House broken into..Damn!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Rancho Deluxe, Montana..3rd stone from the sun
Last Sunday my daughter and her hubby was out for a visit, and we all went dogsledding..GREAT day! :D

When we got back home there was an urgent message from our real estate agent back in N.C., our house back there has been for sale and we have struck a deal with a young couple that is supposed to close next week.

Well, the young couple, who are very excited about buying their first house went up to the property Sunday just to look things over and plan for the moving-in, and when they got there some LOWLIFE SCUMBAG had driven up there, dumped several nasty old recliners and an old mattress in the yard, then had broken into the house..:mad:

The first thing I though was "The azzholes went in and stripped the wiring!" But no, one of my other daughters met the cops up there, they went in and checked things out and apparently the douchbags hadn't bothered anything. And the house was otherwise empty, so there was nothing to steal..Oh wait, they did steal the pool cover that was rolled up outside! :facepalm:

They must have used a big sledgehammer or a godevil to bust open a panel in the door in order to unlock it. Sooo, I had to take a day off from work on Monday, get the door fixed and the garbage hauled off over the phone, long distance. Fortunately I have some good friends and family back there and now the place has a new door, although it cost me around $200.00 and my buddies a couple of hours of their time to fix it.

I'm hoping this don't cause the people to back out of the deal, it's really a nice neighborhood back there but there is a crappy area a few miles away so the scumbags probably came from there. We have a chain to block the drive with but hadn't been using it since we were trying to sell the place, but the chain is up now!

If I had had a genie offer me a wish I would first wish for:

One hundred million bucks and another wish.

Then to have the scumbags in front of me, with me holding a shotgun on them while waiting on the cops to get there! :naughty:

F*ckin' creeps..:realmad:


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Apr 29, 2010
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Here ya go...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Rancho Deluxe, Montana..3rd stone from the sun
Yup, I never let anyone know when I'm not going to be home, I never give out my address but to folks I trust and I don't do FB, but the house back there has been empty since august, with a for sale sign at the bottom of the drive and no lights on at night. I can't be both here and there at the same time!

In all likelihood this wasn't anything planned by anyone searching the internet, the kind of scum that do sh*t like this probably don't have the intelligence to run a computer anyhoo. The azzhats were probably riding around with the garbage in the back of their pickup truck and decided an unoccupied house with a long drive was a good place to dump it, rather than go to the trouble of driving to the dump and paying a few bucks. The break-in was an afterthought. At least that's what the cops think, and I'm inclined to agree with them.

My main concern is thieves stripping the wiring and plumbing, but if the deal goes through it's no longer our problem. The closing was actually supposed to happen before Christmas, but the lenders and the lawyers have been dragging their feet as usual. Then the holidays came and everybody was on vacation. If they had been able to move in when they were supposed to, this most likely would never have happened. We lived there for 16 years and never had a problem.

Anyhoo, sorry to bother y'all with this, I just needed to vent a little.
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Nov 19, 2010
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similar thing happened to a friend of mine. house for sale, found a buyer, he swung by to check on the place and most of the copper plumbing had been stripped out of the basement.

neighbors saw a van there a couple times, didn't think anything of it....


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Minneapolis, MN
That sucks man. Like you said, at least they didn't rip out the copper. When the real estate market went to shit here, the dumb asses took the gas lines too. That lead to a few explosions. Just too bad they weren't still in the house. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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I hear the president is accepting responsibility for this attack at you're old place.
He's stepping down and won't be contesting the next election.

HOW about that for swift action from the top leader. ?

I feel good! do you feel good?

The past and the future all effect the present.
SO maybe in the future you accuire a shipment of copper wiring and you're able to comeback and restore all the copper and wiring in your house before you realise it in 2015. SO you was the guy who put it all back. but maybe you need some money in the future and YOU stole all the furniture and the whole in the door and you had to sleep in the street drain on some matteresess and you left them at your place in the cold and rainny night. Soon you'll go on a journey looking for Pirate treasure in the bahharmmers and you'll come across a boat full of copper wiring with nobody onboard and in international waters. ;) so it's all yours! :)

who knows what's happened? :) going to happen.

Bear R.

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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N.E. Arizona
Man, Im so sorry to hear that..dumping garbage what the f%$#@..that's just total disrespect..they will pay and prob.already are..I hope they did it some where's else and got caught..well, I hope it sells and im sure it will..take care and God Bless ya man...Barry


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Rancho Deluxe, Montana..3rd stone from the sun
I hear the president is accepting responsibility for this attack at you're old place.
He's stepping down and won't be contesting the next election.

HOW about that for swift action from the top leader. ?

I feel good! do you feel good?

The past and the future all effect the present.
SO maybe in the future you accuire a shipment of copper wiring and you're able to comeback and restore all the copper and wiring in your house before you realise it in 2015. SO you was the guy who put it all back. but maybe you need some money in the future and YOU stole all the furniture and the whole in the door and you had to sleep in the street drain on some matteresess and you left them at your place in the cold and rainny night. Soon you'll go on a journey looking for Pirate treasure in the bahharmmers and you'll come across a boat full of copper wiring with nobody onboard and in international waters. ;) so it's all yours! :)

who knows what's happened? :) going to happen.

:wallbash: :lol: :wallbash: :lol:

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