Haze 15 problems?

  • Thread starter Larry K
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Aug 11, 2010
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Ontario Canada
Tonight I did a full out rehearsal with the Haze 40 and it worked like a charm. First rehearsal since I got it as our bassist was away on business and holidays for the last month.The other guitarist who is using a Bogner was blown away by the amount of tone The Haze had. In fact I'm pretty sure he's going out tomorrow and grabbing one just to have a smaller rig to lug around. Hands down the whole band was impressed with the Haze. It sat in the mix just perfect and had tons of headroom. The coolest thing was it roared just like an old school Marshall and the lead tones had me smiling the entire time. If your looking for the classic Marshall tone in a small package The Haze is the real deal.


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Apr 29, 2010
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The Haze series is making a lot of people smile.


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Jul 15, 2008
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Thanx for the reply My understanding though I haven't seen one yet, is that the 4 button pedal still will not let you scroll through the effects on the fly. I'll have to check into what you say about putting an extra 16 ohm output in. I'm not a techie so I ask lol. Once again thanx.
Hi Wildriff, glad you are among the few but growing number of us that love the Haze 40. It is indeed a great amp, I'll go as far to say one of the best Marshall has ever made, and one of the best out there period. Part of this is due to the great effects implementation with the 4 button footswitch.

How the 4 button footswitch works is that it allows you to select 3 amp modes (clean, overdrive, and overdrive with boost). Each amp mode can have the reverb and delay effect switched on and off. Also each mode can have different effects levels and settings. So if you select clean, the reverb level and effect level/setting (say chorus) you set up on the amp for clean will be recalled. When you select overdrive, you can have a different reverb level and perhaps delay, this will be recalled by the footswitch. If you have delay on but chorus off in clean, then switch to overdrive, when you switch back to clean your last settings are recalled. All this is extremely handy and works very well in performance.

However you cannot select say clean, and switch from chorus to delay with the 4 button footswitch. That has to be set up on the amp front panel. In hindsight it would not have been too much of a stretch to design the footswitch with more buttons, and have delay/chorus/vibe selectable from the footswitch. But it is still very usable; I don't need to take my pedalboard to gigs if I have the Haze 40 and the 4 button footswitch.

On the Haze series being bad as it is made in India; that is complete crap. It is put together as well as anything Marshall has ever made. But some of the design decisions made by Marshall UK were not optimum (the chassis design magnifies tube microphonics, particle board should not have been used in the cab, component problems causing popping when changing channels). The Haze concept is terrific, and when all the problems are ironed out you have some great gear that looks to the future but is all Marshall in tone.


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Jan 16, 2010
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Does the Haze 15 still hum/buzz when you turn on the effects pot?



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Dec 8, 2010
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I have had my Haze 15 for a few months with zero problems. I play it through either a Blackheart 112 cabinet loaded with Celestion Vintage Greenback G12H or a Randall Isocabinet with a Vintage 30. Both sound awesome. For effects, I use a Boss GT-8. I am wondering if anyone has ventured into the experiment zone of adding an effects loop. I wish Marshall had done it but I am sure it was omitted to reduce cost. I am hoping some electrical engineering genius like Dan Torres comes up with a mod to add the effects loop. The schematic is available for anyone who thinks they can do it. Schematic available at http://forum.metroamp.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=29405
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Apr 29, 2010
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Yes that is the MHZ15 schematic, all 5 pages.
(the guy at that site was asking if it was the official schematic...)

I would be interested also!

Moose Coghill

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Aug 19, 2010
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Moose Hut Studio - Amherst, VA 24521 - USA
The other guitarist who is using a Bogner was blown away by the amount of tone The Haze had.

That's why I bought one. Some folks assumed it was the price; and that it had nothing to do with playing everything I could get my hands on. True - I'm dealing with warranty fixes at the moment; but this will soon pass.

