be heard retreating from whence they came. A friend of my dad's was down in the basement once, poo-pooing the occurrences when the furnace door, secure by four heavy iron studs and wing nuts flew 10 feet across the room and landed in front of him. At some point in the seventies the house was torn down. It was a music store the last time I was there.
My current casa is a small three bedroom craftsman/ranch style on a 1/4 acre lot. Built around 1949. All of the current residents, including my very agnostic children and son-n-law have seen the same tall middle aged man walk down the bedroom hallway. Out in the back yard, sitting on the patio you will get bumped on the ankle or hanging hand by a cat, only to look and see nothing. Later you are likely to see one or two spectral cats, sometimes only their hind quarters and tails scuttle into the rose bushes. One of my missus'
friends became so disturbed by this phenomenon that she refuse's to visit. That's what I call good spirits.

Trumpet Rider

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2016
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This is a video I made using the vocal track of my recording of “Don’t Fear the Reaper.”

I shot the photo in a cemetery when I was out on my bike one dreary December day a few years ago. I found a mausoleum with a doll sitting in front of the iron doors. I supposed that the doll belonged to someone entombed in the mausoleum, probably a girl who died very young. The doll’s face was bleached white and the clothing was badly faded. As I stood there focusing the camera, about to take the shot, the voice of a little girl behind me said "Don't shoot."

I know it was my imagination, turning the sound of the wind into words, but it still made my heart race and the hairs on my neck stand out.


Well-Known Member
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Mar 9, 2011
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I believe there is a logical explanation for all things, even if we don't know what we're dealing with.

Spirits - Plasma based life-form.
UFO - Advanced arial vehicle, drone. Not effected by gravitational force. May use gravity as a power source. Not necessarily alien in origin. Time displacement. Star of Bethlehem.
Sasquatch - Continuation of species inaccurately categorized as extinct. e.g. Neanderthal, Java Man...
Aliens - Extraterrestrial life-form. Engineers. Gods of ancient lore.
Humans - Result of genetic hybridization.
Hexagram - Portal
Pentagram - Barrier

Have you've heard of Alex Jones? I suspect you may enjoy his work.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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A friend I knew in collage told me he survived being bitten by one these. He was driving home from a construction job and it was real hot and humid so he decided to take a swim in a bayou. During the swim he felt a tug on his foot and thought nothing of it. After he got out he looked and found the two fang marks on his foot. He jumped in his old Chevy and as fast as he could hauled to the nearest ER, praying all the time that he would make it. He just barely did. He spent two weeks in hospital. His leg swelled up huge and turned color, but they didn't need to take it off.
Blows me away that I've never been bitten by one. As many times as I've swam in Florida ponds... We just never thought about it.

I was going-off one day at work about a child that had been killed by a gator. I was like... What kind of dumbass lets their child stroll around the shoreline in Central Florida? The guy I was talking to [Kenny] replied; "Obviously, my ex-wife! That was my daughter." :sick:


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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Have you've heard of Alex Jones? I suspect you may enjoy his work.
I have heard of him. What do his political rantings have to do with anything in this thread? Alex Jones is a demagogue.
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Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Mar 9, 2011
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Sorry, didn't mean to bring anything political here. Just that the list you provided reminded me of him and some of his explanations of reality.

Derek S

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Rock Ridge
A friend I knew in collage told me he survived being bitten by one these. He was driving home from a construction job and it was real hot and humid so he decided to take a swim in a bayou. During the swim he felt a tug on his foot and thought nothing of it. After he got out he looked and found the two fang marks on his foot. He jumped in his old Chevy and as fast as he could hauled to the nearest ER, praying all the time that he would make it. He just barely did. He spent two weeks in hospital. His leg swelled up huge and turned color, but they didn't need to take it off.
He was very lucky (yet unlucky - that had to be excruciating pain :erk:). My sister and brother in law lost their dog to a moccasin bite. She was nosing around their slip where they docked their boat, nobody saw it until it was too late, she got cleanly bit in the hind leg...rushed to the vet but they couldn't save her.

I see snakes from time to time where I trail run, mostly king snakes, but sometimes moccasins - even though they seem uninterested and far enough off the path I get spooked because I can be miles away in the middle of nowhere and tell myself "if I got bit by one, I'm screwed out here" you better believe my eyes always are always peeled towards the ground lol.

As for Fl and gators....oh hell no! I don't think I could walk too closely to wooded areas around water (much less jog) or swim in the lakes.

(I dont think this is FL but just sayin..)



Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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Sorry, didn't mean to bring anything political here. Just that the list you provided reminded me of him and some of his explanations of reality.
That's cool. I'm just tossing-out ideas... Would make for some killer movie scripts, don't you think? Aliens as "engineers" thing has been done. e.g. Prometheus.

I may be wrong, but my instincts identify Alex Jones as an agent provocateur. His sideshow performance on Piers Morgan was as scripted as it gets. Possible motive? To present 2nd Amendment supporters/practitioners as lunatics to a miseducated public.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Crrrrk! Security to post #114... Crrrrk!



Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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No explanation but I have lived in two houses that seemed to be inter-dimensional. As a kid the first in town house I lived in was at 1765 Capilano rd. Vancouver B.C.. It was a big Edwardian with three bedrooms upstairs and a finished basement with three additional rooms, a garage and the huge old iron furnace. Every night around 2 am heavy foot steps came up the stairs from the basement, the top floor door would open and close the bathroom door would open and close, the toilet would flush and the steps could be heard retreating from whence they came. A friend of my dad's was down in the basement once, poo-pooing the occurrences when the furnace door, secure by four heavy iron studs and wing nuts flew 10 feet across the room and landed in front of him. At some point in the seventies the house was torn down. It was a music store the last time I was there.
My current casa is a small three bedroom craftsman/ranch style on a 1/4 acre lot. Built around 1949. All of the current residents, including my very agnostic children and son-n-law have seen the same tall middle aged man walk down the bedroom hallway. Out in the back yard, sitting on the patio you will get bumped on the ankle or hanging hand by a cat, only to look and see nothing. Later you are likely to see one or two spectral cats, sometimes only their hind quarters and tails scuttle into the rose bushes. One of my missus'
friends became so disturbed by this phenomenon that she refuse's to visit. That's what I call good spirits.
That's some crazy stuff, man!
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