He's dead, Jim.

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Matthews Guitars

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
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My best friend and amp guru, the man who taught me enough about tube amps to be a competent amp tech, died this morning and I was the first one to see the body.

He'd been in poor health for a while but just this last week he took a turn for the worse, probably from a stroke (undiagnosed but probable) that seemed to have affected his body's ability to regulate his heart rate and blood pressure. He refused to call an ambulance or let anyone call one for him. He was always more stubborn than any mule and he hurt himself by doing that. He was eligible for government benefits that he could not be bothered to apply for, though they would have effectively doubled his income and would have allowed him to live far more comfortably. As it was he lived in his workshop. (Illegally.)

When he did not answer the phone this morning after several tried, I contacted another mutual friend and had her try. Same thing. We both went over to check on him and as luck would have it, his door was unlocked. And there he was, dead and cold in the bed. At least he seems to have died peacfully in his sleep. He was just 65.

He was my best (surviving) friend I had, and we'd known each other since 1985.

His name is Lars Jacobson and he made a small number of amps he made under the WOLF name, but he did not trademark or copyright the name and there are certainly not more than 20 of them in existence.

He lived and worked in Melbourne, Florida.

He died with no heirs, no will, and no next of kin. I know of no surviving family. No doubt there must be somebody but if so the relation ship is distant, beyond cousins.

I've ended up being the informally appointed executor of his "estate", such as it is. Which is a messy shop full of a lot of junk and a few amps that just need to be returned to their owners, even in their current condition.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Rancho Deluxe, Montana..3rd stone from the sun
Sorry to hear, man..RIP for your friend.

When it comes to losing friends, I'm afraid I'm going to find myself in a similar situation very soon.

One of my best friends since high school is in an assisted living facility right now, getting around in a wheelchair..A super nice guy and an absolute natural when it came to music..But his health has been steadily declining for years now, and he has had a number of episodes that has landed him in the hospital.

The latest two have nearly finished him off..But through it all he's kept playing guitar and has been building guitars and tinkering with amps and electronics in his apartment.

We stay in touch by phone, and he told me the other day that he knows his days are numbered, and that he's going soon..But he seems at peace with himself and has a good attitude about it..But that's just him, and that's how he's always been..The quinessential optimist.

One thing's for sure, when he goes the world's going to be losing one of the best human beings I've ever known.
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