Snagged a great JCM 800 combo... am I selling the Haze 40? No. Got an AB/Y box on the way tho; and a 4x12 for the Haze. Should make a pretty versatile stack. ;)

Enjoy your treasure, brother. :D


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Jan 16, 2010
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FWIW, I played on a Haze 15 at a retail store this last November (2010) and it didn't seem to have the buzz/humm problem. Wasn't in a quiet room, though, so I'm not yet completely convinced the noise wasn't there. I was 600 miles from home, only had the two-seater for transport... and it's not like I really need a new guitar amp (note login name)... so I didn't go the rest of the way with it...



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Jul 24, 2009
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New England
Haze 15: Anybody get a loud humming noise when engaging the OD channel and using a pedalboard (even w/ all pedals off)? Not getting the hum w/ the Normal channel.


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Jan 31, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
Haze 15: Anybody get a loud humming noise when engaging the OD channel and using a pedalboard (even w/ all pedals off)? Not getting the hum w/ the Normal channel.

I do get some hum with my Haze but I don't think any more than other amps I have played with the gain cranked.


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Jan 16, 2010
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Haze 15: Anybody get a loud humming noise when engaging the OD channel and using a pedalboard (even w/ all pedals off)? Not getting the hum w/ the Normal channel.

Ummm... see post #16, this thread.



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Jun 4, 2009
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3rd rock from the Sun
Hi Dawg,

There is a big difference in the gain between the two channels. I think what might be happening is that the noise is generated in the pedal board and so is there all the time, but when you switch channels and get an extra 20dB or more of gain, the noise jumps up by the same amount and becomes noticable.

Some tests you might want to try to see if this is the case.

  1. While playing guitar into the amp, wind back the gain on the OD channel until you get to the point where both clean and OD are clean and the same volume level. You still might hear a little extra hiss on the OD as an extra valve stage is switched in, but it will be relatively small. Then put your pedal board back and listen to see if there is any difference in the noise produced on each channel.
  2. Temporarily, run your pedals from batteries not the mains powered DC adapter. Set the amp up as you normally use it and listen to see if there is hum present.
  3. Check your patch cables. The cheap ones can be quite bad (I know as I have succumbed to their economy wiles before!)

See how you get on. If you want to discuss your set up more, please message me and I'll see if I can help.



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Jul 24, 2010
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Kgs. Lyngby
The Marquee elements play really good.

I opt to disagree.. A nice set of vintage 30 or some old EVM's from a Mesa cab, unless you like to have that "treble rebel".

The only problem I have with the Haze is that it goes from kinda bright to very dark, when switching to the OD channel, even when the "bright" switch is on.. I would say you can mod yourself out of that problem, but I've never looked closer into it (It is my kid brothers amp).


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Dec 28, 2010
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Hi, I'm a new member so please bear with me. :)

I've had my Marshall Haze 15 for 9 months now and so far it has been wonderful. Because I live in a block of flats, I had to be careful with my volume to maintain harmonious relations with my neighbours, which totally sucked cos I couldn't hear its true potential...until I got it modded with a ppimv control. Now, I can max the gain and volume to cook the tubes and still control the overall output. Not only that, I got the same brilliant guy to mod it with an FX loop for my Nova System.

But I just like to ask you guys...as much as I like the onboard OD, I want something to push it further when I go into leads. I've tried a TS-9, Cmatmods Tube Slammer and an MXR GT-OD but so far I have not hit the spot. What would you recommend?


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Interesting information regarding the Haze 15. I have photographed the internals of the Haze 15 and the schematic is available on line also. I wish that I could figure out a way to install an effects loop. Not much room. The amp sounds great though.

Tony P

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Jan 12, 2011
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the great state of NC
well I guess I'll be in the me too category.. I am a Fender guy, several BF and SF amps , I also acquired a JCM 900 50 watt DRHG half stack and love it..Last week I also acquired for an amazing deal a S12 Haze cab and after listening to a bunch of UTube demos on the 15 Head I found one last night for what I think was a very good deal on a used head and pulled the trigger, It should be here by the end of the week. I am not sure I am looking for a gig amp but who knows, between the JCM 900 and the Fender's the gigs are covered, but one never knows...I like what I heard so I am expecting I will like it when it arrives...

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