Holywood or Hollywood?


Green Beret
VIP Member
Apr 20, 2009
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Oh yeah, totally. Like it fell apart when R Kelly was found to be what I expected all along - a pedo. Like rock music fell apart after there were some high profile arrests. Wake up, quit the clickbait and step into the real world for a change. Negative publicity is what that industry thrives on. If you have a culture where being a violent thug is the epitome of cool, don't expect a few felonies to detract from it. The Friggin' BBC never really even got blasted for the whole Saville ordeal. A sacrificial lamb or two are generally rolled out and business continues as usual.

I'm not an expert, but an old friend of mine was so I've a fair share of exposure. The key, I think, was Dr Dre. He knew how to make catchy loops and beats.

I’m preety sure this is different in scope than R.Kelly. He didn’t have as many bottles of baby oil confiscated. The old guy Clive Peters I think his name is going down too and I think he was the top dog.


Green Beret
VIP Member
Apr 20, 2009
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Some clickbait for PelliX.
Is this when the baby oil comes out?



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Jun 16, 2020
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I may lack some context as I waste little time delving into people's sex lives that do not involve me. The clip you posted shows nothing out of the ordinary to me. He kindly informs the audience that the 'silver platters' are about to come out, as is typical at such events. That's at least what I presume he's referring to. Maybe strippers to go with the coke, too. So far, I don't see any particular problem except the potential use of an illegal but common drug.

With regard to the allegations concerning forced sexual acts and whatnot, I don't really think that you or I have any idea what may or may not have occurred. We're talking about the mainstream media. Believe none of what you hear and only a fraction of what you see. It's all speculation.

Why are you so interested in his perceived sexual perversions? Are you attracted to him on that level?


Green Beret
VIP Member
Apr 20, 2009
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Why are you so interested in his perceived sexual perversions? Are you attracted to him on that level?

You smoke weed and I dont, so you’re always going to view immorality, debauchery and downright culture poisoning as a frolic in the park.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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You smoke weed and I dont, so you’re always going to view immorality, debauchery and downright culture poisoning as a frolic in the park.

That's about the lamest response I could have imagined, but alright. Much like most civilized people who enjoy recreational drugs (that includes harder stuff like alcohol, too), I'm sober throughout most of the day. Certainly you wouldn't accuse someone who drinks a beer after dinner as someone who views immorality as a frolic in the park? Your lack of comprehension of the effects of the herb surprise me. I've asked you this before, yet you dodged the question, have you ever consumed it? The notion that an individual lacks a moral compass due to their consumption of cannabis is, dare I say, idiotic.

Now, as you're once again avoided my question, allow me to re-phrase it in a way that may be more appealing to you; are you concerned with this man's sex life? Do you envy his lifestyle, fortune or fame? Do you, and I mean this fairly sincerely, have nothing of more substance to discuss?


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
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For the thread and its originator, we have bigger issues at this time. WGAF about this azzhole. Pick either one.


Green Beret
VIP Member
Apr 20, 2009
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For the thread and its originator, we have bigger issues at this time. WGAF about this azzhole. Pick either one.

Hiding these criminals like Diddy is a problem. He was the cancer that ruined many lives. You would be surprised how much society heals when Diddy and Co are stopped.
You say WGAF like many others who turned a blind eye. You and PelliX are as responsible as the next guy.


Green Beret
VIP Member
Apr 20, 2009
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That's about the lamest response I could have imagined, but alright. Much like most civilized people who enjoy recreational drugs (that includes harder stuff like alcohol, too), I'm sober throughout most of the day. Certainly you wouldn't accuse someone who drinks a beer after dinner as someone who views immorality as a frolic in the park? Your lack of comprehension of the effects of the herb surprise me. I've asked you this before, yet you dodged the question, have you ever consumed it? The notion that an individual lacks a moral compass due to their consumption of cannabis is, dare I say, idiotic.

Now, as you're once again avoided my question, allow me to re-phrase it in a way that may be more appealing to you; are you concerned with this man's sex life? Do you envy his lifestyle, fortune or fame? Do you, and I mean this fairly sincerely, have nothing of more substance to discuss?

To a person like you FREEDOM is being free to take drugs and watch the world unravel while you blame the next guy for not having done anything.
I will guarantee that it wont be long before your so called freedom will be taken away from you and the possession of drugs will once again be a crime.

I am watching from afar and every new name that comes up for the chopping block gives me much delight because thats one less cancer cell allowed free reign to eat away at the foundations of society.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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To a person like you FREEDOM is being free to take drugs and watch the world unravel while you blame the next guy for not having done anything.

That could hardly be further from the truth. If believe very strongly in personal liberty, individualism, 'freedom' for lack of a better blanket term, and that includes consuming cannabis or alcohol, etc. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions and have done since I was quite young. You're ill advised to judge me for you do not know me and certainly to insinuate an indifference toward others.

I will guarantee that it wont be long before your so called freedom will be taken away from you and the possession of drugs will once again be a crime.

I'm in Holland. D'ya think? :coffee:


Green Beret
VIP Member
Apr 20, 2009
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That could hardly be further from the truth. If believe very strongly in personal liberty, individualism, 'freedom' for lack of a better blanket term, and that includes consuming cannabis or alcohol, etc. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions and have done since I was quite young. You're ill advised to judge me for you do not know me and certainly to insinuate an indifference toward others.

I'm in Holland. D'ya think? :coffee:

That leaves a lot to be desired.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
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Hiding these criminals like Diddy is a problem. He was the cancer that ruined many lives. You would be surprised how much society heals when Diddy and Co are stopped.
You say WGAF like many others who turned a blind eye. You and PelliX are as responsible as the next guy.I didnt hang with the
I never hanged with the scum, never went to his parties, nor do I advocate what he has done. Still do not GAF! Understand. I have nothing to do with turning a blind eye. What a tool. Ignore option again.
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Green Beret
VIP Member
Apr 20, 2009
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I never hanged with the scum, never went to his parties, not do I advocate what he has done. Still do not GAF! Understand. I have nothing to do with turning a blind eye. What a tool. Ignore option again.

Well keep on not giving a fvk and we who do GAF will hold the fort. But when the world begins to run like a well oiled machine and you come back for milk and honey we may or may not open the door for you.

btw: it seems that we have similar views in relation to P Diddy so I’m a bit confused by your wrath towards me.


Green Beret
VIP Member
Apr 20, 2009
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I guess your priorities in the world are not aligned with most of ours.

In a less garbled way your statement is “ I guess your priorities in the world are not aligned with our barbaric way of life”.



Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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In a less garbled way your statement is “ I guess your priorities in the world are not aligned with our barbaric way of life”.


It's rather disappointing to see you make yet another unfounded and vaguely insulting insinuation, all the while dodging every single question. Read the room. You're just making a fool out of yourself.

I guess I shouldn't blame the clown for being a clown, but rather ask myself why I came to the circus.


Green Beret
VIP Member
Apr 20, 2009
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It's rather disappointing to see you make yet another unfounded and vaguely insulting insinuation, all the while dodging every single question. Read the room.

Amongst barbarians you are right. I’m going to give you that.
P Diddy is a barbarian. It’s a shame his music videos are done so well as to be able to lure and influence lost souls to bash their keels on the rocks.

Your group that tries to silence and ridicule the vital people of earth falls on deaf ears.

You’re stoned thus can only refute with slow reflexes and I can never expect other than your moth-eaten cliche’ to pollute my threads.
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